Tables 56-57


Table 56

Arrest Trends
Nonmetropolitan Counties, 2003-2004
[1,686 agencies; 2004 estimated population 19,226,189; 2003 estimated population 19,154,702]

Offense charged Number of persons arrested
Total all ages Under 18 years of age 18 years of age and over
2003 2004 Percent change 2003 2004 Percent change 2003 2004 Percent change
TOTAL1 755,416 755,123 * 74,054 69,370 -6.3 681,362 685,753 +0.6
Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter 731 691 -5.5 56 44 -21.4 675 647 -4.1
Forcible rape 1,726 1,836 +6.4 277 290 +4.7 1,449 1,546 +6.7
Robbery 1,731 1,592 -8.0 194 151 -22.2 1,537 1,441 -6.2
Aggravated assault 19,476 19,373 -0.5 1,908 1,812 -5.0 17,568 17,561 *
Burglary 17,929 17,517 -2.3 4,902 4,308 -12.1 13,027 13,209 +1.4
Larceny-theft 27,980 28,489 +1.8 5,916 5,643 -4.6 22,064 22,846 +3.5
Motor vehicle theft 5,593 5,406 -3.3 1,634 1,403 -14.1 3,959 4,003 +1.1
Arson 898 870 -3.1 266 274 +3.0 632 596 -5.7
    Violent crime2 23,664 23,492 -0.7 2,435 2,297 -5.7 21,229 21,195 -0.2
    Property crime2 52,400 52,282 -0.2 12,718 11,628 -8.6 39,682 40,654 +2.4
Other assaults 66,887 66,413 -0.7 8,777 8,237 -6.2 58,110 58,176 +0.1
Forgery and counterfeiting 5,302 5,201 -1.9 204 220 +7.8 5,098 4,981 -2.3
Fraud 35,503 34,973 -1.5 349 319 -8.6 35,154 34,654 -1.4
Embezzlement 756 782 +3.4 29 13 -55.2 727 769 +5.8
Stolen property; buying, receiving, possessing 5,067 4,850 -4.3 685 571 -16.6 4,382 4,279 -2.4
Vandalism 13,716 12,533 -8.6 4,784 3,886 -18.8 8,932 8,647 -3.2
Weapons; carrying, possessing, etc. 6,880 6,764 -1.7 817 788 -3.5 6,063 5,976 -1.4
Prostitution and commercialized vice 122 162 +32.8 10 11 +10.0 112 151 +34.8
Sex offenses (except forcible rape and prostitution) 5,272 5,272 0.0 1,165 1,107 -5.0 4,107 4,165 +1.4
Drug abuse violations 87,344 90,532 +3.6 6,746 6,410 -5.0 80,598 84,122 +4.4
Gambling 648 429 -33.8 16 13 -18.8 632 416 -34.2
Offenses against the family and children 11,372 11,109 -2.3 518 512 -1.2 10,854 10,597 -2.4
Driving under the influence 147,776 146,260 -1.0 2,119 2,088 -1.5 145,657 144,172 -1.0
Liquor laws 35,079 34,491 -1.7 8,747 8,663 -1.0 26,332 25,828 -1.9
Drunkenness 20,603 19,852 -3.6 497 508 +2.2 20,106 19,344 -3.8
Disorderly conduct 19,993 20,425 +2.2 4,466 4,689 +5.0 15,527 15,736 +1.3
Vagrancy 244 400 +63.9 20 40 +100.0 224 360 +60.7
All other offenses (except traffic) 210,730 213,517 +1.3 12,894 11,986 -7.0 197,836 201,531 +1.9
Suspicion 117 158 +35.0 46 78 +69.6 71 80 +12.7
Curfew and loitering law violations 995 908 -8.7 995 908 -8.7 - - -
Runaways 5,063 4,476 -11.6 5,063 4,476 -11.6 - - -

1 Does not include suspicion.

2 Violent crimes are offenses of murder, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. Property crimes are offenses of burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson.

* Less than one-tenth of 1 percent.


