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Glacier National Park
Public Comments Sought Concerning Removal of Cabin on Lake McDonald

Date: December 1, 2006
Contact: Melissa Wilson, 406 888-7895
Contact: Mary Riddle, 406 888-7898

WEST GLACIER, MONT. – Officials at Glacier National Park are seeking comments to help in the preparation of an environmental assessment (EA) for removing a recreational cabin located on Lake McDonald. The Roberts Cabin was built ca.1950 by Edna S. Graham. Mary Agnes Roberts, daughter of Edna Graham, sold the property to the federal government in 1975, reserving a 25-year lease that ended in 2000. Mary Agnes Roberts sold the property to the federal government with the understanding that the building would be removed and the property restored to its natural state.

"The cabin has been uninhabited for many years and is in poor condition," noted Park Superintendent Mick Holm, "it presents a safety hazard to the public in its present state."

In 2003, the National Park Service proposed to remove three privately-built recreational cabins, including the Roberts Cabin, on Lake McDonald within Glacier National Park. Public scoping for the project was conducted in July 2003. However, the project was delayed while a determination of eligibility for listing in the National Register of Historic Places was prepared.

A National Register of Historic Places Multiple Property Documentation for all recreational camps on Lake McDonald was completed in 2006. The Roberts Cabin was determined to be a contributing historic resource within the Glacier Park Villa Sites Historic District.

The project is undergoing scoping again because several years have passed since the project was first proposed and at this time the park is analyzing removal of one of the cabins instead of the three cabins originally proposed. The park is requesting comments at this time early in the process to identify concerns and issues that need to be addressed in the EA additional alternatives that should be considered. In addition to the no action alternative, park staff will analyze cabin removal by contract salvage or by a park crew. Future management options for the other two cabins will be addressed at a future date. Comments received during scoping in 2003 are still being considered and will be addressed in the EA.

Scoping is an early and open process which occurs prior to the development of an EA. Scoping comments are used to identify issues and alternatives that should be addressed in the EA. Once the EA has been written, the public will be proved the opportunity to comment again.

Comments can be provided directly through the park’s planning website ( by selecting this project. Or write to: Superintendent, Glacier National Park, Attention: Roberts Cabin EA, West Glacier, Montana 59936. Comments are due by December 29, 2006.

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Last Updated: January 10, 2007 at 14:15 EST