Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest

White Pass Ski Area Expansion


Final Environmental Impact Statement released June 2007

Final Environmental Impact Statement

Okanogan-Wenatchee, and Gifford Pinchot National Forests

White Pass FEIS and Record of Decision Documents

Links to Documents in the Final Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision

IMPORTANT-- The documents are in Acrobat PDF format and may not load into your web browser. It may be best to click the right mouse button on the links to save the files to your computer (typically "save target as..." in menu), and then open the files in Acrobat Reader (If you don't have Acrobat Reader, see link at bottom of this page to download it at no cost).

Note that many of the documents are very large and may take a long time to download, depending on your internet connection speed.

News Release
White Pass
Ski Area Permit amended

November 16, 2007

Expansion Area Added to Permit

The next step in expanding the White Pass Ski Area occurred on Thursday when Becki Lockett Heath, Supervisor of the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest, signed an amendment to the White Pass Ski Area Permit to include an additional 767 acres for the expansion.

Analyzed in an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Record of Decision issued in June 2007, the expansion includes two new ski lifts, 18 new ski trails, a mid-mountain lodge in the Hogback Basin west of the existing ski area, plus some new or modified features within the existing area.

Four appeals were filed on the Record of Decision based on a variety of issues ranging from the effects on a roadless area to economic viability. The Forest Service Regional Office in Portland, Oregon affirmed the decision after reviewing the appeals and determined the EIS adequately addressed the concerns raised by the appellants.

Following a mandatory 15-day moratorium on implementing actions, the Forest Service issued the amended permit and approved an implementation plan submitted by the White Pass Company for the initial phase of expansion activities.

“We don’t anticipate any dramatic changes to the expansion area through this winter. We have only approved selective tree cutting to improve the existing openings for ski trails. Actual construction of new facilities will be addressed in subsequent implementation plans at some future time,” said Naches District Ranger Randy Shepard.
Record of Decision

Record of Decision (complete document)
[PDF: 5.8 mb]

Record of Decision (document without two figures)
[PDF: 1.7 mb]

Record of Decision Figure 1
[PDF: 2.8 mb]

Record of Decision Figure 2
[PDF: 2.3 mb]

Final Environmental Impact Statement

White Pass Expansion FEIS Volume 1
[PDF: 12.2 mb]

Since the complete volume above is a large file, the document is also available in sections below.

White Pass FEIS Cover
[PDF: 1.2 mb]

[PDF: 75 kb]

FEIS Organization
[PDF: 17 kb]

Executive Summary
[PDF: 270 kb]

Table of Contents
[PDF: 230 kb]

Chapter 1 - Purpose and Need
[PDF: 400 kb]

Chapter 2 - Alternatives
[PDF: 1.6 mb]

Chapter 3 - Affected Environment (complete)
[PDF: 7 mb]

Since the complete Chapter 3 above is a large file, the chapter is also available in sections below.

Chapter 3 Intro
[PDF: 200 kb]

Chapter 3-1_Climate and Snow
[PDF: 120 kb]

Chapter 3-2 Geology and Soils
[PDF: 300 kb]

Chapter 3-3 Watershed
[PDF: 760 kb]

Chapter 3-4 Fisheries
[PDF: 280 kb]

Chapter 3-5 Vegetation
[PDF: 325 kb]

Chapter 3-6 Wildlife
[PDF: 500 kb]

Chapter 3-7 Aquatic Conservation Strategy
[PDF: 840 kb]

Chapter 3-8 Air Quality
[PDF: 300 kb]

Chapter 3-9 Heritage
[PDF: 180 kb]

Chapter 3-10 Social and Economic Factors
[PDF: 325 kb]

Chapter 3-11 Recreation
[PDF: 350 kb]

Chapter 3-12 Transportation
[PDF: 200 kb]

Chapter 3-13 Utilities
[PDF: 260 kb]

Chapter 3-14 Inventoried Roadless Areas
[PDF: 160 kb]

Chapter 3-15 Visual Resources
[PDF: 780 kb]

Chapter 3-16 Noise
[PDF: 120 kb]

Chapter 3-17 Disclosures
[PDF: 100 kb]

Chapter 4 - References
[PDF: 210 kb]

Chapter 5 - Distribution List
[PDF: 150 kb]

Chapter 6 - List of Preparers
[PDF: 74 kb]

Chapter 7 - Glossary
[PDF: 130 kb]

Chapter 8 - Index
[PDF: 97 kb]

White Pass Expansion FEIS Volume 2 - Appendices and Figures
[PDF: 213 mb]

Since the complete volume 2 above is a large file, the document is also available in sections and individual figures below.

Cover - Volume 2
[PDF: 1.2 mb]

Organization - Appendix and Figure List
[PDF: 20 kb]

Appendix A - Forest Plan Management Direction
[PDF: 29 kb]

Appendix B - Mountain Plan Specifications
[PDF: 240 kb]

Appendix C - Working Wetland & Stream Report
[PDF: 5.5 mb]

Appendix D - Social Economic and Recreation Assumptions
[PDF: 32 kb]

Appendix E - Watershed
[PDF: 95 kb]

Appendix F - Geology and Soils
[PDF: 80 kb]

Appendix G - Supplemental Vegetation Information and Biological Evaluation
[PDF: 165 kb]

Appendix H - Wildlife Technical Report and BE
[PDF: 430 kb]

Appendix I - Fisheries Technical Report
[PDF: 155 kb]

Appendix J - Heritage
[PDF: 230 kb]

Appendix K - Additional Air Quality and Noise Information
[PDF: 50 kb]

Appendix L - Water Erosion Prediciton Project Tech Memo
[PDF: 60 kb]

Appendix M - Stormwater Management Plan
[PDF: 50 kb]

