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Family of the Month Winners



December 2008

Kilgore Family
The Kilgore Family: MSgt Nelson F. Kilgore (ANG) and MSgt Beth A. Kilgore (USAF), and their daughter, Monica M. Clevenger

Nelson and Beth Kilgore not only dedicate themselves to God, their daughter, Monica, and the Ohio Air National Guard - they dedicate themselves to helping others. Nelson is also a full-time Police Officer in Mansfield, Ohio. Beth and Monica volunteer with the local church, branches of the Red Cross, YMCA, Girl Scouts, Habitat for Humanity, and Katrina relief efforts. They also contribute to national events, celebrating Veteran’s Day and Earth day, to name a few. Their giving nature doesn’t end there though. Each has been inspired to very personally reach out to a family, individual, or cause in need of a boost. Although they run a busy household, with Beth finishing up college, Nelson’s work schedule, and Monica’s many school activities, the family makes time to participate in tons of fundraising events and community outreach programs. Still, the Kilgores yearn for more time to volunteer and give to others. NMFA is proud to present the enthusiastic and energetic Kilgore family with the December Family of the Month award.

November 2008

Garza Family
The Garza Family:  CPT Nate Garza, USA; his wife, Sara; and their children, William, Natalie, Samuel, Matthew, and Deborah

Recently named Fort Irwin’s Family of the Year, the Garza family is well known for lending many pairs of helping hands to the Catholic, military and civilian communities. Mother of five, Sara, volunteers with the Holy Family Catholic Community, is a Liturgical Coordinator, edits the Fort Irwin Middle School Newsletter, is the president of the Catholic Women of the Chapel, and still finds time to help out with Family Readiness. Dad, Nate, enthusiastically coaches youth sports and supports tons of Holy Family’s events. To no surprise, William and Natalie are vibrant leaders and, like their parents, stay active in the church. Even their younger siblings, Samuel and Matthew, lend a hand when they can and help pass out church flyers on Sundays. And little Deborah will undoubtedly join the family in their endeavors as soon as she is old enough. Please join us in congratulating the Garzas on a well-earned award: the NMFA’s Family of the Month.


October 2008

McKnight Family
COL Mark McKnight, USA; his wife, Christy; and their children, Ian, Mitchell, Sarah, and Meredith.

Been involved in any committee, club, board or fundraiser at or around Ft. Stewart? If so, you are pretty much guaranteed to have met a member of the McKnight family. Mom, Christy, has a spirit of volunteerism so strong that it is no surprise her children follow in her footsteps. Mark, currently deployed, knows that Christy and the kids are keeping busy back home. The McKnight’s participation in the St. Jude’s Bike-a-thon, the Special Olympics, Relay for Life, Toys for Tots, the church and a host of other events around the community earned twins, Ian and Mitchell, the title of “Teen Volunteers of the Year” in 2006. Sarah, like her brothers, is active with the church and special events, and is on the high school cross country, soccer and track teams. Even littlest sis, Meredith, pitches in at Brownies and helps Mom out with the Officers’ Spouses Club. Considering the McKnight’s recent relocation to Ft Leavenworth and the twins’ upcoming college adventures with one at West Point and the other at Texas A&M, we are certain this family is just getting started. The National Military Family Association is proud to name the McKnight’s our Family of the Month.


September 2008

The Welch Family
The Welch Family: Maj Ted E. Welch, USAF; his wife, Lori; and their children, Allison and Justin

The kindness of the Welch family stretches from charities, children and wounded soldiers close to them, to victims of Hurricane Katrina, and  to orphaned children in Iraq. Each individual family member contributes in a special way. Ted and Lori set an inspiring example for their children with their fundraising and leadership to connect our youngest American generation with the same generation in the Middle East. The family is involved in a number of charitable organizations including but not limited to KUDOS (Kids Understanding Deployment Operations), Operation Candy Drop, Airmen Against Drunk Driving, Airlift/Tanker Association Children’s Hospital, and the Nike Re-Use-a-Shoe drive. They boost local morale on a regular basis through their involvement with the Girl Scouts of America, Northbay Rehabilitation Center, and volunteering within Allison and Justin’s schools. NMFA is proud to present the Welch family as our September family of the month. 


