Chapter 4


Approved by Paul Blodgett
Revised 05/08

4.1 Policy
4.2 Scope

4.3 Drinking Water

4.3.1 General
4.3.2 Additional Information

4.4 Non-ionizing Radiation

4.4.1 Exposure Limits
4.4.2 Methods of Exposure Control

4.4.3 Additional Information

4.5 Noise

4.5.1 Hearing Conservation Program
4.5.2 Exposure Limits

4.5.3 Noise Monitoring Program
4.5.4 Hearing Loss and Audiograms

4.5.5 Hearing Protection
4.5.6 Nuisance Level Noise
4.5.7 Additional Information

4.6 Ventilation, Hoods, and HEPA Filters

4.6.1 Hoods and Local Exhaust Points
4.6.2 HEPA Filters
4.6.3 System Design, Installation and Testing
4.6.4 Surveillance
4.6.5 Additional Information

4.7 Chemicals

4.7.1 Chemical Hygiene and Safety Plan
4.7.2 Chemical Inventory
4.7.3 Additional Information

4.8 Asbestos

4.8.1 General
4.8.2 Asbestos Safety
4.8.3 Additional Information

4.9 Permit-Required Confined Spaces

4.9.1 General
4.9.2 Additional Information

4.10 Roof Access

4.10.1 General
4.10.2 Additional Information

4.11 Lead

4.11.1 General
4.11.2 Additional Information

4.12 Beryllium

4.12.1 General
4.12.2 Controls for the Use of Beryllium
4.12.3 Additional Information

4.13 Respiratory Protection

4.13.1 Respirators for Hazard Control
4.13.2 Other Uses of Respirators
4.13.3 Additional Information

4.14 Heat Stress

4.14.1 General
4.14.2 Recognizing Heat Stress
4.14.3 Heat-Related Disorders
4.14.4 Control of Heat Stress
4.14.5 Screening Threshold
4.14.6 Additional Information

4.15 Procurement

4.15.1 General
4.15.2 Additional Information

4.16 Standards
4.17 References


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4.1 Policy

Berkeley Lab industrial hygiene policy requires that all operations at the Laboratory be performed in a safe, responsible, and compliant manner. This includes maintaining personnel exposure to chemical, physical, and biological agents within acceptable exposure limits. This policy further requires that exposures be minimized by the use of hazard elimination, engineering controls, personal protective equipment, and administrative controls.

4.2 Scope

This chapter provides requirements and guidance related to select industrial hygiene concerns, hazards, and controls.
Industrial Hygiene issues covered in this chapter include: drinking water, non-ionizing radiation, noise, ventilation, hoods, HEPA filters, biohazards, chemicals, asbestos, confined spaces, lead, respirators, and procurement.

4.3 Drinking Water

4.3.1 General

Most drinking water hazards fall within a few common areas.
Some drinking-fountain units and copper-pipe dead legs (dead-end pipes) that are not flushed or used frequently can produce copper contamination in excess of allowable levels. Rust from iron piping is observed in some older facilities. Occasionally, other various off-colors and tastes are reported.
When designing/installing potable water systems that supply chemical-containing systems, it is important to install adequate backflow devices that prevent back-siphoning of toxic materials into the potable water system. Although Berkeley Lab has completed a major project to upgrade all systems sitewide, we still require awareness on the part of system users to ensure that all new equipment is provided with adequate backflow-prevention devices. Hoses extending into sinks are a common potential problem, if backflow devices are not installed.

4.3.2 Additional Information

For concerns regarding drinking-water quality, call the Facilities Work Request Center, ext. 6274. EH&S follow-up may also be needed; the EH&S drinking-water safety coordinator can be contacted at ext. 2603. Sampling of the water for contamination may be warranted, depending on the specific situation.
The Berkeley Lab Drinking Water Program provides more details in drinking water at Berkeley Lab.

4.4 Non-Ionizing Radiation

Non-Ionizing Radiation (NIR) refers to electromagnetic radiation with insufficient energy to release a bound electron from an atom. NIR includes the following categories of radiation: ultraviolet (UV), visible light, infrared, radio frequency, microwave, magnetic fields, and lasers.

4.4.1 Exposure Limits

Exposures to non-ionizing radiation must be maintained below the limits specified in Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents, American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), 2005 edition.
Additional information and requirements for lasers are provided in Chapter 16 of PUB-3000, Lasers.