Table 57

Arrest Trends
Nonmetropolitan Counties
by Sex, 2003-2004
[1,686 agencies; 2004 estimated population 19,226,189; 2003 estimated population 19,154,702]

Offense charged Male Female
Total Under 18 Total Under 18
2003 2004 Percent change 2003 2004 Percent change 2003 2004 Percent change 2003 2004 Percent change
TOTAL1 589,106 585,150 -0.7 53,771 50,091 -6.8 166,310 169,973 +2.2 20,283 19,279 -4.9
Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter 620 582 -6.1 45 30 -33.3 111 109 -1.8 11 14 +27.3
Forcible rape 1,688 1,782 +5.6 266 274 +3.0 38 54 +42.1 11 16 +45.5
Robbery 1,527 1,425 -6.7 175 134 -23.4 204 167 -18.1 19 17 -10.5
Aggravated assault 15,930 15,978 +0.3 1,513 1,413 -6.6 3,546 3,395 -4.3 395 399 +1.0
Burglary 15,758 15,284 -3.0 4,416 3,938 -10.8 2,171 2,233 +2.9 486 370 -23.9
Larceny-theft 20,088 20,134 +0.2 4,368 4,006 -8.3 7,892 8,355 +5.9 1,548 1,637 +5.7
Motor vehicle theft 4,613 4,453 -3.5 1,311 1,111 -15.3 980 953 -2.8 323 292 -9.6
Arson 751 723 -3.7 237 239 +0.8 147 147 0.0 29 35 +20.7
    Violent crime2 19,765 19,767 * 1,999 1,851 -7.4 3,899 3,725 -4.5 436 446 +2.3
    Property crime2 41,210 40,594 -1.5 10,332 9,294 -10.0 11,190 11,688 +4.5 2,386 2,334 -2.2
Other assaults 51,433 50,685 -1.5 6,058 5,679 -6.3 15,454 15,728 +1.8 2,719 2,558 -5.9
Forgery and counterfeiting 3,060 3,075 +0.5 139 142 +2.2 2,242 2,126 -5.2 65 78 +20.0
Fraud 18,021 17,603 -2.3 230 195 -15.2 17,482 17,370 -0.6 119 124 +4.2
Embezzlement 379 350 -7.7 14 10 -28.6 377 432 +14.6 15 3 -80.0
Stolen property; buying, receiving, possessing 4,250 4,037 -5.0 589 467 -20.7 817 813 -0.5 96 104 +8.3
Vandalism 11,719 10,558 -9.9 4,205 3,406 -19.0 1,997 1,975 -1.1 579 480 -17.1
Weapons; carrying, possessing, etc. 6,346 6,270 -1.2 724 709 -2.1 534 494 -7.5 93 79 -15.1
Prostitution and commercialized vice 69 100 +44.9 7 8 +14.3 53 62 +17.0 3 3 0.0
Sex offenses (except forcible rape and prostitution) 5,003 4,997 -0.1 1,076 1,035 -3.8 269 275 +2.2 89 72 -19.1
Drug abuse violations 70,258 72,066 +2.6 5,390 5,061 -6.1 17,086 18,466 +8.1 1,356 1,349 -0.5
Gambling 533 360 -32.5 14 12 -14.3 115 69 -40.0 2 1 -50.0
Offenses against the family and children 9,134 8,889 -2.7 324 292 -9.9 2,238 2,220 -0.8 194 220 +13.4
Driving under the influence 122,340 120,599 -1.4 1,661 1,669 +0.5 25,436 25,661 +0.9 458 419 -8.5
Liquor laws 25,640 25,212 -1.7 5,489 5,501 +0.2 9,439 9,279 -1.7 3,258 3,162 -2.9
Drunkenness 17,331 16,514 -4.7 371 377 +1.6 3,272 3,338 +2.0 126 131 +4.0
Disorderly conduct 14,962 15,125 +1.1 3,087 3,231 +4.7 5,031 5,300 +5.3 1,379 1,458 +5.7
Vagrancy 208 310 +49.0 15 38 +153.3 36 90 +150.0 5 2 -60.0
All other offenses (except traffic) 164,698 165,587 +0.5 9,300 8,662 -6.9 46,032 47,930 +4.1 3,594 3,324 -7.5
Suspicion 99 137 +38.4 41 66 +61.0 18 21 +16.7 5 12 +140.0
Curfew and loitering law violations 628 569 -9.4 628 569 -9.4 367 339 -7.6 367 339 -7.6
Runaways 2,119 1,883 -11.1 2,119 1,883 -11.1 2,944 2,593 -11.9 2,944 2,593 -11.9

1 Does not include suspicion.

2 Violent crimes are offenses of murder, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. Property crimes are offenses of burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson.

* Less than one-tenth of 1 percent.


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