August 2008

The Schiess Family
The Schiess Family: GySgt Oliver Schiess, USMC; his wife, Natelie; and their children Liam Columbus, Tininna Schiess, and Sophia Schiess

The Schiess family finds the positive in every obstacle they encounter, and make special moments out of every activity they participate in be in baking together or working on crafts for one of Mom, Natelie’s, many community projects like the Navy Wives Club of America. The sixth family member, their pet dog Summer, actually linked the family to the organization Labrador Lifeline. The Schiess family believes that a pet plays an important role in a military family, particularly throughout frequent moves and deployments, but unfortunately the cost of a pets unexpected medical expenses can deter folks from adding a furry friend to their pack. Labrador Lifeline helps cover the cost of such emergencies and the Schiess family’s support of this organization, many others, and contagious positive attitude earns them the title of NMFA Family of the Month.


July 2008

Carillo Family
The Carrillo Family: MSgt Jose Carrillo, USAF; his wife TSgt Corina Carrillo, USAF; and their children, Dorena, Andreas, Nicholas, and Angela

With five relocations under their belt so far as a family, the Carrillos are no strangers to the strains of relocating. While they will always miss their old friends, the family has found an excellent coping mechanism: get involved. Whether it’s Toys for Tots, Habitat for Humanity, clothing drives for Afghani children, sports they are involved in, or Jose and Corina’s dedication to mentoring Airmen for the Financial Management School House at Sheppard Air Force Base, the Carrillos jump right in. It takes a ton of teamwork for two active duty service members to raise a family of four, but Jose and Corina have mastered the art! NMFA is proud to offer them the honor of being the July Family of the Month.


June 2008

 The Wolfe Family - June

The Wolfe Family
MSgt David Wolfe, USAF; his wife, Doniel; and their children, David, Chayne, Aspen, Michael, Johnny and Irish

David and Doniel set an award-winning example for their children and their community with their coaching, fundraising, volunteerism, campaigning, leadership, and most of all, their humble nature. In addition to the family’s regular involvement in youth groups, programs on base, and multiple organizations, the Wolfes recently made a very special difference in an individual’s life. After noticing only five of the six enlisted Air Force Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients had been recognized in portrait paintings, David took it upon himself to contact the artist and orchestrate the fundraising necessary to commission the sixth print. The portrait was recently unveiled and the National Military Family Association (NMFA) is honored to thank the Wolfe family for their limitless compassion!


May 2008

Sanders Family

The Sanders Family
Maj Jimmie Sanders, USAF; his wife, Lisa; and their children, David and Bryson

While both Jimmie and Lisa are volunteering countless hours on and around the base, their children, David and Bryson, are leaders in the youth community at Sheppard Air Force Base, at Protestant Youth of the Chapel, and in the Boys’ and Girls’ Club. The Sanders family was recently named the 2007 Sheppard Air Force Base Military Family of the Year and is the National Military Family Association (NMFA) Family of the Month. Jimmie’s weekly involvement at the chapel, be it in the parenting workshop or the Purpose Driven Life Study group, along with his participation with the YMCA outreach programs, his ambassador position for African Heritage History Month at the elementary school, and his participation in events with the Muscular Dystrophy Association, reflect his deep compassion for others. Lisa’s regular work with adolescent girls, her strong passion for mentoring women, and her spiritual and musical contributions to the chapel and community have been recognized with awards from the various organizations to which she contributes.