4.4.2    Methods of Exposure Control

Exposures to nonionizing radiation must be limited by engineering controls where feasible, followed by administrative controls and personal protective equipment.
Access must be limited to authorized personnel only whenever the whole body could enter magnetic field strength exceeding 5 Gauss. Delineating the 5 Gauss line and posting magnetic field warning signs are generally acceptable access control.

4.4.3 Additional Information

EH&S assistance on NIR may be obtained by contacting the EH&S NIR safety coordinator, ext. 2544.

4.5 Noise

4.5.1 Hearing Conservation Program

Noise levels that can cause interference with verbal communication when people are only a few feet away from each other may be high enough to produce a risk to hearing. LBNL's Hearing Conservation Program requires employees' occupational exposure to noise be maintained below the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Value (TLV) through the use of engineering controls, administrative controls, and personal protective equipment, and that other elements of the Hearing Conservation Program comply with Federal Occupational Safety & Health Administration regulatory requirements.

The Lab's Hearing Conservation Program consists of the following elements:

4.5.2 Exposure Limits

Berkeley Lab uses the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Value (TLV) for determining employee noise exposures and for complying with OSHA's Hearing Conservation Amendment to the Occupational Noise Exposure regulation. The ACGIH-TLV for an eight-hour Time Weighted Average (TWA) is 85 decibels (dBA). This is the maximum weighted-average noise level that employees may be exposed to without hearing protection during an eight-hour work shift. The table below lists additional ACGIH noise TLVs that are adjusted for different time periods. In addition, OSHA requires implementation of noise exposure controls at exposures at or above 85 dBA. Exposure controls include participation in a Hearing Conservation Program, including audiometric testing and training. Furthermore, OSHA requires that employees be offered hearing protection.
The table below lists the duration that a worker may be exposed to a given average sound level (these limits assume that the worker is not wearing hearing protection). This relationship is given by:

Duration (T, hours) = 8 x 10(85–dBA)/10
Noise Exposure (dBA Time Weighted Average) = 85 – 10 log(T/8)

Table 4.1. ACGIH Noise Threshold Limit Value Limits

Duration Per Day (hours)*

Sound Level (dBA)
































* Maximum allowable exposure time (without hearing protection) at given noise level.

Noise exposures above 140 dBC are not permitted for any duration.

4.5.3 Noise Monitoring Program

LBNL’s noise monitoring program identifies employees for inclusion in the Hearing Conservation Program.  Due to high worker mobility and significant variations in sound level, it is difficult to determine individual employees’ noise exposures based upon monitoring of those individuals. Rather, LBNL has identified “exposure groups” that have a risk of noise exposures exceeding the OSHA action level of 85 dBA. LBNL includes employees within these “exposure groups” in the Hearing Conservation Program.

When noise measurements are conducted, all continuous, intermittent and impulsive sound levels from 80 decibels to 130 decibels are integrated in the noise measurements.  Instruments used to conduct sound level measurements and personal noise dosimetry are calibrated.  Employees are notified of their monitoring results when their 8 hour time- weighted average result is at or above 85 decibels.

4.5.4 Hearing Loss and Audiograms

Exposure to high noise levels may cause hearing loss that can be temporary or permanent. Temporary hearing loss, or auditory fatigue, may occur after a few minutes of exposure to excessive noise levels, but normal hearing is recovered after a short period of time away from the noise. Permanent hearing loss may occur when exposure to high noise levels is repeated, and the time away from the noise is limited. Hearing loss typically occurs in the frequency range of 3,000 to 6,000 hertz, and the affected person is usually unaware that initial hearing loss has occurred. Audiograms are conducted on potentially exposed employees to determine if any hearing loss has occurred.
Employees who are exposed to noise at or above the OSHA action level of 85 dBA must have an initial baseline audiogram within six months of the start of the noise exposure, and must have annual audiograms for the duration of the exposure. The EH&S Industrial Hygiene Group and Health Services track employees who may be exposed above the OSHA action level. Health Services provides audiometric examinations.

