Beyond the Beginning: The Future of Genomics II (Airlie II) - Closing Session


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Air date: Wednesday, November 20, 2002, 8:00:00 AM
Category: Conferences
Description: The National Human Genome Research Institute is holding a retreat at the Airlie Convention Center to conclude its yearlong planning process to define the next steps in genomic research. The meeting will present the synthesis of many of the issues raised at workshops held throughout the past year and consider a new strategic plan for NHGRI and genome science. Today’s plenary session at Airlie II will be webcast live and include working groups reports, a synthesis and summary by Francis Collins, and closing remarks by NIH Director Elias Zerhouni.
Author: NHGRI
Runtime: 03:47:07
Rights: This is a work of the United States Government. No copyright exists on this material. It may be disseminated freely.
CIT File ID: 10033
CIT Live ID: 2092
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