"Our faith is the catalyst which drives us to do what we do and the core values are a part of our faith. We cling to integrity because it spurs us to do right when no one is looking. It helps us to live without regret and lets us look at ourselves in the mirror with no reservation or condemnation. Service before self aligns with our values for ministry and helping others." -Jimmie and Lisa Sanders


April 2008

The Lopez Family
The Lopez Family
SSG Kristopher Lopez, USA; his wife, Valerie; and their children Nevaeh, Randy, Celeste, and Alysa

Kristopher and Valerie jumped right into military family life with two deployments and the birth of their first baby within the first two years of marriage. Along with being a full-time mom, a full-time student, and full-time medical clerk on base, Valerie also helps Kristopher with family readiness and video conferencing set-ups for families with deployed service members. When the family suffered the loss of Valerie’s older sister, they immediately reached out and were honored to bring their niece into their home. The Lopez family has not only learned to cope and flourish throughout life’s ups and downs, they have set an example in the community with their strength and perseverance.


March 2008

Fricke Family
The Fricke Family
SPC Craig Fricke; his wife, Melissa Fricke; and their children, Nathaniel, Samuel, Joel, Raquel,
and Kelsey

Craig and Melissa Fricke are raising their family of five with an incredibly positive can-do attitude that enables them to; learn and grow together, help less-fortunate families, and make the best of the time during Craig’s deployment. In Kentwood State, MI, the Fricke’s can be found helping out at the Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, and military family support groups. Melissa teaches her children that time is better spent focusing on positive change by making an impact and having an open mind, than it is by complaining about the hurdles of military life. The optimism of this family is contagious!

“Because of being a military family, our children respect their father and they have learned the importance of volunteering their time to help others who are less fortunate.” -Melissa Fricke


February 2008

Talientos Family - February 2008 - Family of the Month

The Taliento Family
Colonel Michael J. Taliento and wife Tami Taliento, and children Christian, and Emily

Michael and Tami Taliento’s involvement in Area III, the future installation in the Republic of Korea, has ensured that the quality of life will be safe, secure, and prosperous. Their service to the community, both military and civilian, is recognized and appreciated by everyone around them. While Tami works on new initiatives to keep military spouses and families informed and supported, the couples’ children, Christian and Emily, hold positions on boards for their schools, communities and churches. Each member of this family brings their enthusiasm and gratitude to others and sets an extraordinary example for their peers.


January 2008

Lehnen Family

The Lehnen Family
CPO John Lehnen; his wife, Jennifer; and their children Kathryne, Lindsey, Jacob, and Isaac

When the Lehnen’s found out they were having triplets, they knew their busy military lifestyle was about to get even busier. John and Jennifer didn’t even consider slowing down. They carried on with their commitments to the community, as well as their careers and education, although they were facing an entirely new challenge: tending to the special needs of three premature babies. The Lehnen’s participation in community outreach programs, CFC fundraising, close work with the VFW, and participation in their local family readiness group is only the beginning of their service. They were named the Military Ambassador Family for the March of Dimes in 2003 and continue to maintain their position with the organization. John and Jennifer are always ready for the next project and looking for new ways to be involved in their community and in their various commitments. Their commitment to others, even in the face of new challenges, makes them an incredible example.

“I feel that [volunteering] is the best way that I can honor my husband’s commitment to excellence in his naval career by serving and helping other spouses during times of separation and to coordinate activities to show our appreciation for all that our command does to protect our freedom.” -Jennifer Lehnen



December 2007

Baker Family
The Baker Family
TSgt Wayland Baker, ANG; his wife, Jennifer; and their children Kelcee, Kolten, Krysta, Jhustin, Jhianna, and Jhaydann—Warner Robins, GA

“My children are such a large part of sending the packages to the troops. They love to help me package up the boxes, and a lot of love and thought goes into each package. We send the packages as a family, and now a community, out of love and support for the true heroes in this world.  It is the least we can do for them! I only wish we could do more!”— Jennifer Baker

With TSgt Wayland Baker deployed to Iraq, his wife, Jennifer, was left to take care of their six children while working full-time. In an effort to support deployed service members, Jennifer began a community drive to collect care packages to send to troops overseas. The family continues to collect items and consistently sends packages on a weekly basis.


