United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

VA Puget Sound

VA, DOT, DOD Steer Vets toward Safe Driving Deadly Toll from Post-Deployment Car Crashes - With motor vehicle crashes being a leading cause of deaths among combat veterans during the first years after their return home, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Department of Defense (DOD) are working together to reduce these accidents.

Gulf War committee to visit: The Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans will meet at the VA Puget Sound Health Care System, Building 100, Room BB108, 1660 South Columbian Way, Seattle, WA on January 14, 2009.

VA Assists Veterans with Health Care Costs: For veterans struggling financially due to a job loss or decreased income, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers an assortment of programs that can relieve the costs of health care or provide care at no cost.   “With the downturn in the economy, VA recognizes that many veterans will feel the effects,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Dr. James B. Peake. “Therefore, it is important that eligible veterans learn of the many ways VA has to help them afford the health care they have earned.”

Gold Star License Plates for military parents in Washington: In 2008, the Washington State Legislature approved a license plate for Gold Star Parents.  The plates honor parents of military men and women who lost their lives in service to our Country. Please click on the link above for more information about the plates from the Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs.

Power outage and carbon monoxide safety tips from King County Public Health: High winds forecast this weekend may lead to power outages in some parts of King County. Given the cold temperatures, Public Health advises all residents to take steps to stay safe and warm and especially to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.  

Tips for veterans traveling to the 2009 Presidential Inauguration: Healthcare Suggestions from the Department of Veterans Affairs to prepare, plan ahead and protect yourself.

Free Valet Parking for Patients at the Seattle Division: VA Puget Sound is pleased to offer our patients free Valet Parking at the Seattle Division. The Valet Parking is located in the North Parking Lot by the flagpole. Please enter VA Puget Sound from South Columbian Way entrance, and then follow the blue and white signs to the valet booth near the flag pole. This service is designed for patients ONLY, and is available Monday through Friday excluding holidays, from 8:00am to 4:00pm. As a reminder, no tipping is allowed.

The newest edition of "VA Puget Sound News" is available!: The newest issue of our quarterly newsletter is now available.  Featured in this issue is Fisher House, free valet parking at the Seattle division, Community Based Outpatient Clinics, the American Lake Veterans Golf Course and more! Please visit the  newsletters page for a pdf or text version. 

Pearl Harbor Rememberance Day 2008: Much of what our country and our lives are like today was shaped by events that occurred 67 years ago on December 7th , 1941 at Pearl Harbor .

Travel reimbursement increased for eligible veterans: The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced today that eligible veterans will see an increase in the mileage reimbursement they receive for travel to VA facilities for medical care.

VA Puget Sound Fisher House named Charity of the Month!: Bonneville Communications, Snoqualmie Entertainment and the Seattle Seahawks have named VA Puget Sound Fisher House the Charity of the Month for November! Bonneville Communications operates KIRO 97.3 FM and 710 AM News Radio and KTTH 770 "The Truth".Click here to find out more.

Suicide Prevention: The VA has released a public service announcement by actor, Gary Sinise, urging veterans in distress to contact the Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Sinise is known for his portrayal of a troubled disabled veteran, "Lieutenant Dan", in the motion picture, "Forrest Gump".

VA Puget Sound Brings Voter Registration to Veterans :Get-out-the-vote efforts this year at VA Puget Sound Health Care System helped more than 50 people register to vote and provided registration information to another 40 people this campaign season. “Helping our veteran-patients register and vote has always been important at VA Puget Sound,” said Director Stan Johnson. “This year, VA added extra emphasis to voter registration.”

Information about copayment for outpatient medical care: The Veterans Millennium Health Care and Benefits Act gave the Department of Veterans Affairs the authority to establish outpatient copayment amounts. Outpatient co-pay is based on 3-tier system including no copayment, basic and specialty.

Suicide Prevention Is Everyone’s Business : Suicide Prevention Is Everyone’s Business – that’s the message the Department of Veterans Affairs is sending to veterans, their family members and friends, and the general public as part of its nationwide campaign to prevent suicides among veterans.

VA Puget Sound Nurses selected to national commitees:  Congratulations to two VA Puget Sound nurses! They were recently selected amongst their peers to serve on VA’s National Field Advisory Committees for the National Nursing Practice Program.

