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Topic: Home > News

President Bush Meets with First Vice President of the Government of National Unity of the ..
President Bush on Monday said, "I'm proud to be meeting again with the Vice President of Sudan. He's a friend ... - 11.3KB
05 Jan 09
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Proclamation by the President: To Extend Duty-Free Treatment for Certain Agricultural ..
On April 22, 1985, the United States and Israel entered into the Agreement on the Establishment of a Free .. - 11.8KB
31 Dec 08
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National Mentoring Month, 2009
During National Mentoring Month, we recognize the millions of individuals who dedicate themselves to making a difference in the lives ... - 6.0KB
30 Dec 08
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Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Gordon Johndroe
MR. JOHNDROE: Good morning, I'll give you an update on the President's day. President Bush spoke by phone to His Majesty .. - 25.3KB
29 Dec 08
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To Implement the United States-Oman Free Trade Agreement
1. On January 19, 2006, the United States entered into the United States-Oman Free Trade Agreement (the "Agreement"). The .. - 11.2KB
29 Dec 08
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Christmas Menus at Camp David
The Bushes will host Christmas at Camp David surrounded by family, including Barbara, Jenna, and Henry, the President's parents, his siblings and .. - 3.8KB
24 Dec 08
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To Implement the Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement with ...
1. On August 5, 2004, the United States entered into the Dominican Republic‑Central America‑ .. - 10.9KB
23 Dec 08
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President Bush Participates in One Warm Coat Holiday Service Project
President Bush on Monday said, "Laura and I are here with the Mayor, and other volunteers who are just trying to .. - 7.4KB
22 Dec 08
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President Bush Meets with President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority
President Bush on Friday said, "You have done a lot of important and hard work in helping the region understand .. - 10.4KB
19 Dec 08
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President Bush Hosts Hanukkah Reception
President Bush on Monday said, "The story of Hanukkah recalls the miraculous victory of a small band of patriots against tyranny, and .. - 10.7KB
15 Dec 08
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