DescriptionThe Department of Health and Human Services, National Vaccine Program Office, contemplates single or multiple awards of a contract for a domestically produced, reliable and secure source of cell based monovalent influenza vaccine for use in an influenza pandemic. Because this could be an issue of health security for any country and that local supplies of influenza vaccine might be reserved for local populations, as an issue of health security the U.S. government is limiting manufacture of the pandemic influenza virus vaccine to domestic sources only. This would allow the USG to have surge capacity for U.S. citizens in the setting of a global influenza pandemic The following apply: 1. Documented history of successful development and licensure of a vaccine for human use in the U.S. or Europe is mandatory. 2. The research and development process and manufacturing facilities needed to satisfy regulatory requirements of the FDA. 3. The pandemic virus will be a novel strain, such as the avian influenza viruses (H5N1) that infected people in Hong Kong in 1997 and in China in 2003, or the H7N7 strain that caused infections in Belgium and the Netherlands in 2003. Only written requests, directly from the requestor, will be accepted. Email requests will be accepted. No telephone requests will be accepted. Requests should reference the solicitation number, state the name of the firm, name of the requestor, mailing address, telephone number, fax number, and email address. Requests should be mailed to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ATTN: Peter Penny, 2920 Brandywine Road, Room 3705, Atlanta, GA 30341. Emails should be sent to Peter Penny at No Description Provided