National Cancer Institute,
The Nation's Progress in Cancer Research: An Annual Report for 2003
Table of Contents
i. Director's Message
ii. Discovery, Development, Delivery
1. Ocean Is a Treasure Trove of Possible Anticancer Compounds
2. Protein Pushes Blood Stem Cells Toward Leukemia
3. Tumor Cell Protein Predicts Breast Cancer Survival
4. Protease Inhibitor Could Forestall Bone Metastases
5. Scientists May Have Key to Cell's Swift Response to DNA Damage
6. HER2 Receptor Shape Encourages Tumor Growth
7. Every Cancer's Signature Is
8. Molecular Profiles May Improve Lung Cancer Outcomes
9. Imaging Provides a Clearer Picture of Cancer
10. Immune System Can Be Activated Against Melanoma
11. Donated Immune Cells Can Combat Breast Cancer
12. DNA Vaccine Ready for Testing in Cervical and Head & Neck Cancer Trials
13. Estrogen Therapy Increases Ovarian Cancer Risk
14. Three Factors Affect Mammogram Results
15. A Single Gene Helps Liver Cancer Invade Other Tissues
16. Breaking Down a Cancer Cell's Defenses
17. Impact of Melanoma Gene Varies by Geographic Location
18. New Clues on Genetic Susceptibility for Aggressive Prostate Cancer
19. Genes May Influence Ability to Quit Smoking
20. Beta-Carotene Supplements No Good for Smokers; Vitamin E Shows Promise
21. Protein Patterns in Blood Reveal Cancer's Secrets
22. Vaccine Promises to Fend Off Most Cervical Cancers
23. Drug Identified to Prevent Prostate Cancers
24. Steps Closer to Colorectal Cancer Prevention
25. Big Plans for Small-Scale Science
26. Sophisticated Imaging Enhancer Studied as Biopsy Alternative
27. Taxane Alternative May Side-Step Drug Resistance
28. Drug May Make Surgery Possible for Liver Cancer
29. Letrozole Reduces Recurrence of Breast Cancer
30. Aspirin Beneficial for Those at Risk for Colon Cancer
31. Studies Explain Impact of Social Support on Ovarian Cancer Progression
32. Zeroing in on Colon Cancer Risk Factors in African Americans
33. Delivering Diet Advice to African American Men
34. Taking the Guesswork out of Comprehensive Cancer Control
35. Creating a Partnership to Accelerate Cancer Drug Development
36. Speeding the Evaluation of Biomarkers with Tissue Microarrays
37. Locating Human Tissue Specimens for Research
38. Combining Cohorts for Maximum Impact
39. Community Clinical Oncology Program—20 Years Strong
40. Working Together to Reduce Health Disparities
41. Harnessing the Power of Communications
42. Glossary
43. Resources
Progress Brings Hope
NCI 2003 Annual Report Cover
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National Cancer Institute Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health