Welcome to the Web Site of Hydrogen Now!


The mission of Hydrogen Now! is to accelerate the use of renewable hydrogen.

An undeniable truth of life: choices involve consequences. As far as our energy choices go, choosing to burn fossil fuels almost exclusively for the last century and a half has brought tremendous development and opportunities, but it has not been without consequences.

Although we will continue to use petroleum for some time, we have reached the point in human history where we must evolve to a lighter, cleaner fuel. Browse our site to learn more about hydrogen. We have the technology to begin making a transition now. It is time to take it upon ourselves to make better energy choices for the 21st century.

Why We Need The Solar-Hydrogen Economy Now -- By Warren D. Reynolds, Ph.D.

Renewable Hydrogen -- The Right Future? -- By Ron Larson, board member of Hydrogen Now! and the American Solar Energy Society -- Solar Today

Renewable Hydrogen -- Can We Get There? -- By Susan Hock, Carolyn Elam and Debra Sandor, NREL -- Solar Today

Renewable Hydrogen -- Can We Afford It? -- By Margaret K. Mann and Johanna S. Ivy, NREL -- Solar Today

The Renewable Hydrogen Forum Report is a must read!

The Renewable Hydrogen Forum took place in Washington, D.C. in April 2003, with the goal of assembling the leaders in renewable hydrogen technology, theory, research and practice, and producing a testimony to the viability of producing hydrogen with renewable energy.  This report is the most important collection of information on renewable hydrogen that has been produced to date.

Keep current on today's hydrogen news by reading H2Nation Magazine.  Its editors promise to "work together toward an energy future based on hydrogen; hydrogen derived from our own abundant resources:  wind power, solar in its many forms, and bio fuels from farmers and producers throughout this land."  You can subscribe to the magazine at the H2Nation web site

Fort Collins Declaration -- The Fort Collins Declaration was spontaneously inspired by the energy and excitement generated at the September 2000 Forum on Converting to a Hydrogen Economy.   

State Of The World


Send mail to info@hydrogennow.org with questions or comments about this web site. Hydrogen Now!, ERC, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colorado 80523
970-491-7189 or 866-GO-H2-NOW 
Copyright © 2002 Hydrogen Now!

Copyright © 2002
Hydrogen Now!
Design: David Bartecchi