November 2007

The Gonsalves Family

The Gonsalves Family
COL Ryan Gonsalves, USA; Janet; and their two children, Brittany and Nathan

“Plain and simple, the soldiers inspire me. Janet and I both think of them and their families as an extension of our own. We treat them how we would like someone to treat our own family members. Janet has volunteered as long as I've known her. She's done everything from Sunday school teacher, to Brownie/Cub Scout leader, to homeroom mom. So, when the Army thing came along and there were plenty of ways to help soldiers and their families, we both became hooked. We would bring the kids along with us to help too, like when we assembled Thanksgiving baskets for the unit.  We all agree: if there is a way to make military life better, then help do it.”—COL Ryan Gonsalves


October 2007

The Gazzaway Family

The Gazzaway Family
Capt Alex Gazzaway, his wife, Laura; and their children, Zachary, Parker, Grace, and Cameron

— U.S. Air Force, Massachusetts Military Reservation

 “It is challenging to balance work, family and community involvement, but we try to intertwine the kids in everything we do.  Sometimes our four kids are active participants such as walking in [the] Relay for Life, and other times they are along for the ride. We consider it a way to give back to the community and create fun family memories.  It is rare that we do an activity without the whole family involved.”— Alex Gazzaway


September 2007

The Killen Family

The Killen Family
SCPO John Killen III,(USN), wife Sandra, and children April, Angel, and Don

“As we believe in helping anyone [in] need, we always have room for more in our home. One of our rules is if we help you, then you help someone else. We always involve our children and guests. It helps them to be grateful for what they have and to see the good it does. When they get that hug or thank you, or just a smile, [they] know [they] have made a difference.” — Sandra Killen 


August 2007

Duessels August Family of the Month

The Duessel Family: LT Andrew Duessel, USN, his wife, Carolyn, and children, Alec and Nicole

Carolyn, on her husband’s deployment and the war in Afghanistan:

"You have to find the positive in it—that changes everything. The [American soldiers] are there to protect, but the children are the group to remember. Later in life, when historians or the media discuss or attempt to justify the Taliban’s rationale for blowing up convoys, children are going to remember that those convoys brought school supplies and toys they will remember that they helped them. It’s about improving the hearts and minds of the people there. Andy is a firm believer there was a reason, outside of his military career, he was there and this was it. I told myself ‘God has a reason. When God is done with him, we’ll bring him home."


July 2007

Family of the Month July - Kotchmans

The Kotchman Family
COL Donald, USA, and Anne Kotchman (parents), Sarah, Paul and Tommy Kotchman

"Anne and I believe it’s very important to take an active role in our children's development and social maturation.  We've been involved in their academic development; sports, scouting, church, and music activities; and to the extent it made sense, their social activities. We both believe our active involvement and volunteerism will set an example for them to follow as they become adults. While people get paid to do jobs, much of the goodness in society comes from those willing to volunteer to take action for the betterment of their community. Even small actions have an impact.  We hope by demonstrating our involvement [our children] will follow through on their own when their time comes and continue to make their community better."— COL Donald Kotchman 


June 2007

Franklin Family June Family of the Month

The Franklin Family
LT Michael Franklin, USCG, his wife Christy, and their children Michael Jr., Gabrielle, Allexia, Kaitlyn, Madison, and John

The Franklin family of Morgan City, Louisiana was chosen this month’s NMFA Family of the Month for their astonishing example as a family unit. Michael and his wife, Christy, adopted five local underprivileged children and created a new home for them. They are also both active in the Boy Scouts, their church, their children’s sports and even find time to assist the elderly community. Although Michael is the one who wears the uniform, the entire family has dedicated selfless service to their community.


May 2007

The Vigils - May Family of the Month

The Vigil Family
SSG Marty Vigil, Sr. (Air National Guard), his wife Lorena, and their children Santana, Bianca, and Marty, Jr.

