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US Forest Service
Gifford Pinchot National Forest

Trail Guide Symbols
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There was a time when trails were built strictly to get people from where they were standing, to somewhere else. These trails often went straight uphill because a straight line is the shortest route between two points. Unfortunately, these trails sometimes made better routes for water rushing downhill than for hikers trying to reach the top of a ridge.

Now trails are built to get different types of users into the most beautiful and unique areas possible, while protecting the resources. It's the journey as much as the destination that counts.

Trails are built to different standards, based on who they are open to. Trails within the wilderness are designed for hikers and horses. Trails outside these areas can include a broad spectrum of users. Mountain bikes and motorcycles are allowed on a number of trails. Several wider trails have been built to accommodate All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs).

The following symbols are used throughout this guide to let you know which trails are open to what type of use:

Northwest Forest Pass
Northwest Forest Pass Logo Many trailheads are now require a Northwest Forest Pass. These trails are identified with this symbol.  A permit is required to park near designated trailheads. The Northwest Forest Pass is a per vehicle pass, good for one day ($5) or one year ($30). these can be purchased at Forest Service offices or local vendors.

Trail Uses
Recreation Symbol - Hiking Trail Hikers Permitted on Trail
Recreation Symbol - Horseback Riding Horses Permitted on Trail
Recreation Symbol - Mountain Biking Bicycles Permitted on Trail
Recreation Symbol - Trailbike Riding Motorcycles Permitted on Trail
Recreation Symbol - ATV All Terrain Vehicles Permitted on Trail
Trail within Wilderness (Hiker/Horse Only)
Recreation Symbol - Accessibility Barrier Free Trail
Recreation Symbol - Parking Parking
Recreation Symbol - Toilets Restrooms
Recreation Symbol - Ranger Station Information Station
Recreation Symbol - Interpretive Trail Interpretive Traill
Recreation Symbol - Drinking Water Water
Recreation Symbol - Picnic Area Picnic Area
Recreation Symbol - Camping Camping

Trail Difficulty Ratings
Trail Rating - Easy Requires limited skill and has little physical challenge. Tread is smooth, level, and wide with generous clearing of trees, limbs, and other vegetation above and to each side of the trail to permit easy passage. Elevation gain or loss is minimal. Streams are most often crossed with bridges.
Trail Rating -  Moderate Requires a moderate skill level and provides a moderate physical challenge. Tread surface contains roots and embedded rocks. Clearing of trees, limbs, and other vegetation above and to each side of the trail results in occasional contact by the users. Elevation gain or loss is moderate. Streams are most often crossed by fords.
Trail Rating -  Difficult Requires a high degree of skill and provides a lot of physical challenge. Tread is seldom graded except on steep side slopes for safety and prevention of soil erosion. Minimal clearing of trees, limbs, and other vegetation results in hampering the progress of the user. Elevation gain or loss is usually severe. Streams are crossed by fording and are sometimes difficult.

Use Volume (Encounters/Day)
Volume Non-wilderness Wilderness
Light 0-5 0-3
Medium 6-15 4-9
Heavy 16-50 10-18
X Heavy 50+ 18+

Some trails may receive heavier use on weekends and holidays. For current Information on use, check with your local ranger districts.