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4.10.12  Frivolous Return Program (Cont. 1) 
Case Processing  (11-09-2007)
BMF Return/Claim Filings

  1. Screen new BMF returns and claims to determine if frivolous within two business days of IRS received date.


    BMF returns require expedite handling to reduce interest on legitimate refunds.

  2. Review receipts for:

    • potential promoter/preparer investigation referrals

    • appearance of entity change to that of an ATAT promoter/preparer


      Do not change entity. Add new address to FRP Master as an alternate address.

    • legitimate issues or information that should be processed appropriately

    • relevant case controls, T-signs, freezes, and/or histories that may affect processing and coordinate as appropriate

  3. Ensure all actions taken on each case are thoroughly documented on FRP Master and that all control bases are updated appropriately.  (11-09-2007)
Identifying Frivolous BMF Filings

  1. Determine if frivolous by considering all sources of information including information derived from compliance checks. Note that recommended screening does not preclude the use of professional judgment in determining what Case Building research should be performed or in making the determination to survey, accept, or select for audit.

  2. Conduct compliance check by researching IDRS command codes as follows:

    1. Research BMFOLE to determine filing requirements.

    2. Research BMFOLI to determine which tax periods have been satisfied.

    3. Research BMFOLU – This can be pulled by calendar year, however it is generally not available for a particular year until approximately September following the calendar year end. This command code will provide the number of employees reported on the Forms 941 for that year, the number of Forms W-2 filed by the taxpayer, as well as the detail of the wages paid by the taxpayer during that year (gross wages, taxable, etc).. This will assist the classifier in determining if wages have in fact decreased from prior years or not.


      Often in the case of an IRC section 861 case, you will not see a taxpayer gradually reducing their wages but rather reducing them to zero.

    4. Research BMFOL (T) & (R) – These two command codes should be used for any quarter or year where the BMFOL (U) is not available yet. Combined, these two command codes will provide the wage amounts and the taxes paid each quarter.

    5. Research BRTVU or RTVUE – One of these command codes could be used (depending on whether the taxpayer is self-employed or another form of entity) to compare the wages shown on the Forms 941 versus what is claimed on the income tax return (Forms 1040-schedule C, 1120, 1120S or 1065). This can also identify other potential employment tax issues on the return such as lack of corporate officer wages resulting in incorrect treatment of payments made as dividend or capital gain distributions.

    6. Research PMFOL – This can be used to see if the taxpayer has filed any Forms 1099. This information can be used to determine if the taxpayer may not be espousing the IRC section 861 argument but rather shifting the amounts paid from wages to independent contractor payments.

    7. Research IRPTR – In the case of a corporation, this can be used for the corporate officer(s) to review the Forms W-2 to identify whether any of the payers have names similar to the return in question. This may indicate a name change for the entity which might explain the difference in wages reported.

  3. Note that the satisfaction of all filing requirements does not necessarily indicate a non-frivolous filing. Other criteria should be considered such as potential for stop-filer and appearance that business is an ongoing entity.

  4. Consider filing as potentially frivolous if it contains questionable positions that are not currently recognized as frivolous by a Counsel opinion or advice. These could include:

    • Citations to the IRC or other laws

    • attachments or write-ins on the filing negating the validity of the tax assessment

  5. Any new argument not included in the IRM list of frivolous arguments should be coordinated through FRP chain of command for potential referral to Counsel.

  6. Consider filing frivolous if return includes:

    • recognized frivolous argument(s)

    • citations to the IRC or other laws to substantiate eliminating a tax liability or requesting a refund

  7. Consider filing as non-frivolous if return includes:

    1. no appearance of frivolous argument, and

    2. dollar amounts are in line with compliance check indicators, and

    3. filing requirements are satisfied.

  8. Consider filing questionable and refer to Campus Exam Classifier for disposition if return includes:

    • zero tax

    • expenses match income  (11-09-2007)
Potentially Frivolous Filings

  1. Potentially frivolous filings or those that do not fall under existing processing guidance should be worked as follows:

    1. Elevate through chain of command to HQ Exam Policy Program Analyst for coordination with HQ ATAT Program Analyst responsible for BMF filings for appropriate action. Determination should be made whether to treat filing as frivolous and/or any special processing requirements.

    2. Ensure coordination is made with HQ Exam Policy, HQ AT and Chief Counsel to obtain counsel opinion or advice that filing type is frivolous.

    3. Ensure appropriate areas are contacted to educate Service employees of new argument. See IRM, Coordination with Program Stakeholders.

    4. If unable to determine whether frivolous within two business days, return to Submission Processing for timely processing and refund issuance with instructions to refer case back to Exam FRP for potential audit.

    5. Ensure return is processed as filed . Refer to instructions for frivolous filing below with the exception that any refund should be issued to avoid paying additional interest. Do not include Computer Condition Code (CCC) "X" on Form 4227.

  2. Suspense case until determination is made by HQ Exam Policy.  (11-09-2007)
Frivolous Filings

  1. If filing does not meet criteria for specialized processing provided in, Specialized BMF Processing, but has been determined to be frivolous, work as follows:

  2. Select for audit returns citing recognized or potentially frivolous arguments and TC150 is zero.

  3. Consider for audit accounts with unsatisfied filing requirements.

  4. All BMF filings selected for audit should be routed via Form 3210 to the appropriate Campus Case Building group for processing.

  5. When routing to Case Building, ensure all pertinent materials are included that support the filing is frivolous such as Counsel opinions, Issue Management Team guidance, etc.

  6. Returns should be processed if possible. Form 4227 should be used to advise Rejects of appropriate return processing including freezing refund with CCC "X" and returning filing to FRP. Action Code 440 should be used to cause the return to reject.

  7. Filings selected for audit should be processed as follows:

    Return has been processed: Route to Case Building.
    Return has not been processed and is processable: Send to Receipt & Control (R&C) for processing ensuring refund is not issued.
    1. Attach Form 4227 and check "Reject Correction" box.

    2. Check "Other Activity" box and enter "Attention Lead" .

    3. Check "Other" box and enter CCC "X" , 440 - Do not allow refund. When completed return to FRP M/S 4450.

    4. Include in "Name-Unit" box FRP M/S 4450.

  8. When returns are returned from Rejects, route to Case Building.

  9. Close case controls, update FRP Master and count out of inventory.  (11-09-2007)
Non-frivolous Filings

  1. If filings are not selected for audit as frivolous or any other Exam criteria, the taxpayer's return should be accepted as filed.

  2. If return was processed, input TC290 for .00, attaching Adjustment Form 301 to the return and closing all control bases.

  3. If return was not processed, return to Receipt and Control for regular processing. Stamp upper left corner of return, "FRP" to ensure it is not returned.  (11-09-2007)
Questionable Filings

  1. Returns may be deemed non-frivolous but may still require classification for other Exam criteria. If questionable items appear on filing, route to Campus Exam Classifier for disposition.  (11-09-2007)
Specialized BMF Processing

  1. Some frivolous filings rise to level of having Issue Management Teams (IMT) created to resolve their processing. The teams may create specialized processing for the particular Abusive Tax Avoidance Transaction (ATAT) scheme which could deviate from general BMF return/claim processing and are listed below.

