Mount St. Helens VolcanoCams

Mount St. Helens VolcanoCams

VolcanoCam High Definition - Java Refresh

VolcanoCam - High Definition (Full-Size)

This is a near real-time image of Mount St. Helens, taken from the Johnston Ridge Observatory. The Observatory and VolcanoCam are located at an elevation of approximately 4,500 feet, about five miles from the volcano. You are looking approximately south-southeast across the North Fork Toutle River Valley. The VolcanoCam image automatically updates approximately every five minutes.

This is a full resolution image (1024x768). If you can't see the whole image at once, try scrolling using your browser's scrollbars. This web page uses a Java applet to automatically refresh the image itself, instead of the entire web page. We have a full-size non-Java version view also available.

You may also view the image medium-size (640x480), as either a image refreshed by Java, or a web page refresh. The medium-sized image should fit within your browser window without scrolling.

Site design and support by USDA Forest Service
Northwest Enterprise Web Team (NEWT)

Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument

Pacific Northwest Region

USDA Forest Service

Page Last Modified: 30 October 2007 @ 12:52:54 PM EDT.

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