4.5.5 Hearing Protection

Protector Noise Reduction

Hearing protectors must be designed and worn to control employee noise exposures to levels below the ACGIH TLV of 85 dBA.
Noise Reduction Ratings (NRRs) are assigned to all hearing protection devices and are usually displayed on the hearing protection package. The NRR is a method developed for estimating the adequacy of hearing protection attenuation. To calculate an employee’s estimated noise exposure while wearing hearing protection, OSHA requires 7 dB to be deducted from the NRR as a safety margin. For example, if an employee is working in an area where the noise level is 95 dBA, and the selected hearing protection has a NRR of 22, then the estimated noise exposure would be calculated as follows:
(manufacturer’s NRR of 22) - (OSHA safety margin of 7 dB) =
calculated hearing protection attenuation of 15 dB
(noise level of 95 dBA) - (calculated hearing protection of 15 dB) =
estimated employee exposure of 80 dBA

Protector Availability and Criteria

Hearing protection is available from a number of vendors including S&S Supplies and Solutions through the Lab’s ebuy system. EH&S establishes minimum acceptable purchasing criteria for hearing protection and periodically reviews the hearing protection selection available from its recommended vendors. The following hearing protection purchasing guidance is established:

4.5.6 Nuisance Level Noise

Low-level noise levels not intense enough to cause occupational hearing loss may disturb or interfere with activities such as speech communication and telephone use. This type of noise is classified as “Nuisance” noise.

4.5.7 Additional Information

The EH&S Hearing Conservation Program coordinator may be contacted at ext. 4028.
The Facilities Work Request Center may be contacted to reduce nuisance noise as discussed above. EH&S can assist in determining if noise levels may cause hearing loss.

4.6 Ventilation, Hoods, and HEPA Filters

4.6.1 Hoods and Local Exhaust Points

Local exhaust ventilation hoods and points are required for many operations to ensure reduction of airborne concentrations of contaminants that could pose risk to employees. Hoods include, for example, laboratory fume hoods, soldering bench hoods, extractor arms, gloveboxes, and other exhausted equipment enclosures that perform a safety or health function.
EH&S establishes minimum standards of performance for each hood or system based upon code requirements, nationally recognized standards, and good professional judgment. The performance standard for each hood is listed in the computerized record for that hood. If a hood fails to meet the minimum performance standard then it is considered deficient. If a deficient hood cannot be safely used by making an administrative modification to its use during the time it takes to be repaired then it must be taken out of service. The responsible line manager must ensure that a deficient hood is fixed, and to use the hood within its safety limits until it is fixed.

4.6.2 HEPA Filters

High efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters may be used to filter hazardous chemical, biological, or radioactive particles from air streams with an efficiency of 99.97 percent. HEPA filters used for safety at Berkeley Lab can be found in vacuum cleaners used to clean up dust and debris that contain asbestos, lead, or other particulates; biological safety cabinets in which biohazardous materials are handled; and in-place ventilation exhaust systems connected to lab hoods and glove boxes where radionuclides are used.

4.6.3 System Design, Installation and Testing

New systems for contaminant control including local exhaust ventilation systems, hoods and in-place filters must meet the requirements of applicable codes including California Building Code, California Mechanical Code, and California Fire Code. In addition, applicable industry standards must be consulted for guidance. These standards include those promulgated by American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, American Industrial Hygiene Association, and American National Standards Institute. EH&S must be consulted to determine the applicable design, construction and performance standards applicable to a project.
Responsibility for assuring code compliance and conformance with applicable standards rests as follows:

New or relocated fume hoods and gas cabinets must be provided with electronic flow meters to indicate the velocity of air flowing into the hood, and to alarm when the velocity falls outside of permissible range. Other new or relocated exhaust systems used for contaminant control must have a visible means of indicating that the system is operating properly such as a pressure gauge or manometer. These indicators are to enable the user to determine if the system is operating properly and are in addition to any monitoring devices installed as part of building operations.
New fume hood systems, including those involving fume hoods relocated from another location, must be tested in accordance with applicable tests contained in ASHRAE 110-1995 as a condition of acceptance. The tracer gas containment test must conform to the 4.0 AI 0.1 criteria contained therein. This testing is performed by a third party, is paid for by the project, and must be validated (generally by witnessing) by EH&S.
New systems may not be used for contaminant control until their installation and performance has been evaluated and verified to meet applicable standards established by EH&S, and they have been “tagged” as such.

4.6.4 Surveillance

EH&S conducts periodic surveys of the performance of contaminant-control systems on the following schedule:

Surveys are scheduled so that all hoods in a given building are due on the first day of a particular month, and are past due three months after that date.

The results of all calibration, certification and other checks are recorded in a database on LBNL’s network, which is considered the point of record. Additionally, most systems have stickers on them that indicate when the last check was performed.