  2. New issues associated with BMF filings should be elevated through chain of command to HQ Exam Policy for coordination with the appropriate HQ BMF form analyst and AT.  (11-09-2007)
Forms 94X, Employment Tax Returns Processing

  1. A common frivolous argument on employment tax returns is the CFR/ IRC 861 scheme. This argument targets employers and advises them that wages are exempt from withholding. Employers participating in the IRC 861 scheme often file returns to amend all prior tax returns reflecting no tax liability and requesting refunds of some or all taxes previously reported (see IRM Submission Processing will pull Forms 941 showing no tax and requesting refund of withholding. Submission Processing may also refer Forms 941c during initial screening of incoming returns.

  2. Consider for audit returns claiming no wages paid and requesting a refund of Federal Tax Deposits (FTD) or credits previously paid and work as follows:

    1. Conduct compliance check.

    2. Research for subsequent periods filed. If the taxpayer filed subsequent quarterly returns, then it is very likely that the case is NOT a "true" IRC section 861 return since the taxpayer has not stopped filing and has not withdrawn from the system.

    3. If BRTVU shows the employer filed Form 1120 and claimed a deduction for wages paid, the employer should be filing Form 941 to report any employment tax due on those wages. If the employer did not file Forms 941 for this time period or filed Forms 941 showing zero wages and the deposits were refunded to him, the employer may be involved in the 861 scheme.

    4. Select for audit if the return is requesting a refund with a statement similar to "not liable for tax under section 861" written any where on the return or attachments.

    5. Consider surveying any return with a copy of a notice to the taxpayer from IRS attached requesting the taxpayer file a zero tax return in order to claim refund of an FTD or credit that was previously posted to the account with no return filed.

    6. Consider surveying any return for earlier quarters in an entity’s existence where the taxpayer states they paid no wages but where IDRS research of more recent quarters shows a consistent pattern of filing employment tax returns and paying tax.

    7. Consider surveying Forms 941 if overpayment box "Applied to next return" is checked.

  3. Returns not selected for audit should be routed to appropriate area for processing.

  4. Returns selected for audit should be worked as follows:

    Return has been processed: Send Letter 3455(CG). History TXMOD that letter has been sent. Suspense case for 60 days.
    Return has not been processed:
    1. If employer has indicated return is a final return, circle out in red ink.

    2. Attach Form 4227 and check "Reject Correction" box.

    3. Check"Other Activity" box and enter "Attention Lead" .

    4. Check "Other" box and enter CCC "X" , 440, Do not allow refund. When completed return to FRP M/S 4450.

    5. Include in "Name-Unit" box FRP M/S 4450.

    6. Send Letter 3455(CG).

    7. Input history on TXMOD that letter has been sent.

    8. Suspense for 60 days.

  5. If taxpayer responds or suspense period expires:

    • IF THEN
      Response substantiates return is not frivolous: Accept as filed. Input TC290 .00 with blocking 00 for original and 18 for copy. Attach Form 301. File return with brown gusset folder and completed Employee Source Document Label, Form 10550.
      Response substantiates return is frivolous or no response is received: Route to Case Building with completed Special Procedures Referral Letter.  (11-09-2007)
Deficiency Procedures

  1. Deficiency procedures should be used to assess tax on frivolous filers. Valid, Frivolous Return filers require audit deficiency procedures and Invalid, Frivolous Return filers require SFR procedures.  (11-09-2007)
Audit Deficiency Procedures

  1. Audit deficiency procedures for Valid, Frivolous Returns should be used for frivolous filers for whom compliance check reveals income information is available to substantiate a significant income tax liability. Using Information Return Program (IRP) documents submitted by payers or other internally available information, compute tax, interest, and penalties for non-filed years. Cases will be processed by the Campus if IRP documents support tax assessments or by the area offices if they meet criteria for referral.

  2. Once it has been determined that a case should be forwarded for Statutory Notice Of Deficiency (SNOD) issuance, the tax technician should ensure all necessary IDRS command codes are researched to verify and secure the taxpayer's last known address and any POA information. All cross-reference taxpayer accounts should also be researched.

  3. The Tax Examiner should review the report to ensure all issues are included and correct tax/penalty computation amounts are indicated on the report including funds received resulting from a refund issued on a frivolous filing. Fraudulently claimed excessive credits received by the taxpayer constitute an accretion of wealth over which the taxpayer exercised control; hence, it is income under IRC section 61.

  4. Ensure that an original statutory notice is provided to both spouses in the event of a divorce, including their separate POAs if applicable

  5. Process as follows:

    1. Establish cases on AIMS with source code 20, Regular Classification, and special project code as appropriate.

    2. Follow established procedures for IDRS input, AIMS establishment, RGS input, report preparation, and responses (See IRM 4.19.13, General Case Development and Resolution).

    3. Frivolous responses to both the initial deficiency proposal (30 day letter) and the Statutory Notice Of Deficiency (SNOD - 90 day letter) do not require association with the case unless they impact the assessment.

    4. Complete Form 5600 ensuring all necessary information is present.

    5. Review case to determine if a "Hand-type" notice is required. If so, notate "Hand-type" on Form 5600 and indicate this on the case history sheet.

    6. Assemble the 90-day package and update the case history sheet, RGS, AIMS, FRP Master Daily, case folder, and IDRS control to "Send 90-Days," ensuring Form 5344 includes correct collectability codes and any other appropriate codes.

    7. Forward case for Statutory Notice issuance.

    8. Update inventory record with closure when cases enter agreed, filed good return, or 90 day status.

    9. Close case controls.  (11-09-2007)
Substitute for Return Procedures for Frivolous Non-filers

  1. Substitute for Return Procedures for Frivolous Non-filers (SFR) should be used for frivolous non-filers for whom compliance check reveals income information is available to substantiate a significant income tax liability. Using IRP documents submitted by payers or other internally available information, compute tax, interest, and penalties for non-filed years. Cases will be processed by the campus if IRP documents support tax assessments or by the area offices if they meet criteria for referral.

  2. Once it has been determined that a case should be forwarded for SNOD issuance, the tax technician should ensure all necessary IDRS command codes are researched to verify and secure the taxpayer's last known address and any POA information. All cross-reference taxpayer accounts should also be researched.

  3. The Tax Examiner should review the report to ensure all issues are included and correct tax/penalty computation amounts are indicated on the report.

  4. Ensure that an original statutory notice is provided to both spouses in the event of a divorce, including their separate POAs if applicable

  5. Process as follows:

    1. Establish case on AIMS with source code 24, Nonfiler, special project code as appropriate.

    2. Follow established procedures for IDRS input, AIMS establishment, RGS input, report preparation, and responses (see IRM 4.19.13, "General Case Development and Resolution" ).