Paralympian Brings Home Gold from Beijing: When most people travel abroad, they bring back a shirt, a photograph or a small trinket as a memento of their trip. For paralympian and Navy veteran Will Groulx of Portland , Ore. , his trip to China for the 2008 Paralympic Games resulted in the ultimate memento - a gold medal.

New Pool Building Being Planned:   A new pool building for the Seattle division has been approved. Funding is now available for the design process which will start by November 2008.

Dr. Stephen Hunt recognized at National Primary Care Conference : Stephen Hunt, MD, Director of the VA Puget Sound Deployment Health Clinic, was just awarded the VA Primary Care Trailblazer Award for Outstanding Primary Care Leadership.

VA Announces On-Line Claims Applications: VA Announces On-Line Claims Applications WASHINGTON (July 16, 2008) - The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced today that on-line applications are now accepted from veterans, survivors and other claimants filing initial applications for disability compensation, pension, education, and vocational rehabilitation and employment benefits without the additional requirement to submit a signed paper copy of the application.

Permanent site secured for NW Washington VA clinic : VA Puget Sound Health Care System is proud to announce that it has secured a permanent site for its community based outpatient clinic in Mount Vernon. The clinic will open for business in late spring early summer of 2009. Please read the press release for more information by clicking on the title of this post.

VA to assist veterans facing home foreclosures: Many home owners have found it difficult recently to pay their mortgages, but quick intervention by loan counselors at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has actually reduced the number of veterans defaulting on their home loans.

More Education Benefits Coming to Reservists, Guardsmen: Changes Affect Those with Multiple Tours Some members of the National Guard and the Reserves who serve on active duty will see a significant increase in their educational benefits, thanks to improvements announced today by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). “Reservists and National Guardsmen who serve multiple tours on active duty may get an increase in their educational benefits, in keeping with the value of their service to our nation,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Dr. James B. Peake. Under new provisions, members who accumulate three years on active duty, regardless of breaks in service, may be eligible for the maximum payment under the Reserve Education Assistance Program (REAP). Previously, reservists and guardsmen had to serve two continuous years on active duty to receive the highest payment. The new eligibility rules are retroactive to October, 1, 2007. The top payment under REAP is currently $880.80 per month. The new law, part of the National Defense Authorization Act, also expands the period of eligibility for certain Guard and Reserve members who complete their service obligation before separation from the selected reserve. Members meeting these criteria may be eligible to use REAP benefits for a period of ten years following discharge. Benefits typically end upon separation for members who do not complete their full, obligated service. For more information on changes to VA’s GI Bill benefits, go to www.GIBILL.va.gov or contact VA directly at 1-888-GIBILL1 (or 1-888-442-4551).

Combat Veterans Eligibility for VA Health Care Benefits has been Extended!: Under previous eligibility rules, combat veterans who served in a theater of combat operations after November 11, 1998 were eligible to be enrolled in Priority Group 6 and receive cost-free health care for two years after discharge for conditions potentially related to combat service. The law has changed to extend eligibility for VA health care for eligible combat veterans! On January 28, 2008, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) became law. This new law extends health care eligibility for combat veterans as follows: · Currently enrolled veterans and new enrollees who were discharged from active duty on or after January 28, 2003 are eligible for the enhanced benefits, for 5 years post discharge. · Veterans discharged from active duty before January 28, 2003, who apply for enrollment on or after January 28, 2008, are eligible for the enhanced benefit until January 27, 2011. To learn more about health benefits for combat veterans, visit our Combat Veteran Fact Sheet at Combat Veteran Fact Sheet

Patient Information
Eligibility Contact Information
Federal Benefits for Veterans and Dependents
MyHealth Evet
Outpatient Clinics
Mobile Medical Unit
Prescription Refill
Returning Service Members
  Services Offered
  VISN 20 Internet Web Site
  American Lake

American Lake
Tacoma, WA

  Seattle Campus

Seattle, WA

Facility Contact Information

1660 South Columbian Way
Seattle, WA 98108

Nurse Triage/Aftercare
Available 24 hours per day
7 days per week