Some HEPA filter equipped systems are used for product protection only (e.g., “clean benches” for maintaining sterility of non-infectious organisms or for clean assembly of optical or vacuum systems, supply HEPA filters in semiconductor or nanomaterials fabrication rooms). EH&S is happy to assist in setting up testing of these systems, but the responsibility and expense for testing these systems belong to the research program.

4.6.5 Additional Information

To have the performance of local exhaust systems evaluated, call the EH&S ventilation program coordinator, ext. 6547.
For information regarding the testing of HEPA filtering systems contact the EH&S HEPA filter program coordinator, ext. 2826.

4.7 Chemicals

4.7.1 Chemical Hygiene and Safety Plan

All work with chemicals, including engineered nanomaterials, will be conducted in a responsible manner that protects workers. Berkeley Lab’s chemical hygiene and safety guidelines and requirements are contained in LBNL/PUB-5341 Chemical Hygiene and Safety Plan (CHSP). A primary focus of the CHSP is worker protection from hazards related to chemicals in conformance with the Federal Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Hazard Communication and ”Laboratory” Standards. Control procedures for Engineered Nanomaterials are included to address the worker health provisions of  DOE Secretarial Policy 456.1 Secretarial Policy Statement on Nanoscale Safety.

4.7.2 Chemical Inventory

LBNL maintains a online system for tracking hazardous materials known as the Chemical Management System (CMS). The purpose of CMS is to provide chemical custodians, EH&S staff, emergency response teams, and regulatory agencies with accurate and up to date chemical hazard information. Current chemical inventory reports must be provided for compliance with DOE and City of Berkeley regulations. An accurate and up to date chemical inventory is also required by the Emergency Planning & Community Right to Know Act.  Emergency Responders need to know the maximum quantity of hazardous materials on-hand at any time in order to respond to incidents with appropriate training, equipment and organizational support. Chemical users should be familiar with and understand the nature of the chemical hazards with which they work. 

4.7.3 Additional Information

It is the responsibility of all groups using chemicals at Berkeley Lab to keep a current and accurate inventory of chemicals in the Chemical Management System.
Contact LBNL’s Chemical Hygiene Officer ext. 5286 for information about LBNL’s Chemical Hygiene and Safety Plan.
Contact the EH&S chemical inventory coordinator, ext. 6571, for information on the
Chemical Management System.

4.8 Asbestos

4.8.1 General

Asbestos can be found in many common insulation and surfacing materials. Examples of construction materials in Berkeley Lab facilities that frequently contain asbestos include: pipe insulation, ceiling tiles or spray-on insulation, taping compound on gypsum wallboard, floor tiles and mastic, roofing material, and transite wallboard.
Consequently, walls, floors, ceilings or other suspect asbestos-containing material (ACM) must not be cut into, damaged, or otherwise disturbed without determining whether ACM is present. If ACM is found, special procedures will be needed to ensure proper control of potential airborne fibers, surface contamination, and waste disposal.

4.8.2 Asbestos Safety

Berkeley Lab has developed the Asbestos Management Plan to assure conformance with federal, state and local requirements. Handling of asbestos or asbestos-containing material must be in conformance with this Plan. The Plan contains elements that are specifically required by laws and regulations, and additional requirements necessary to safely and effectively manage asbestos at LBNL.

4.8.3 Additional Information

For identification of asbestos content in materials, contact the Facilities Carpentry Shop, ext. 6022. For concerns regarding the safety of potential asbestos-containing materials, contact the EH&S asbestos program coordinator, ext. 4028.

4.9 Permit-Required Confined Spaces

4.9.1 General

Permit-Required Confined Spaces have the following characteristics:

Employees may not enter a PRCS unless a proper permit has been issued for that entry, and must comply with all requirements of the permit.

4.9.2    Additional Information

Requirements and guidelines for Permit Required Confined Spaces are described in the Confined Space Program.

For a copy of the Confined Space document, or for concerns regarding hazards involving labeled confined spaces or spaces that may involve these hazards, contact the confined-space safety coordinator, ext. 2603.