    3. Frivolous responses to both the initial deficiency proposal (30 day letter) and the Statutory Notice of Deficiency (90 day letter) do not require association with the case unless they impact assessment.

    4. Complete Form 5600 ensuring all necessary information is present.

    5. Review case to determine if a "Hand-type" notice is required. If so, notate "Hand-type" on Form 5600 and indicate this on the case history sheet.

    6. Assemble the 90-day package and update the case history sheet, RGS, AIMS, FRP Master Daily, case folder, and IDRS control to "Send 90-Days," ensuring Form 5344 includes correct collectability codes and any other appropriate codes.

    7. Forward case for Statutory Notice issuance.

    8. Update inventory record with closure when cases enter agreed, filed good return, or 90 day status.

    9. Close case controls.  (11-09-2007)
Case File Assembly

  1. All Examination case file folders for in-process cases will be assembled in the following order:

    • Form 3198, stapled to inside left of folder

    • Labels (if any)

    • Letters and enclosures waiting to be sent to the taxpayer

    • Form 5600 for those cases going 90 days but not through the Batch Process

    • History Sheet

    • File copies of correspondence in most recent date order

    • Workpapers

    • IDRS prints, research, any needed miscellaneous information

    • Form 6754, Classification Checksheet

    • Form 13496, IRC section 6020B Certification

    • RTVUE, original print, amended return, or copy of return

    • Form 5546 or current AMDIS print

  2. All cases not going through Batch Processing and requiring manual closure will be assembled in the following order:

    • Form 3198

    • Labels (if any)

    • Letters and enclosures to be sent to the taxpayer

    • History Sheet

    • No Change letter, when applicable

    • Closing examination report

    • Closing document with signature/agreement

    • File copies of correspondence in most recent date order

    • Examination workpapers

    • IDRS prints, research, any miscellaneous information needed

    • Form 6754, Classification Checksheet

    • RTVUE, original return, amended return, or copy of return

    • Form 5546 or current AMDIS print

  3. When applicable, Form 895, Notice of Statute Expiration, should be placed on the top of all other documents.

  4. Remove extraneous material such as routing slips, excess prints, etc.

  5. Indicate closing action code and time on outside of case folder. Ensure FRP Master Daily is updated appropriately for FRP cases.

  6. 90-day notices should never be voided. If the 90-day notice is no longer valid, attach a note to indicate "Void, Do Not Assess." If the 90-day notice is valid but the report has been revised, attach a note to the 90-day notice to indicate "Do Not Assess."

  7. See also IRM, Case Assembly.  (11-09-2007)

  1. Refer to IRM, for additional information on unpostable conditions and procedures.  (11-09-2007)
Erroneous Refunds

  1. See IRM 21.4.5, Erroneous Refunds, IRM, Erroneous Refunds, and IRM, Questionable Refund Program (QRP), for additional information.

  2. All refunds, resulting from frivolous filings, should be reported to the FRP Senior Technical Advisor by providing a copy of the front and back of the return and any internal forms (e.g., Form 4227) that might show how the return was processed. This information is necessary to determine which office allowed the refund.

    1. All FRP employees should enter erroneous refund information to FRP Master by selecting action code "ASSIGN/ERR REF" and, after the prompt, the amount of the erroneous refund, the first two digits of the TC 846 DLN, and the cycle the refund was issued.

    2. FRP Master Erroneous Refund Reports shall be generated weekly (less often if no new refunds are identified) by the FRP Analyst. The report should include the taxpayer name, SSN, amount of refund and cycle issued, argument code, Campus location that processed the refund, and the area or process that allowed the refund. Send the report to Ogden Compliance Services Planning & Analysis (P&A) Analyst, Campus Exam Policy Analyst, FRP Senior Technical Advisor, and FRP Technical Advisor.

    3. The P&A Analyst shall provide the Erroneous Refund Report to the appropriate Service office that allowed the refund, with a reply requested timeframe of one week. The request shall include What IRM guidance provides for the processing that allowed this refund?, Was IRM guidance properly followed in processing this refund?, Is there a need for an IRM revision to prevent additional erroneous refunds?, and Is there a need for additional or revised training to prevent additional erroneous refunds?.

    4. If no response is received after one week, one follow-up should be attempted. If no response is received to the follow-up, elevate request to HQ CRC.

    5. If response from accountable Campus does not resolve the processing error that allowed the refund, elevate the report to the SB/SE HQ CRC Policy Analyst for resolution.

    6. SB/SE HQ CRC Policy Analyst will report back to Ogden Compliance Services P&A Analyst with final disposition. Disposition shall include resolution to processing error(s) that caused the refund, follow-up actions required of Ogden P&A and/or Ogden FRP Technical Advisors for review and approval.

  3. This section provides information on erroneous refunds resulting from frivolous filings. They commonly fall under one of two types - taxpayer claims for illegal credits and/or taxpayer claims understating tax liability.

  4. Every effort should be taken to avoid the issuance of a refund based on the filing of a frivolous return. However, when such filings result in erroneous refunds to taxpayers, the Service has several options available to recover these refunds.

  5. If an erroneous refund is identified prior to systemic generation of check or direct deposit, NOREF processing should be utilized to prevent issuance.

  6. If an erroneous refund is identified within sufficient time to recover payment at financial institution or post office or solicit voluntary repayment from taxpayer but outside the NOREF processing timeframes, intercept procedures should be utilized.

  7. If an erroneous refund is identified after cycle cutoff, the Service has three options in which to recover:

    • Mathematical or Clerical Error

    • Statutory Notice of Deficiency

    • Erroneous Refund Litigation  (11-09-2007)
NOREF Processing

  1. Note:

    It is critical that the following actions be taken during the appropriate cycle. The command code must be input by Wednesday morning @ 10:30 local time for the campus issuing the refund unless the refund is a direct deposit. In order to stop a generated refund, determination must be made as to which campus is actually issuing the check or direct deposit refund. At the time of the refund, the DLN of the TC846 is the controlling DLN on the account. This may or may not be the same DLN as the transaction causing the overpayment.

  2. Acronyms for NOREF Processing are: CLC=Collection Location Code; ULC=Universal Location Code (first two digits of the Primary Location Code); FLC=File Location Code (first two digits of the DLN).

  3. Process as follows:

    IF: THEN: Procedures:
    First two digits of the ULC of the primary location codeis 66 or 98, Contact Philadelphia Notice Review --no exceptions.  
    First two digits or the ULC of the primary location code is not66 or 98, Determine the Master File status of the account prior to the TC 846 and,  
    If the MF status of the account prior to the TC 846 was 22, 24, 26 or 60 (TDA status,) The CLC determines the campus. Check CC TXMODA or ENMOD for Collection-LOC>. It will only be present if applicable and will be found directly under the Primary-LOC>.
      If there is not a CLC, the first two digits of the ULC of the Primary Location Code will determine the campus.  
    The Master File status of the account prior to the TC 846 was not 22, 24, 26 or 60, The first two digits or the FLC of the DLN of the TC 846 will determine the campus.  