The Vigil Family of New Mexico has been chosen May’s Family of the Month for the constant support they provide to their community. SSG Vigil and his wife, Lorena, are a highly motivated and professional team giving 100% in all their volunteer efforts. Lorena is the Southeastern Family Assistance Coordinator and also the founder of New Mexico’s first Youth Council program. SSG Vigil volunteered as team leader for Southeastern New Mexico’s “GI Joe Weekend,” where he motivated children ages seven to nine to work together, teaching them life skills such as cooperation and communication. Their daughter, Santana, holds a Chair position on the youth council and volunteers regularly. The Vigil family has gone above and beyond in their service to the New Mexico National Guard and their local community.


April 2007

Kraemer Family

The Kraemer Family
Lt Col Brian (USAFR), Kathleen, Katie, 1LT B.J (USA), ENS Kristen (USCG), and Cadet Thomas (USCGA) of Keesler AFB

The Kraemer family has been chosen Family of the Month for April for living by the principle, “God, Country, and Family.” The banner outside their house says, “God Bless Our Troops. Come Home Soon” with an American flag waving in the background. Lt Col Brian Kraemer is the Chief  Navigator for the U.S. Air Force Reserve's 403 WG/53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron at Keesler Air Force Base. His unit is directed to fly into hurricanes to gather data to assist in forecasting the path and intensity of a storm. His wife, Kathleen serves as the Religious Education Coordinator at the Military Chapel on base while assisting with Hurricane Katrina Relief efforts. Their oldest child, Katie is a high school Math teacher, swimming coach, and youth group leader, and her husband, Christopher, is a police officer. First Lieutenant B.J. (USA) is deployed overseas in Baghdad, Iraq.  Their daughter, Kristen, was commissioned an Ensign in the U.S. Coast Guard this past May and the youngest son, Thomas, is a freshman at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. The Kraemers are a testament of true American patriotism—a family devoted to serving their country and their neighbors. 


March 2007

Stephenson Family - March 2007

The Stephenson Family
TSgt Thomas, his wife Robin, and their children Candace, Thomas, and William

The Stephenson family of Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, NC does not look for recognition, but they certainly deserve it. TSgt Tom, USAF, is the Spouse Coordinator for his duty section, giving spouses of those deployed a point of contact for assistance. Robin supports Tom's squadron as a Key Spouse helping spouses of his fellow Airmen adapt to the role of military spouse. TSgt Tom and Robin are very active in the Boy Scouts of America as both leaders and parents. Their sons, Tommy and Billy are troop members with positions of responsibility which they take very seriously. Through scouting, the family has been involved in supporting the local soup kitchen, beautification of the base and the local schools, and raising funds for charity. Their daughter Candace is a full-time college student and volunteers to baby sit for spouses of deployed service members. The Stephensons know the art of service and continue to set high standards as a military family.


February 2007

Johnson Family - February 2007 - Family of the Month

The Johnson Family
MSG Leon Sr, Theresa, and their sons, Leon Jr., Blake and Taylor

The Johnson Family was chosen NMFA’s Family of the Month for February because of their commitment to building strong and healthy relations between Army families and the local community. First Sergeant Leon Sr. takes care of soldiers on the front line while Theresa and the boys take care of the family on the home front. First Sergeant Leon Sr. is currently deployed with a unit of the 101st Airborne Division. Theresa serves as the President for the Enlisted Spouses' Club, as a “room” mother at a local elementary school, and as a football, track, and baseball mom. Their three sons, Leon Jr., Blake, and Taylor, volunteer at numerous events, such as the opening of the Fischer House on Fort Campbell and providing childcare for the FRG events. The Johnson Family provides the truest form of selfless service and is dedicated to improving the quality of life for the Fort Campbell community. 


