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The papers in these workshops represent the personal views of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of their companies, organisations or the IEA.

Building the Hydrogen Economy: Enabling Infrastructure Development
(2nd Workshop)
Location and date(s) of workshop:
IEA, Paris: 10-12 July 2007
Organiser(s): IEA / International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy (IPHE)


The International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy (IPHE) Steering Committee and the International Energy Agency (IEA) Governing Board recently expressed their support for the project, Building the Hydrogen Economy: An Infrastructure Strategy. The overall goal of the project is to: 1) summarize lessons learned and analysis from early public and private sector investments in hydrogen economy infrastructure, and, 2) develop a viable vision and pathway(s) forward for future infrastructure investments and development activities.

Links to other relevant workshops:

3rd Workshop on Building the Hydrogen Economy: Enabling Infrastructure Development
Shanghai: 22-24 October 2007 see flyer

Building the Hydrogen Economy
Detroit, Michigan: 2-4 April 2007

Links to relevant documents:
Workshop Report
Workshop Participants at Breakout Groups



Mr. Claude Mandil, Executive Director, International Energy Agency

Workshop Goals: The Road from Detroit to Shanghai
Dr. Robert K. Dixon, Head, Energy Technology Policy Division, International Energy Agency

SESSION I: Sharing the European Vision

The Hydrogen Strategy of the EU Technology Platform
Dr. Bernard Frois, ANR – National Research Agency, France

HyWays - The European Hydrogen Energy Roadmap - Final Results
Mr. Reinhold Wurster, Senior Project Manager - Hydrogen, Ludwig-Bolkow Systemtechnik (HyWays coordination office)

EU-funded Initiatives for H2 Infrastructure Development: Current Status and Future Prospects
Ms. Beatrice Coda, Scientific Officer, European Commission

Renewables & Hydrogen Activities
Mr. Gijs van Breda Vriesman, GM Hydrogen Europe, Shell

Urban Hydrogen Projects: Finding your Way in European Townhalls
Ms. Marieke Reijalt, Executive Director, European Hydrogen Association, Belgium

SESSION II: Building Blocks for the Hydrogen Economy

IEA Hydrogen Implementing Agreement (HIA) Building the Hydrogen Economy Through R,D&D Co-operation
Mr. Ray Eaton, UK Department for Business, Enterprise & Regulatory Reform

Analysis of the U.S. Market Transition to a Hydrogen Economy
Mr. Fred Joseck, U.S. Department of Energy

The Road to a Full-Scale Hydrogen Economy
Mr. Dan Cicero, Hydrogen Technology Manager, U.S. Department of Energy

Building the Hydrogen Economy
Dr. Tapan K. Bose, President & CEO, Hydrogen Engine Centre, Canada

Transition Scenario for Hydrogen Infrastructure for Fuel Cell Vehicles in Japan
Mr. Yuichiro Shimura, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Japan

Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Infrastructure Development in Shanghai
Mr. Jianxin Ma, Tonghi University, China

H2 in the Spanish Energy Framework
Ms. Esther Chacón, National Institute for Aerospace Technology, Spain

Supporting Technologies for the Hydrogen Economy
Dr. Eitan Yudilevich, Executive Director, BIRD Foundation, Israel

Breakout Session Instructions
Mr. Richard Scheer, Vice President of Energetics Incorporated


Breakout Session 1: Mobile Applications
Discussion Leader: Dr. Robert K. Dixon
IEA Rapporteur: Mr. Michael Mills, U.S. Department of Energy

Breakout Session 2: Mobile Applications
Discussion Leader: Mr. Thomas Gross, IF, LLC
Rapporteur: Ms. Jill Gagnon, U.S. Energy Association

Breakout Session 3: Stationary Applications
Discussion Leader: Mr. Khalid Benhamou, Sahara Wind, Inc.
Mr. Robert Donovan, U.S. Energy Association
Rapporteur: Ms. Simone Luft, IEA

Breakout Session 4: Stationary Applications
Discussion Leader: Dr. Nicolas Lymberopoulos, UN Industrial Development Organization
Rapporteur: Ms. Emily Glenn, IEA

Breakout Session 5 includes modelling, analysis, and scenario development issues.

Breakout Session 5: Modelling
Discussion Leaders: Dr. Dolf Gielen, IEA and Dr. Paul Leiby, ORNL, U.S. Department of Energy

Finalize Breakout Group Oral Reports

Final Plenary Session
Reports from the Breakout Groups & Discussion
Chair: Mr. Richard Scheer, Energetics Incorporated
Panelists: Breakout Group Discussion Leaders

Closing Remarks
Ms. Sara Filbee, Industry Canada

APPENDIX: Breakout Session 5: Modelling ORANGE
Programme Discussion Leaders: Dr. Dolf Gielen, IEA Dr. Paul Leiby, ORNL

Session 1:

I. Introduction
i. Outcomes of Modelling Session from Detroit Workshop
ii. Workshop & Breakout Session Goals

II. Presentations that complete the model overview from Detroit with special emphasis on European modelling and discussion to follow
i. MoMo: Mr. Pierpaolo Cazzola, IEA
ii. HyWays: Mr. Philipp Seydel, Fraunhofer Institute Systems and Innovation Research ISI
iii. HyWays-IPHE: Comparing Hydrogen Analyses: Dr. Mark Ruth, NREL

Complete the overview of models

III. Development of a Toolbox
i. How to fill the gaps identified in Detroit
ii. How to link several models
iii. Practical matters: conditions and resources needed for toolbox use

Session 2:
IV. Modelling and Strategy
i. Business models for a hydrogen transition
ii. Discussion including:
- The lighthouse model
- The role of niche markets PHEVS as a stepping stone
- The role of stationary H2 use and role of existing hydrogen sources


© International Energy Agency 2008


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