  4. Determine the W&I campus by the Collection location code or the universal location codes.

    CLC Area Office ULC Values W&I Campus
    11 01,02,03,04,05,06,11,13,14,16 08-Andover
    12 22,23,25,51,52,54,56,57,78 07–Atlanta
    13 58,59,62,63,64,65,71,72 18–Austin
    14 31,34,35,36,37,38,39,55,61 09–Kansas City
    15 41,42,43,45,46,47,48,73,74,75,76 18–Austin
    16 81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,91,92,93,99 89–Fresno
    17 33,68,77,94,95 89–Fresno

  5. Determine the SB/SE campus by the Collection location code or the universal location codes.

    CLC Area Office ULC Values SB/SE Campus
    21 01,02,04,05,06 19–Brookhaven
    22 11,13,14,16 19–Brookhaven
    23 22,23,25 28–Philadelphia
    24 51,52,54,56,57,78 28–Philadelphia
    25 59,65 49–Memphis
    26 31,34,38,55,61 17–Cincinnati
    27 35,36,37,39 17–Cincinnati
    28 58,62,63,64,71,72 49–Memphis
    29 41,42,43,45,46,47,48 17–Cincinnati
    30 73,74,75,76 49–Memphis
    31 81,83,84,85,86,87,88 29–Ogden
    32 82,91,92,93,99 29–Ogden
    33 68,77,94 29–Ogden
    34 33 29–Ogden
    35 Puerto Rico (66); International (98) 28–Philadelphia
    36 95 29–Ogden

  6. If paper check is being issued, use the table above to determine appropriate campus to input CC:NOREF. Access appropriate campus using CC:CMODE and the corresponding campus' acronym as follows: Andover--AN, Atlanta--AT, Austin--AU, Brookhaven--BR, Cincinnati--CI, Fresno--FR, Kansas City--KC, Memphis--ME and Philadelphia PH. Input CC:NOREF as follows: (Paper Check).

  7. CC:NOREF/NOREFE posts with all 5's in the DLN (blocking series, etc). This input creates a P freeze and a TC841 posts on the module. It does not post for up to four weeks after the input of the CC:NOREF. TC841 with all 9's in the DLN (blocking series, etc). means the check was re-deposited.

  8. Input NOREF as follows:

  9. For paper check, input TXMODA



    • *,*

    • Zip Code of taxpayer

    • DO Code

    • 81

  10. For direct deposit refund, input TXMODA



    • *,*

    • Zip code of taxpayer

    • DO Code

    • 27

    • Routing Transit Number


      CC:NOREF must be input upon identification of initial filing. If direct deposit is not identified immediately after filing, it will not stop regardless of the use of CC:NOREF.  (11-09-2007)
Intercept Procedures

  1. There are three options available to intercept payments at financial institutions (bank indemnification process) or post offices (Recall of Mail) or through voluntary return with revenue officer (Coordination with Collections for RO Assignment).

  2. Bank Indemnification Process - There are two situations in which an indemnification letter is appropriate: If a direct deposit refund is issued and CC NOREFE is unsuccessful or if the bank calls the Service and advises of a suspicious deposit being made to a client's account.

    1. If a direct deposit refund is issued (identified by utilizing CC:IMFOBT) and CC NOREFE is unsuccessful, determine the location of the bank to which the refund will be deposited by accessing CC:IMFOBT and determining the routing transit and account number of the claimant's corresponding bank account.

    2. Access the Internet at to determine a phone number for the receiving bank using the RTN for identification.

    3. Call bank and ask for ACH Department. Service identity should be made and an explanation of our intention should be given.

    4. Request the bank's fax number.

    5. Prepare letter of indemnification with Exam Operations Manager signature.

    6. Fax letter to ACH Department at bank. Care should be given if bank is requesting indemnification for more than the refund amount. If amount is greater than refund amount, coordinate with Chief Financial Officer of IRS through Team Manager.

    7. Monitor for refund to post back to taxpayer's account.

    8. Reverse credit and work case as if no refund were issued.

    9. Case should be controlled as "BKINDEM" until TC841 posts.

  3. Recall of Mail - If unable to recover erroneous refund through bank indemnification process, attempt to recover refund by recall of mail. Per postal procedures, "Mail deposited in a collection box or at a post office may be recalled with proper identification by the sender or the sender's representative. [Postal] Form 1509 must be submitted to the postmaster at the office of mailing" . Therefore, after Notice Review and CC:NOREF cycle cutoffs or during accelerated cycles, the U.S. Post Office can be contacted (usually on Friday) to stop delivery of an erroneous refund check.

    1. Request should be made through a Territory Manager to have either an RO or an RA hand deliver U.S. Postal Form 1509 to local post office that delivers mail to taxpayer dealing directly with the postmaster.

    2. Follow-up daily with postmaster to inquire as to the status of the refund check.

    3. If the check is recovered, it should be voided and the following should be written in bold, "Fraudulent refund - do not reissue" and return to Ogden FRP at 1973 N Rulon White Blvd, M/S 4450, Ogden, UT 84404, for redeposit in an envelope marked "Personal" to the Senior Technical Coordinator.

    4. TC844 should be input and coordinated with the Erroneous Refund Function.

    5. Case should be controlled as "CKPULL@PO" until TC841 posts.

  4. Coordination with Collections for RO Assignment - If all other options do not result in recovery of erroneous refund, coordinate with Territory Manager the assignment of a revenue officer to conduct a courtesy investigation.

    1. Coordinate hand delivery of letter explaining taxpayer responsibility to return refund with RO (see special letter).

    2. Input adjustment to IDRS to reverse credit generating the refund.

    3. Obtain RO T-sign number and T-sign case using CC:TSIGN.

    4. Allow first notice and accelerate to fourth notice by inputting CC:STAUP (Fourth notice will accelerate assignment to Collections).

    5. Close Exam controls.  (11-09-2007)
Recovering Refunds by Math Error Process

  1. Reverse transaction that caused the refund by inputting TC290 with appropriate reference code.


    Recovering refunds by Math Error Process may only be used when Counsel opinion has been obtained authorizing its use.

  2. Send Letter 105C with appropriate paragraph informing taxpayer that refund was allowed in error.

  3. Suspend case for 60 days to allow taxpayer to dispute.

  4. If no response received within 60 days, close case and send to Files.

  5. If response received disputing adjustment within 60 days, reinput the credit with Hold Code 2 and send Statutory Notice of Deficiency.  (11-09-2007)
Recovering Refunds by Statutory Notice of Deficiency

  1. When recovering refunds by statutory notice of deficiency, return account to taxpayer's intended figures ensuring all actions are taken to eliminate the possibility of a second erroneous refund.

  2. Issue statutory notice of deficiency.

  3. Include amount of refund as income to the taxpayer in the year of receipt of the money. If necessary, initiate tax audit for the year of the receipt of the erroneous refund.