Appendix N - Biological Assessment
[PDF: 500 kb]

Appendix O - BMPs and Standards for Invasives
[PDF: 40 kb]


Figure 1-1 Vicinity Map
[PDF: 2.4 mb]

Figure 1-2 Inventoried Roadless Areas
[PDF: 3.4 mb]

Figure 1-3 Nordic Trails
[PDF: 3.8 mb]

Figure 1-4 Existing Facilities
[PDF: 3 mb]

Figure 2-1 Alt 1 - Existing Conditions
[PDF: 3.5 mb]

Figure 2-2 Alt 2 - Proposed Action
[PDF: 3.6 mb]

Figure 2-3 Alt 2 - Utilities
[PDF: 3.6 mb]

Figure 2-4 Alt 4 - Modified
[PDF: 2.1 mb]

Figure 2-5 Alt 4 - Utilities
[PDF: 2.2 b]

Figure 2-6 Alt 6
[PDF: 4.2 mb]

Figure 2-7 Alt 6 - Utilities
[PDF: 3.6 mb]

Figure 2-8 Alt 9
[PDF: 3.8 mb]

Figure 2-9 Alt 9 - Utilities
[PDF: 7.6 mb]

Figure 3-1 Avalanche Potential
[PDF: 3.3 mb]

Figure 3-2 Geology No Action
[PDF: 3.5 mb]

Figure 3-3 Geology Impacts Alts 2+6
[PDF: 3.6 mb]

Figure 3-4 Geology Impacts Alt 4
[PDF: 3.6 mb]

Figure 3-5 Geology Impacts Alt 9
[PDF: 3.5 mb]

Figure 3-6 Soil Groups
[PDF: 3.4 mb]

Figure 3-7 Erosion Potential - No Action
[PDF: 3.4 mb]

Figure 3-8 Erosion Potential - Alt 2+6
[PDF: 3.5 mb]

Figure 3-9 Erosion Potential Alt 4
[PDF: 3.5 mb]

Figure 3-10 Erosion Potential Alt 9
[PDF: 3.5 mb]

Figure 3-11 Watersheds
[PDF: 6.4 mb]

Figure 3-12 Flow Model Analysis Area
[PDF: 3.2 mb]

Figure 3-13 Stream Flow - Rosgen
[PDF: 3.2 mb]

Figure 3-14 Streams - No Impacts
[PDF: 3.3 mb]

Figure 3-15 Stream Impacts Alt 2+6
[PDF: 3.5 mb]

Figure 3-16 Stream Impacts Alt 4
[PDF: 3.5 mb]

Figure 3-17 Stream Impacts Alt 9
[PDF: 3.4 mb]

Figure 3-18 Wetland No Impacts
[PDF: 3.3 mb]

Figure 3-19 Wetland Impacts Alts 2+6
[PDF: 3.5 mb]

Figure 3-20 Wetland Impacts Alt4
[PDF: 3.5 mb]

Figure 3-21 Wetland Impacts Alt 9
[PDF: 3.4 mb]

Figure 3-22 Canopy Cover in RR
[PDF: 3.5 mb]

Figure 3-23 Riparian No Impacts
[PDF: 3.3 mb]

Figure 3-24 Riparian Impacts Alts 2+6
[PDF: 3.4 mb]

Figure 3-25 Riparian Impacts Alt 4
[PDF: 3.4 mb]

Figure 3-26 Riparian Impacts Alts 9
[PDF: 3.4 mb]

Figure 3-27 Riparian Influence No Impacts
[PDF: 3.4 mb]

Figure 3-28 Riparian Influence Impacts Alts 2+6
[PDF: 3.5 mb]

Figure 3-29 Riparian Influence Impacts Alt 4
[PDF: 3.5 mb]

Figure 3-30 Riparian Influence Impacts Alt 9
[PDF: 3.5 mb]

Figure 3-31 Landcover No Impacts
[PDF: 3.5 mb]

Figure 3-32 Landcover Impacts Alts 2+6
[PDF: 3.6 mb]

Figure 3-33 Landcover Impacts Alt 4
[PDF: 3.7 mb]

Figure 3-34 Landcover Impacts Alt 9
[PDF: 3.6 mb]

Figure 3-35 Canopy No Impacts
[PDF: 3 mb]

Figure 3-36 Canopy Impacts Alts 2+6
[PDF: 3.2 mb]

Figure 3-37 Canopy Impacts Alt 4
[PDF: 3.2 mb]

Figure 3-38 Canopy Impacts Alt 9
[PDF: 3.1 mb]

Figure 3-39 Spotted Owl Habitat No Action
[PDF: 3.1 mb]

Figure 3-40 Spotted Owl Habitat Alt 2+6
[PDF: 3.3 mb]

Figure 3-41 Spotted Owl Habitat Alt 4
[PDF: 3.3 mb]

Figure 3-42 Spotted Owl Habitat Alt 9
[PDF: 3.2 mb]

Figure 3-43 Land Allocation
[PDF: 3.3 mb]

Figure 3-44 Conceptual Sketch 1
[PDF: 850 kb]

Figure 3-45 Photo Simulation 1
[PDF: 3 mb]

Figure 3-46 Visual No Impacts
[PDF: 3.4 mb]

Figure 3-47 Visual Impacts Alts 2+6
[PDF: 3.5 mb]

Figure 3-48 Visual Impacts Alt 4
[PDF: 3.6 mb]

Figure 3-49 Visual Impacts Alt 9
[PDF: 3.5 mb]

White Pass Expansion FEIS Volume 3 - Response to Comments
[PDF: 2.6 mb]

All documents require Acrobat Reader software. If you don't have Acrobat Reader, download it for free HERE, follow installation instructions, and return here to download maps

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