National Center for PTSD Manual

Returning from the War Zone: A Guide for Families of Military Personnel

This guide is for services members and their families. It contains information to help military family members understand what to expect during the reintegration following time in a war zone, and to help them adapt back to home life with their loved one.

Reintegration is an adjustment for all involved. This information aims to make this process as smooth as possible and covers:

  • A description of the common reactions that occur following deployment to a war zone
  • How expectations about homecoming may not be the same for service members and family members
  • Ways to talk and listen to one another in order to re-establish trust, closeness and openness
  • Information about possible problems to watch out for
  • How to offer and find assistance for your loved ones
  • What help is available and what it involves

NOTE: This guide is ONLY available online and is not available in hard copy. Please make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader to download these files. Not having the latest version (8) of this reader may cause error messages saying that the PDF file is "damaged".

Returning from the War Zone: A Guide for Families (PDF 158k)

Now also available in:

Samoan: A Guide for Families (Samoan PDF 95Kb)
Chammoro: A Guide for Families (Chammoro PDF 59Kb)


The National Center has also produced a similar Guide for Military Personnel.