  4. If taxpayer submits a subsequent claim after disallowance of previous claim, assess frivolous return penalty for each and every document and issue Letter 916C with paragraphs B, C, Q, and V. Paragraph Q fill-in: We previously advised you that the amount claimed was frivolous and therefore had no basis in law. It is not our policy to respond to future correspondence concerning this and other issues with no basis in law. Continued filing of returns of this type may result in a frivolous return penalty of $5000 under Internal Revenue Code section 6702.  (11-09-2007)
Recovering Refunds by Erroneous Refund Suit

  1. The Service may ask the Department of Justice to bring legal action against the taxpayer to recover the erroneous refund. A refund suit must be filed within two years of when the return was made or five years if the taxpayer induced the issuance of the erroneous refund through fraud or misrepresentation of a material fact.

  2. When it is appropriate to initiate an erroneous refund suit to recover refunds, the following information will need to be obtained:

    • Referral memo to Associate Area Counsel authorizing the suit approved by Operations Manager

    • Certified copy of the return filed that generated the refund - use Form 2866

    • Certified copy of refund check

    • Certified transcripts of account - Requested using Form 4338 faxed to Revenue Accounting function after TC844 and 520 have posted to the account.

  3. Input TC844 via REQ77 to indicate an erroneous refund has been issued using date of erroneous refund in transaction date field.


    The input of TC844 will generate transcripts anytime a refund return is filed subsequent to the input. Actions should be taken to debit the credit module and credit the 6800 account to ensure available credit is not refunded. Coordinate this action with the FRP Collection Liaison.

  4. Input TC520 via REQ77 with closing code 70 and ULC code 87 indicating refund litigation.

  5. Make no adjustments to module to reverse credit that caused the refund.

  6. Forward documents to designated coordinator for referral to Counsel.  (11-09-2007)
Civil Investigations of Abusive Promoters and/or Preparers

  1. The Service uses several IRC sections to address promotions of frivolous arguments and fraudulent or unscrupulous tax return preparers. Refer to IRM 20.1.1, Introduction and Penalty Relief, and IRM 20.1.6, Preparer/Promoter Penalties, for additional information.

  2. Related Internal Revenue Code sections are:

    • 6694 - Understatement of taxpayer's liability by income tax return preparer

    • 6695 - Other assessable penalties with respect to the preparation of income tax returns for other persons

    • 6700 - Promoting abusive tax shelters, etc.

    • 6701 - Penalties for aiding and abetting understatement of tax liability

    • 7402 - General authority of the United States District Court to issue injunctions to enforce internal revenue laws.

    • 7407 - Action to enjoin income tax return preparers

    • 7408 - Action to enjoin promoters of abusive tax shelter, etc.

  3. IRC section 6700 Investigations - Understatements of tax resulting from abusive shelters are curbed through the assertion of penalties under this section, the issuance of injunctions under section 7408, and the issuance of pre-filing notices to investors. See Rev. Proc. 2001-49, 2001-2 C.B. 300 .

  4. Penalties may be asserted against a promoter who makes, furnishes or causes another to make or furnish a statement in connection with the sale or organization of an entity, plan, or arrangement when the statement:

    • relates to the allowability of any deduction or credit, the excludability of any income, or the security of any tax benefit by reason of participating in the entity, plan or arrangement when the person knows or has reason to know that the statement is false or fraudulent as to any material matter

    • contains a gross valuation overstatement as to any material matter.  (11-09-2007)
Screening Filings for Potential Civil Investigations to Lead Development Center

  1. The Lead Development Center (LDC) develops potential civil investigations on abusive promotions for referral to investigating offices.

  2. All frivolous filings should be considered for potential civil investigation when promotions, promoters, or preparers are associated with them. Initial screening of returns, claims and correspondence may determine the need to consider further development of case referrals for civil investigations. When a filing is associated with four or more frivolous filings that are potentially attributed to a specific promotion, promoter, or preparer, FRP shall forward Referral Memo to LDC for determination of further processing.

  3. When unable to determine identity of promoters/preparers on filings containing similar characteristics, e.g., scheme language/appearance, document fonts/colors, geographic information, entity identifiers, etc., consider contacting individual taxpayers using FRP Master database interview screen questions.

  4. When promoter/preparer identity is obtained without TIN, attempt to secure TIN via IDRS. If unable to secure TIN, provide comments in Referral Memo.

  5. When positive identification of a promoter/preparer is made, provide documentation if possible that indicates extent of activity and whether it is ongoing. This may include but is not limited to:

    • Copies of tax returns

    • Advertisements

    • Attachments to returns

    • Promotional materials

    • Correspondence

    • POA's

    • Purchase agreements

    • Informant items

    • Printouts of internet site pages

  6. Research IDRS/RPVUE to determine if additional returns were submitted but not referred to FRP or otherwise not identified. If returns are identified that need to be ordered from RPVUE research, request approval from Campus Compliance Services Director.

  7. If it appears that the preparers or promoters of frivolous arguments require income tax audits of their individual filings, refer the case the Area Office PSP. Order promoter/preparer’s personal returns to determine if they have participated in the scheme.

  8. Upon initial identification of one filing by a promoter/preparer, prepare a case file including copies of pertinent documents and enter information to Project Status Listing.  (11-09-2007)
Referrals of Potential Civil Investigations to LDC

  1. When four or more filings from one promoter/preparer are identified, prepare three-section brown case file folder with label containing promoter/preparer identification and including:

    • IDRS research on preparer fact of filing attached to middle section, left side. Include information on whether preparer participated in scheme with personal tax filings

    • RPVUE summary listing attached to middle section, right side

    • A participant list containing: TIN, TP Name, tax year(s) for associated tax returns for which preparer may be enjoined or penalties may be assessed, and claim amount (This data should be compiled from all available sources including FRP Master) attached to middle section, right side

    • Chronological worksheet to document all communications and other actions concerning the investigation and attach to case file in first section, left side

    • Copies of all returns (within reason) associated

    • Ranking Elements containing TIN, address and current activity

    • LDC Referral Memo including the following: Subject: 7402/7407/7408 Investigation(s) – Taxpayer Name (including dba’s,) TIN, Description of Promotion, Chief Counsel position paper if available, Preparer’s involvement in tax promotion; e.g., promoting the argument, conducting seminars, preparer’s employees involvement, website, etc., Summary of preparer’s personal income tax filings; e.g., preparer’s returns reflect the tax promotion, non-filer, etc., Summary of preparer’s tax filings per IDRS/RPVUE/FRP Master; Information on impact of promotion to IRS. Address violations subject to section 6695 if applicable.

  2. Forward Referral Memo, ranking elements, participant list, and representative copies of returns to LDC via Form 3210.

  3. All other information listed above should be kept to support investigation as warranted.

  4. Suspense case file under "Pending 6700 Investigation" until response is received from LDC.

  5. Annotate preparer/promoter account TXMOD history, "6700 Inves" .

  6. Enter promotion/promoter/preparer information to FRP Master database to ensure accurate identification of all similar filings and ensure periodic updates as actions are taken.