January 2007

Jan 07 Newsletter - Armstrong Family

The Armstrong Family Dennis, Linda, SFC Stormy Knowles, SrA Dennis II and SSG Nicholas

NMFA is pleased to recognize the Armstrong Family as January’s Family of the Month. Dennis and Linda Armstrong, proud parents of three service members, make an effort to give back to the military community.

Linda serves as Senior Vice President of the Ladies Auxiliary, VFW Post 6408 Havana, and volunteers for various local charities. Their daughter, SFC Stormy Knowles, has been in the Army about 10 years and was recently recognized for outstanding service. The oldest son, SrA Dennis II, is in the Air National Guard and has served for nearly five years, during which he served on President Bush's Security detail. The youngest, SSG Nicholas, has been in the Army National Guard for nearly 11 years. He was deployed to Iraq for an eighteen-month tour of duty and was awarded the Bronze Star.

The heart of the Armstrong family truly beats red, white and blue. 



December 2006

The Hammond Family - December Family of the Month

The Hammond Family
SSG Thomas Hammond, Abigail, Dianna, William, Jessi and Jacob

The philosophy of the Hammond family is “Family First,” but that has never kept them from giving back to their community. SSG Hammond claims his wife, Abigail, is the ring leader of the family. Abigail views it as her duty to inform and educate younger spouses who are new to the military. She accomplishes this by volunteering with the unit Family Readiness Group (FRG) and several installation programs.  Together, Hammond family members assist with FRG functions, SSG Hammond volunteers as a Deacon in their church and Dianna and William volunteer with the church’s youth group and are delegates for the installation’s teen Army Family Action Plan conference.

Whether it is volunteering in church, helping with FRG events, or supporting one another, the Hammonds are a team that works hard to give to others. 


November 2006

Stebbins Family

The Stebbins Family 
LtCol Scott Stebbins (Ret), Georgianna, and Lydia, U.S. Marine Corps

The charitable influences of Scott, Georgianna, and Lydia Stebbins have touched the lives of thousands of civilians, soldiers, retirees and family members. Lt Col Stebbins is a dedicated volunteer for the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) program, promoting the program in nearly 50 high schools. At the same time he donates his time to the Marine Corps Toys for Tots program and the Selfridge Air National Guard Base Chapel in Michigan.   

Together, Scott and his wife, Georgianna, are teen mentors. They have the remarkable ability to  recognize the individual strengths of each young person and generate enthusiasm and  motivation within the group. The Stebbins offer the teens a positive social outlet, as well as an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others.   

During the past year, Lydia was responsible for updating and distributing welcome packets and preparing pre-deployment packages for the family service center. Lydia continues to set a positive example for her peers by also serving as the Selfridge Family Forum Youth Group Volunteer. 

Georgianna, Scott, and Lydia Stebbins are everyday heroes  who concentrate on what they can give to others.


October 2006

Mclaughlin Family - October 2006

The McLaughlin Family
CWO2 Robert, USN, his wife Sheri, and children Robert Jr., Samantha, Benjamin, James, Gabriel, and Ruth

We are proud to announce that the McLaughlin family of New Orleans, LA is October’s NMFA Family of the Month. Selected for their extensive involvement in the community, the McLaughlins represent a family dedicated to serving others.  A good example of this dedication is their work to help clean up and rebuild New Orleans after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. The McLaughlin’s were at the center of the activity to coordinate and assist in the delivery of food and medical supplies to the many families left without homes.


September 2006

Ramos Family of the Month - Sept06

The Ramos Family
CWO2 Benedict Ramos (ISM3), Jennifer, Morgan, and Rudy

The Ramos family has been selected as the September NMFA Family of the Month for being a role model in giving; giving of their time, talent, and treasure in support of numerous humanitarian outreach programs in their neighborhood. The family actively support and participate in fundraisers and events that help families in financial distress and homeless citizens. They are leaders in their church, school, and local hospital support programs and participate in programs to; aid children of incarcerated parents, clean-up their neighborhood, and support cancer research.