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Children and Youth 

YI - Operation Purple Button YI - Resources for Kids YI - Reasearch Button YI - Ways to Help

War takes its toll not only on the troops who fight in the field, but also on the families who wait
Young female cousins
and worry at home. More than 155,000 kids have at least one parent who is deployed in the war on terrorism; this staggering figure doesn't even include those experiencing routine, but often lengthy, deployments and separations from loved ones. Many children are experiencing multiple deployments or have more than one parent or family member deployed.

NMFA realizes that these children and their families need resources and outlets to deal with the effects of their current situation. NMFA's Operation Purple® free summer camp program gives children a unique experience where they can learn coping skills, build a support network of peers, and share in some carefree fun that they need and deserve.

This section will tell you all about the Operation Purple® camp program, but will also provide information and resources for military children and their families. We include websites, book selections, letter writing campaigns, and valuable research dealing with children and deployments.