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Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR)
Completion of developmental steps and certification. - 1952.232

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• Part Number: 1952
• Part Title: Approved State Plans for Enforcement of State Standards
• Subpart: Q
• Subpart Title: Kentucky
• Standard Number: 1952.232
• Title: Completion of developmental steps and certification.


In accordance with the requirements of 1952.10 the Kentucky Safety and Health Poster for private and public employees was approved by the Assistant Secretary on May 20, 1976.


Amendments in the Kentucky enabling legislation were enacted to include (1) a division of occupational safety and health compliance and a division of education and training (KRS 333.153(a)) and (2) authority and procedures for granting temporary variances. Penalties for willful violations causing death of an employee are covered under KRS chapters 434, 503 and 534.


An amended Kentucky Administrative Procedure Act (KRS-Chapter 13) provides procedures for promulgation of standards and administrative regulations including emergency temporary standards.



Kentucky regulations governing recordkeeping and reporting (parallel to the Federal 29 CFR Part 1904), inspections, citations, proposed penalties (parallel to the Federal 29 CFR Part 1903) and variances (parallel to the Federal 29 CFR Part 1905) were initially approved with the State plan on July 31, 1973. These regulations were expanded to provide for (1) penalties for failure to correct violations; (2) mandatory penalties for failure to post a citation; (3) procedures for petition for modification of abatement dates and (4) procedures for granting temporary variances. In addition, Kentucky adopted regulations pertaining to employee access to information on exposure to toxic materials or harmful physical agents.


A manual Management Information System was implemented in July, 1975, and converted to an automated system in July, 1977.


The personnel operations of the Kentucky Department of Labor and the servicing merit system agency have been found to be in substantial conformity with the "Standards for a Merit System of Personnel Administration" by letter of the Secretary of Labor dated May 17, 1977. In addition a Kentucky Department of Labor affirmative action plan to promote equal employment opportunity has been judged acceptable by the Regional Office of Personnel Management by letter dated February 12, 1979.


Kentucky revised regulations governing the operation of the Kentucky Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission were promulgated in December, 1975.


A revised Kentucky Compliance Manual was initially submitted in July, 1976, and subsequently amended in response to Federal comment to reflect changes in Federal procedures through December 20, 1976.


By executive orders 74-374 and 77-573 dated May 15, 1974, and June 30, 1977, respectively, the Governor of Kentucky made the following changes in the organization of the Kentucky Occupational Safety and Health Program:



All occupational health functions except laboratory services were transferred from Kentucky Department of Human Resources to the Kentucky Department of Labor.


Responsibilities for coverage of employees of public utilities were transferred from the Kentucky Public Service Commission to the Kentucky Department of Labor.


A Kentucky Public Employee plan has been adopted by the State.


In accordance with 1902.34 of this chapter, the Kentucky occupational safety and health plan received certification, effective February 8, 1980, as having completed all developmental steps specified in its plan & approved on July 31, 1973, on or before July 31, 1976. This certification attests to structural completion, but does not render judgment on adequacy of performance.

[41 FR 21774, May 28, 1976, as amended at 41 FR 34252, Aug. 13, 1976; 45 FR 8596, 8598, Feb. 8, 1980. Redesignated at 50 FR 24896, June 13, 1985]

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