US Imports of Steel Mill Products
Quantity in Metric Tons
Same Table - Monthly Average US Dollars

Same Table - Average Unit Value

Same Table - Annual Total Metric Tons

Same Table - Annual Total US Dollars

'C & A' = Carbon and Alloy products, 'S' = Stainless products

Product Census Data
Jul 2007
All Steel Mill   Products
All Steel Mill Products 128,372 109,402 89,563 114,966 113,025 101,545 91,348 104,640 98,727
Carbon and Alloy Products
All Carbon and Alloy Products 125,773 106,406 86,603 109,404 107,930 97,498 85,308 96,015 95,485
Line Pipe -- C & A 38,678 5,743 6,667 2,362 1,070 4,519 13,051 13,801 19,802
Blooms, Billets and Slabs -- C & A 9,981 25,029 20,017 18,640 15,960 8,016 9,475 9,269 6,299
Tin Plate -- C & A 3,412 3,346 8,079 8,666 6,656 8,769 9,343 11,231 3,081
Sheets & Strip Galv Electrolyt -- C & A 2,339 5,014 2,856 2,815 7,319 6,601 7,126 7,576 6,015
Oil Country Goods -- C & A 11,468 6,936 5,004 7,476 10,980 11,298 7,120 9,844 11,161
Strip-Cold Rolled -- C & A 2,056 2,034 2,575 2,751 3,308 3,371 5,022 5,373 4,061
Sheets & Strip Galv Hot Dipped -- C & A 9,267 14,065 11,261 8,405 7,934 5,697 4,337 5,574 1,449
Plates Cut Lengths -- C & A 1,967 4,347 841.3 3,687 3,085 3,684 3,658 3,891 2,946
Wire Rods -- C & A 7,429 3,881 7,817 18,807 16,190 7,573 3,379 3,914 12,845
Bars-Cold Finished -- C & A 1,737 850.0 370.8 2,308 3,198 3,908 3,054 3,367 2,776
Pressure Tubing -- C & A 2,069 3,423 1,509 2,366 3,052 2,396 2,520 2,822 4,369
Bars-Hot rolled -- C & A 2,727 3,519 1,776 2,912 3,080 2,790 2,323 2,666 2,244
Structural Shapes Heavy -- C & A 4,892 2,262 1,972 5,744 2,978 3,621 1,960 1,441 4,402
Tool Steel -- C & A 926.4 1,544 1,578 1,499 1,667 1,722 1,931 2,279 1,471
Mechanical Tubing -- C & A 2,625 2,124 2,163 2,399 3,267 2,373 1,836 2,410 2,565
Standard Pipe -- C & A 1,055 893.0 899.2 1,035 1,055 1,294 1,686 1,848 1,160
Plates in Coils -- C & A 1,563 2,256 959.6 3,512 2,724 5,773 1,549 1,790 2,935
Tin Free Steel -- C & A 1,893 1,712 963.3 922.6 1,422 1,584 1,241 1,107 1,505
Sheets Cold Rolled -- C & A 5,852 2,961 2,637 1,658 1,312 2,621 1,071 1,378 857.4
Sheets & Strip-Electrical -- C & A 1,041 676.6 822.1 1,772 1,403 1,713 1,047 1,265 847.0
Sheets Hot Rolled -- C & A 2,642 1,994 335.6 1,059 652.3 1,402 996.9 1,239 849.7
Wire Drawn -- C & A 876.2 893.7 765.1 833.0 844.8 914.5 527.9 643.6 557.8
Bars-Reinforcing -- C & A 5,657 6,947 2,765 5,602 7,222 4,906 301.0 404.3 370.1
Sheets & Strip All Other Metalic Coat -- C & A 154.0 136.8 186.1 157.9 253.9 202.9 242.1 243.6 271.6
Steel Piling -- C & A 1,335 1,377 557.1 766.7 208.0 211.0 232.6 340.6 454.4
Rails Standard -- C & A 1,101 773.2 5.03 20.5 3.78 20.3 97.2 142.2 22.7
Structural Pipe & Tube -- C & A 94.5 365.4 287.3 194.7 287.9 44.8 49.6 41.0 54.2
Railroad Accessories -- C & A 1.11 20.4 . 3.85 20.8 11.6 30.7 . 0.43
Pipe & Tubing Nonclassified -- C & A 54.9 66.3 4.53 14.2 56.2 17.3 28.3 27.9 59.8
Bars-Light Shaped -- C & A 66.6 192.8 11.4 10.7 3.31 30.5 21.8 37.4 1.52
Strip-Hot Rolled -- C & A 585.2 598.5 493.3 476.3 308.5 292.9 20.6 35.3 35.7
Ingots and Steel for Castings -- C & A 7.81 9.27 10.9 14.2 180.3 84.3 19.8 2.16 .
Rails All Other -- C & A 57.4 48.4 28.1 28.8 5.38 2.38 2.06 0.51 3.37
Black Plate -- C & A 150.8 234.5 377.3 475.2 210.6 24.7 . . 4.40
Pipe For Piling -- C & A . 122.8 . . . . . . .
Stainless        Products
All Stainless Products 2,599 2,995 2,960 5,561 5,094 4,046 6,039 8,625 3,241
Oil Country Goods -- S . . . . . . 2,079 3,370 0.09
Plates in Coils -- S 334.4 483.6 902.7 1,352 1,345 920.4 1,194 1,816 847.8
Sheets Cold Rolled -- S 729.0 1,299 1,116 2,574 1,595 1,007 724.3 978.3 467.6
Bars-Cold Finished -- S 579.6 317.4 186.0 438.9 657.5 675.9 673.6 909.4 490.9
Plates Cut Lengths -- S 156.9 188.9 160.0 365.1 623.9 485.6 394.6 458.2 395.1
Stainless Pipe & Tubing -- S 214.4 151.9 163.5 205.9 231.9 377.2 331.9 359.9 263.9
Bars-Hot rolled -- S 171.9 105.0 99.6 179.5 101.6 151.5 203.3 254.0 165.2
Strip-Cold Rolled -- S 137.0 120.1 114.5 139.6 119.5 161.9 171.1 225.7 135.2
Wire Drawn -- S 86.8 71.4 59.6 124.6 150.1 124.2 87.6 109.7 112.6
Wire Rods -- S 91.5 130.1 61.0 71.1 74.1 43.3 66.9 69.7 59.0
Strip-Hot Rolled -- S 3.77 1.58 5.14 9.61 8.92 2.91 32.5 25.2 2.30
Blooms, Billets and Slabs -- S 60.1 41.5 31.9 20.6 75.0 33.5 29.4 15.9 40.4
Sheets Hot Rolled -- S 23.3 62.7 18.1 22.3 77.6 42.9 27.5 9.86 154.8
Line Pipe -- S . . . . . . 17.3 12.7 105.9
Ingots and Steel for Castings -- S 0.02 6.99 19.4 42.8 32.3 19.0 5.33 9.14 0.54
Bars-Light Shaped -- S 2.88 0.55 0.14 . 0.08 0.24 . . 0.01
Structural Shapes Heavy -- S 7.24 14.2 21.3 14.0 1.21 . . . .

SOURCE: US Department of Commerce, Import Administration
Table last modified on: September 23, 2008 , with
Final Census data compiled through July 2008
Data listed in order of descending volume exported during the year - 2007
Steel mill categories are defined by 10-digit HTS codes
To see License Data at HTS 6-digit level click on chart title at the top of the page.

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