  7. LDC will consider all the factors involved in each case and determine if promoter/preparer should be investigated for injunctive action including a streamlined investigation conducted by FRP or returned to FRP to have penalties assessed only.


    LDC will obtain approval from Chief Counsel and Criminal Investigation to pursue a civil investigation prior to any case being forwarded on a Recommendation Memo.  (11-09-2007)
Approved Investigations for Injunctive Action from Lead Development Center

  1. LDC will forward all approved Civil Investigation Recommendation Memos related to frivolous filings to FRP and the appropriate IMT technical advisor for review.

  2. Ensure all related frivolous filer promoters/preparers (Including Anti-tax/Constitutional) are reflected on Project Status Listing.

  3. Reviewers will determine if appropriate for FRP to conduct the section 6700 investigation and provide feedback to LDC to secure case. Criteria used includes but is not limited to promoter/preparer activity sufficiently developed to allow for streamlined referral, i.e., at least three filings signed by preparer or additional filings not signed by preparer but with identical characteristics, attachments or information from taxpayer indicating preparer involvement with return.

  4. If reviewers do not select case for FRP section 6700 investigation, assistance will be provided to appropriate area office conducting investigation.  (11-09-2007)
Streamlined FRP 6700 Investigation

  1. Streamlined section 6700 investigations conducted by Campus Examination allow for more efficient, cost effective investigations and result in shutting down abusive tax avoidance promotions before they proliferate. FRP will conduct all case research, document preparation and DOJ referral processes which limits revenue agent involvement to conducting a possible face-to-face interview and/or providing local knowledge of promotion.

  2. Cases will be processed as follows:

    1. Contact the Area ATAT Manager for the area in which the preparer/promoter resides to obtain the information on the revenue agent who may conduct a face-to-face interview with the promoter including R/A name, badge number, phone number, fax number and date, time and location of interview.

    2. Prepare and send to promoter Letter 3828, Opportunity to Present Position - Tax Shelter Promoter, indicating date, place and time of interview and enclosing Notice 609, Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, Letter 3164P, Third Party Notification for IRC 6700 / IRC 6701 Investigation and Form 4564, Information Document Request.

    3. Forward to R/A via overnight delivery copies of all documents sent to promoter, copy of LDC Recommendation Memo complete package (should include sample copies of promoter filings,) pro forma interview question's and any document such as a Frivolous Notice or Prohibited Transaction Notice, giving counsel's opinion, if available.

    4. Suspense case pending R/A response. After meeting takes place or meeting date passes, R/A should provide interview question responses and any pertinent results of the meeting and/or any local knowledge of promoter/promotion to FRP. If participant list is obtained, forward to CWSD Gatekeeper to ensure any appropriate audit actions are taken.

    5. Evaluate R/A response and, if appropriate, forward case to Counsel using pro-forma document for referral to Department of Justice or for penalty assessment only. If R/A response does not result in determination to seek injunctive action or penalty assessment, close case advising promoter of no change via Letter 1866, Discontinuance.

    6. Ensure promoter/preparer income tax case is addressed.


      Ensure any income derived from promotion is considered if appropriate including erroneous refunds and income derived from promotional activities.

  3. Counsel will forward results of injunctive action including any rejected cases with appropriate penalty instructions.  (11-09-2007)
Approved Cases for Preparer Penalty Assessment Only

  1. Cases that do not result in LDC investigations should be considered for section 6694/6695 investigations if associated with a tax return preparer(s). To apply sanctions on non-compliant preparers, Penalty Policy Statement P-20-1 directs preparer penalties only after due deliberation on all facts and circumstances.

  2. Individuals who knowingly aid and abet in the understatement of the tax liability for another person may be subject to certain penalties. See IRM 20.1.6, Preparer/Promoter Penalties, and IRM, Office of Professional Responsibility, for information on practitioners who file delinquent and/or frivolous returns.

  3. For purposes of imposing a penalty under sections 6694 or 6695, an income tax return preparer is any person who prepares for compensation, or who employs or engages one or more persons to prepare for compensation (other than for the person) all or a substantial portion of any return or any claim for refund of tax. The preparation of a substantial portion of a return or claim for refund shall be treated as if it were the preparation of such return or claim for refund.

  4. All preparer penalty cases prepared by FRP will be coordinated with Associate Area Counsel to determine if the case should be considered for civil injunction, penalty assessment, or no action.

  5. Cases referred for section 6694 penalties are usually those with frivolous filings that are limited in number and in which the preparer has stopped preparing returns. They may be assessed under section 6694(a) ($250) and (b) ($750) together for a total of $1,000 or section 6694(b) ($1,000) alone. Paragraph (a) carries an ASED of two years from the due date of the taxpayer's return for which the penalty is being assessed and paragraph (b) carries no ASED requirement; however, paragraph (a) requires a less severe burden of proof. Therefore, whenever there are more than six months remaining on the assessment statutes, refer for assessment penalties under both (a) and (b) for any applicable tax periods and (b) alone for those with less than six months remaining on the assessment statute.


    IRM 20.1 directs that penalty cases should be conducted independently of and without regard to the determination of the income tax case. The tax case has bearing on the penalty on the IRC section 6694 case only insofar as assertion of the penalty requires an understatement of tax. A preparer penalty case is not an income tax investigation of the preparer. If there are indications that the preparer is participating in the scheme or is otherwise in need of audit (fails to file, etc.,) refer the preparer income tax case to the applicable PSP.  (11-09-2007)
Penalty Case Creation

  1. Input IDRS control to preparer TIN current TXMOD history, "Prep Inv" to ensure proper routing of subsequent correspondence or filings. Case file should contain:

    • LDC Referral Memo

    • 6700 Investigation Chronological Worksheet documenting all communications and actions concerning the investigation and attached to first section, left side

    • Form 8278, Computation and Assessment of Miscellaneous Penalties, attached to first section, right side and indicating Preparer/Promoter Name, TIN, Tax year(s) of penalty assessment (may reflect "See Form 5816" ), Tax Technician Number, Computation "amount" of penalty, IRC section of penalty, Team Manager approval and signature date

    • IDRS research on preparer fact of filing attached to middle section, left side

    • RPVUE listing attached to middle section, right side

    • Blue ribbon copies of at least five representative samples of frivolous tax returns inserted in a separate folder, middle section

    • A list inserted in separated folder in middle section containing form number, TIN, taxpayer name, tax years for associated tax returns for which preparer may be enjoined or penalties may be assessed, ASED, kind of penalty (such as IRC section 6694(a) and (b) or only IRC section 6694(b)), amount of penalty (such as IRC section 6694(a) and (b) $250 and $750 respectively, or, if only IRC section 6694(b) $1,000

    • Form 6459, Return Preparer's Checksheet, with applicable boxes checked attached to middle section, left side

    • FRP Master report (to identify potential 1040X returns) attached to middle section, right side

    • 7408/7407 Investigation Memo containing: Subject: 7407/6694 Investigation - Taxpayer Name (including dba's,) TIN; Description of promotion; Preparer's involvement in tax promotion, e.g., promoting the argument, conducting seminars, preparer's employees involvement, website, etc.; Summary of preparer's personal income tax filings, e.g., preparer's returns reflect the tax promotion, non-filer, etc.; Summary of preparer's tax filings per IDRS/RPVUE/FRP Master; Information on impact of promotion to IRS; Address violations of 6695, if applicable; and Discussion of rationale for proposing parallel investigation with CI. Include discussion of gravity of harm, extent of preparer's participation and his degree of knowledge, likelihood of recurrence, preparer's admission of responsibility and/or willingness to cooperate to correct filings.

