Mount St. Helens VolcanoCams

Supporting The VolcanoCam

Using The VolcanoCam Image On Your Web Site

US Forest Service Privacy & Security Notice

This link references the US Forest Service Privacy & Security Notice for the Gifford Pinchot National Forest and Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument.

US Forest Service Disclaimers Notice

This link references the US Forest Service Disclaimers Notice for the Gifford Pinchot National Forest and Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument.

How To Link To the VolcanoCam

Page Link

If you wish to link directly to the VolcanoCam web page, please use the following link:

This link does not require the use and/or knowledge of a specific web page. Our web server will always provide you with the correct VolcanoCam page by using the above URL link. It is important to only use the above link. If you directly link to any other VolcanoCam web page, there is a risk it may not always work, because we made periodic changes to the web site.

Image Link

If you wish to link directly to the VolcanoCam image, please use the following link:

Terms Of Use Use Of The VolcanoCam Image And Web Page

  • You may link to our VolcanoCam web page, or use the VolcanoCam image on your web site. If you do, please credit and provide a link back to Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument. We would also appreciate it also that you contact us so that we can include your web site in a list of sites linking to the Mount St. Helens VolcanoCam.
  • You may not distort the VolcanoCam image, other than changing its size (and still keep the image's aspect ratio), to fit on your own site. This also means you may not cover up nor distort the identifying information at the top and at the bottom of the image. If you do change the image size to make it fit within your own web page, we request you provide a link back to Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument VolcanoCam. This will ensure visitors to your web site are able to view the correctly sized image at any time.
  • You may not use frames to capture our web page within your own web site.
  • You may not restrict visitors to your web site in order to view the VolcanoCam image and/or web site link. This means you cannot require anyone to register with your web site (whether free or for payment of any kind) in order to view the image and/or the link to to the Mount St. Helens VolcanoCam. The VolcanoCam image and/or web link must be freely accessible at all times to all visitors to your web site.
  • You may not use the VolcanoCam image and/or VolcanoCam link for any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise. As stated in our Disclaimers web page as referenced above, this also means the VolcanoCam image and/or web link shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. If you choose to display just the VolcanoCam image on your own web page, and/or a popup window on your web site, that web page and/or popup window shall not contain any advertising, commercial and/or non-commercial.
  • If you choose to use the VolcanoCam image on your web site, you are strongly encouraged that the web page meets current W3C web standards and US Government Section 508 accessibility requirements.

All links are provided with the intent of meeting the mission of the Department and the US Forest Service web sites. Please let us know about existing external links to the Mount St. Helens VolcanoCam and/or use of the VolcanoCam image you believe are inappropriate.

Site design and support by USDA Forest Service
Northwest Enterprise Web Team (NEWT)

Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument

Pacific Northwest Region

USDA Forest Service

Page Last Modified: 20 July 2007 @ 6:49:19 PM EDT.

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