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The Short Rotation Woody Crops Operations Working Group is a private and public partnership between wood products companies, equipment manufacturers, utility companies, the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), the National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI) and university researchers. Our mission is to promote collaborative efforts in developing needed operations for plantings that comply with the principles of economic viability, ecological soundness, and social acceptance. A major activity is information sharing about the efficient development of practices and equipment to culture, harvest and handle large-scale woody biomass plantings. Activities are supported by membership dues and the following sustaining sponsors -- Potlatch Corporation, Boise Cascade, Greenwood Resources,and Peterson Pacific

A very successful Short Rotation Crops International Conference was hosted August 18-22, 2008 by the University of Minnesota's Center for Agricultural and Natural Resources Management. Look for abstracts and presentation materials to appear on the website http://www.cinram.umn.edu/srwc/

membership info Charter steering committee minutes
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Last updated: 25 August 2008

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