  2. Submit case to Salt Lake City Associate Area Counsel for approval.

  3. Cases referred for 6695 penalties are not as common but should be considered when appropriate. Associate Area Counsel will provide guidance on the determination of when IRC section 6695 should be applied.

  4. If case is approved for IRC section 6694 penalty assessment, forward to Ogden Compliance Services Area Director for approval on Form 8278 and follow Proposing Preparer Penalties below.  (11-09-2007)
Proposing Preparer Penalties

  1. Prepare Letter 1125(DO), Transmittal of Exam Report, indicating:

    • TIN

    • Person to Contact - Tax Examiner Name

    • Employee Number: IDRS #

  2. Prepare Form 5816, Examination Report, indicating:

    • Name and address of preparer

    • Self-employed preparer - checked, if applicable

    • Preparer's TIN

    • Examining district: Area #

    • Name and title of person with whom penalty was discussed

    • Date of report

    • In reply refer to : IDRS #

    • Taxpayer's name and address: See attached list (all taxpayers with the same tax period indicated on report)

    • Tax period - Master file tax code - 55

    • A - Amount $250 x # of taxpayers (e.g., $250 x 1)

    • B - Amount $750 x # of taxpayers (e.g., $750 x 4) or $1,000 x # of taxpayers (e.g., $1,000 x 5)

    • Total penalties

    • Other information: "Explanation of Penalty" - Use information from court injunction or specific explanation from non-enjoined penalty case, e.g., "You filed tax returns claiming credits for reparations not allowable by law." Note that multiple taxpayers for the same tax period can be included on one Form 5816 with taxpayer's names attached

    • Examiner's signature: Tax Examiner's signature

  3. Prepare Form 5838, Waiver of Restrictions on Assessment and Collection of Tax Return Preparer Penalty, indicating:

    • Form number of return for which penalty is being charged - 1040, 1040X, etc. or see attached list

    • Taxpayer's name as shown on return or see attached list

    • TIN or see attached list

    • Tax period or see attached list

    • Kind of penalty - (such as IRC section 6694(a) and/or IRC section 6694(b) )

    • Amount of penalty - Total penalty amount being assessed for each kind of penalty

    • Name and address of preparer

  4. Prepare Form 6459, Return Preparer's Checksheet, checking all applicable boxes and including team manager's approval.

  5. Mail Letter 1125, Forms 5816, 5838, and Letter 3164, Third Party Notification, (if not previously sent) and Notice 609, Privacy Act Notice and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, to preparer and suspend case for 45 days.

  6. Annotate ENMOD with "LTR1125" to indicate letter has been sent.  (11-09-2007)
Post Proposal Processing

  1. Requests for conference - If response is received disagreeing with proposed assessment, contact preparer and attempt to resolve issue. If conference results in:

    1. No change (non-assessment of penalty) or requires additional development of case, coordinate with Ogden Campus Return Preparer Coordinator.

    2. Service position remains unchanged, instruct preparer to send a letter requesting Appeals consideration indicating what they do not agree with and the reasons why they do not agree if sufficient time remains for the Service to receive the request prior to suspense period expiring. If sufficient time does not remain, the preparer should be advised of their post-assessment rights.

  2. Requests for Appeals consideration - See IRM, No Appeals Conference or Concession on Certain Arguments. There are no administrative appeals provisions for requests based on frivolous positions. See also IRM, Appeal Rights. Treasury Regulation section 1.6694-4(a)(1) allows a pre-assessment appeals procedure. Valid requests for pre-assessment appeals consideration will be granted. IRM, Non-Docketed Cases, provides guidance.


    Per Publication 5, Your Appeal Rights and How to Prepare a Protest If You Don't Agree, Appeals cannot consider your reasons for not agreeing if they don't come within the scope of the tax laws (for example, if you disagree solely on moral, religious, political, constitutional, conscientious, or similar grounds).  (11-09-2007)
Assessing Preparer Penalties

  1. Complete Form 8278, Computation and Assessment of Miscellaneous Penalties (see also IRM, Processing and Assessment Instructions).

  2. Input TC290 for zero ($.00) with penalty reference number 645 for total amount of penalties (section 6694(a IRC section 6694(a) - $250 per return/claim) and penalty reference number 650 for total amount of penalties ( IRC section 6694(b) - $750 per return/claim, if IRC section 6694(a) and (b); or, if only IRC section 6694(b) - $1,000 per return/claim).


    CP Notice 15 (IMF) and 215 (BMF) will generate from this transaction.

  3. Establish civil penalty name line if necessary per IRM, Processing Guidelines.

  4. Annotate TXMOD MFT 55 history, "6694 Pen" .

  5. File case under TC240 DLN associated with Form 5147, IDRS Transaction Record.

  6. Close IDRS control.

  7. Ensure Electronic Filing Coordinator is notified of all penalties asserted on return preparers per IRM, Electronic Filing Program.  (11-09-2007)
Post Assessment Processing

  1. Requests for conference - If response,

    1. disagrees with proposed assessment: Contact preparer and attempt to resolve issue. If conference results in abatement of penalty, coordinate assessment reversal with team manager.

    2. requires additional development of case: Coordinate with Ogden Campus Return Preparer Coordinator.

    3. results in Service position remaining unchanged: Instruct preparer to send a letter requesting Appeals consideration indicating what they do not agree with and the reasons why they do not agree if sufficient time remains for the Service to receive the request prior to suspense period expiring. If sufficient time does not remain, the preparer should be advised of their post-assessment rights.

  2. Requests for Appeals Consideration - (See IRM, No Appeals Conference or Concession on Certain Arguments). There are no administrative appeals provisions for requests based on frivolous positions.


    Per Publication 5, Your Appeal Rights and How To Prepare a Protest If You Don't Agree, Appeals cannot consider your reasons for not agreeing if they don't come within the scope of the tax laws (for example, if you disagree solely on moral, religious, political, constitutional, conscientious, or similar grounds), however, valid requests for post-assessment appeals consideration will be granted. See IRM, Non-Docketed Cases, for guidance.

  3. Requests for appeals that meet abatement criteria should be processed by FRP. See Claims below.

  4. Claims - (See IRM, Relief from Penalties, and IRM, Penalty Relief). Review case for specific processing requirements. Refer to IRM 21.5.3 , General Claims Procedures, and IRM 4.19.16, Claims, for additional processing information. Claims are usually filed on Form 843 but may be made in an informal inquiry. Claims may be for abatement or refund and should be worked as follows:

    1. Abatement: Review claim case for administrative errors (See IRM, Service Errorand IRM , Taxpayer Entitled to Relief, for additional information). Consider penalty abatement in cases where an incorrect account was assessed or taxpayer proves they were not responsible for the penalized action.

    2. Refund: If preparers pays 15% of the penalty, then preparer must file claim for refund within 30 days after the date of notice and demand. If 15% of penalty has been paid and claim will be denied, issue Letter 105C and include appeals rights.


      If valid claims are received and denied, the preparer must then bring suit in Federal District court within 30 days of receiving a Notice of Claim Disallowance or 30 days after the expiration of six months from the filing of the claim, whichever is earlier; if the preparer pays the penalty in full, they may bring a refund suit in either the U.S. Court of Federal Claims or a district court within two years of the date of denial of the claim or upon the expiration of six months after the date of filing the claim.

    3. 15% of penalty has not been paid: Administrative review of claim should be made. If review results in denial of claim, send letter advising that preparer has not paid required 15% and therefore will not be entitled to judicial review in addition to which preparer did not provide sufficient documentation to honor the claim.

    4. Claim for refund provides sufficient documentation to determine penalty should not have been assessed: Work as accepted abatement request.  (11-09-2007)
Closing Actions and Follow-up Monitoring

  1. Update Promoter Database via E-mail to LDC.

  2. Update Project Status Listing on FRP Master.

  3. Coordinate with Collections as appropriate to ensure appropriate collection of assessments.

  4. Make referral to "Office of Professional Responsibility" per IRM 20.1.6 (see also IRM ).

  5. Consider referral to SB/SE Communications and Liaison through Team Manager.

  6. Submit case for quality review.

  7. Charge time spent to OFP 91859.

  8. Monitor new receipts for continued filings and/or injunction violations and refer findings to Associate Area Counsel for consideration.  (11-09-2007)
Coordination with Program Stakeholders

  1. Coordination with both internal and external stakeholders is imperative to ensure a consistent approach to combatting frivolous non-compliance. The nature of tax avoidance has insidious effects. When undetected, illegal tax avoidance grows with long-lasting impact on compliance such as pyramiding non-filing, erroneous refunds, and an impact on IRS resources, including TAS and Appeals involvement. When erroneous refunds result from unidentified frivolous filings, revenue is lost but, most importantly, the public trust is endangered.

  2. Timely outreach education is a program priority and includes employee and taxpayer communication through internal and external forums such as SERP and other Service electronic alerts, Treasury and IRS websites, press releases, revenue rulings and procedures, Internal Revenue Manuals and continued professional education.

  3. Upon initial detection of new frivolous promotions, education throughout the Service should be undertaken. Coordination should be made with the following stakeholders:

    • Counsel

    • Criminal Investigation

    • CAS

    • SB/SE Lead Development Center

    • Communications and Liaison/TEC/SPEC

    • Training

    • Systemic or electronic detection systems

  4. Coordination with Office of Professional Responsibility should be conducted whenever preparer penalties are assessed or for any preparer misconduct not associated with an LDC case.

  5. When processing campuses fail to identify frivolous filings, feedback should be provided through the local P&A staff to prevent continued misidentification.

  6. When erroneous refunds result from failure to identify frivolous filings, coordination should be made with the appropriate processing function to correct procedures.  (11-09-2007)
Coordination with Area Counsel

  1. The Frivolous Return Program coordinates with Area Counsel to obtain legal and/or significant advice on:

    • Whether an argument is frivolous

    • Whether an argument is subject to the frivolous return penalty

    • Whether an argument utilized on a return constitutes a valid return

    • Supporting documentation on legal decisions in response to frivolous arguments

  2. All potential frivolous arguments must be coordinated with Counsel prior to processing under FRP guidelines. Requests for Counsel opinions should be coordinated with the Campus Area Office Counsel Liaison to prevent duplicate requests. Requests should outline the specific frivolous argument involved and provide examples to assist Counsel in rendering opinions.

  3. As new frivolous arguments are identified, they should be coordinated with Chief Counsel for updating of Chief Counsel's web page, "The Truth About Frivolous Arguments" and creating new revenue rulings.

  4. All new Chief Counsel opinions should be reviewed for potential coordination on SERP/CAS alerts, updating existing training materials for employee identification and processing, coordination with TEC/CI and/or any affected processing areas.  (11-09-2007)
Coordination with Criminal Investigation

  1. The FRP coordinates with Criminal Investigation in Headquarters for both Refund and Financial Crimes to:

    • Provide information on specific cases and trends in possible criminal activity

    • Provide support for criminal investigations leading to prosecution of frivolous preparers, promoter, and filers

    • Coordinate case processing to promote productive use of resources

  2. Information referrals to and from Criminal Investigation should be coordinated with the FRP CI Liaison.  (11-09-2007)
CAS Alerts

  1. SERP/CAS electronic alerts should be issued whenever new frivolous arguments are identified or when existing arguments resurface in significant numbers. The alert process should be used to apprise CAS and all employees to watch for filings in order to prevent processing and erroneous refunds.

  2. Forward information for alerts to the LDC and include all pertinent information related to the nature of the filing.

  3. The LDC analyst will forward the approved alert form to the appropriate CAS analysts.

  4. The CAS analysts will issue appropriate alert information and consider updates to CPE training materials.

  5. The LDC analyst will coordinate the new argument issue with TEC if appropriate.

  6. Consider systemic identification of new arguments if available.  (11-09-2007)

  1. Outreach education for internal stakeholders on frivolous arguments is critical and will be given priority. This training will be provided annually to Submission Processing and also made available for all Service offices. This endeavor is imperative to stop the proliferation of egregious promotions, ensure timely and accurate tax assessments, avoid erroneous refunds and provide fair and consistent treatment to all taxpayers.

  2. SB/SE Compliance will coordinate with HQ CAS and SB/SE Learning and Education to schedule training and provide instructors during annual pipeline processing CPE.

  3. SB/SE Compliance will provide updated training materials and IRM information to CAS HQ analysts.

  4. Coordination will be undertaken for all affected areas and will encompass both IMF and BMF original returns, amended returns and claims processing.

  5. Training materials and supplemental support will be available on the FRP Web page listed below.  (03-01-2006)
FRP Web Page

  1. The FRP web page is currently available at:

  2. This web page is designed to provide internal customers information on pertinent issues and data associated with FRP such as current training materials, letters used, FRP Coordinators, trends in frivolous filings, etc.

  3. All updates to the web page must be approved by HQ Exam Policy.

  4. Updates from Ogden FRP should be routed through the FRP Technical Advisor.

  5. The FRP Technical Advisor will sanitize any updates prior to referral to Exam Policy.

  6. HQ Exam Policy will secure any necessary Disclosure clearance and route to: Webmaster assigned to SE:S:CCS:CRC:EP.

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