4.10 Roof Access

4.10.1 General

In order to minimize the potential exposure to chemicals, magnetic fields and radiological hazards for personnel who are working on roofs, restricting or limiting building roof access is required. Based on the activities performed inside a building, roof access is categorized in three ways:

  1. Restricted Access: roof access requires the approval of the Building Manager before any work is performed.
  2. Limited Access: roofs can be accessed by notified personnel in order to perform short-term work (<8 hours per day for not more than 3 consecutive days). Long term work (>3 consecutive days) requires Building Manager approval.
  3. Unrestricted Access: roofs are open to work access with no special restrictions.

Trailers are designated as Type C, Unrestricted Access, unless they are located in a restricted area. Lockout/Tagout may be required as part of the roof access process.

4.10.2 Additional Information

Consult the Roof Access Plan for further information on notifications, signage, and procedures. See Appendix A of the Roof Access Plan for a listing of Buildings and their respective categories.
For more information contact the Roof Access Program Manager at ext. 2623.

4.11 Lead

4.11.1 General

Lead exists at LBNL in various forms and processes that present a potential employee exposure hazard. Deteriorating lead-based paint, dust from lead shielding and research processes using lead are potential exposure sources. Employees may also be exposed to lead when construction, alteration, repair, renovation, painting or decorating is done from the sanding, grinding, welding, removal or disturbing of wall or surface materials that contain, or are coated, with lead. Lead exposure may also occur with installation of products containing lead.

4.11.2 Additional Information

For concerns regarding lead safety, contact the EH&S lead safety coordinator, ext. 2603, or view the Lead Program.

4.12 Beryllium

4.12.1 General

Beryllium is mainly used in three forms: beryllium metal, beryllium oxide, and beryllium-copper alloys. Exposure to beryllium and its compounds can damage the skin, eyes, and respiratory system. The soluble beryllium salts, especially the fluoride and sulfate, are skin sensitizers and, in high concentrations, are also primary skin irritants. If beryllium gets into broken skin, the cut may abscess and not heal properly until the substance is removed. Eye irritation is also common, and splash-burns can cause damage to the cornea. Breathing dust and fumes, however, is the most common cause of beryllium poisoning. The effects of inhaling high levels of beryllium can range from mild inflammation of the nose and throat, a condition that resembles a cold, to a severe pneumonia-like reaction characterized by coughing, difficulty in breathing, pain and tightness in the chest, loss of appetite, and general fatigue. The effects of inhaling low levels of beryllium over an extended period of time may be delayed from a few months to years after the last exposure. Chronic beryllium poisoning in most cases affects the respiratory tract. The onset may be manifested by weakness, loss of weight, shortness of breath, and coughing.
Beryllium dusts or powders constitute a moderate fire hazard. However, any fire involving beryllium is a serious threat to the health of nearby personnel.

4.12.2 Controls for the Use of Beryllium

The following controls apply to the use of beryllium:

4.12.3  Additional Information

Further information on hazards of beryllium and controls on its use can be obtained from

4.13 Respiratory Protection

4.13.1  Respirators for Hazard Control

Berkeley Lab uses respirators in conformance with OSHA 1910.134 and ANSI 88.2. The use of respirators can help ensure that all affected individuals are protected from exposure to respiratory hazards that may be present in the workplace. Where possible, hazards will be reduced or eliminated through engineering controls, including elimination, substitution, general or local ventilation, and isolation; and where possible, through administrative controls.
Respirators are the last resort for control of exposures and are to be used when engineering controls, process modification, and other measures are not practical or have proved inadequate. Respirators may be used for control of hazards only after all feasible engineering controls and administrative controls have been applied, or while engineering controls are being implemented.
Respiratory protection is provided subject to the following controls:

4.13.2  Other Uses of Respirators

Some employees may wear respirators under conditions where respirator use is not required by LBNL. This is voluntary use, and must be reviewed and approved by LBNL. If respirator use will not jeopardize the health or safety of the employee, respiratory protection will be provided in accordance with regulatory requirements.
Filtering facepiece respirator (dust mask) voluntary use must be specifically reviewed by EH&S, and employees must complete a required training before using dust masks.

4.13.3  Additional Information

Further information and assistance can be obtained from

4.14 Heat Stress

4.14.1 General

Heat stress, the physical stress of hot environments, can be influenced by a combination of factors, such as the type of clothing you wear, physical activity, time spent working, breaks between work activity, medications you may be taking, and environmental factors such as ambient air temperature, air velocity, and relative humidity. Although the Bay Area generally offers moderate weather conditions, occasionally there may be brief periods of hot weather that can lead to uncomfortable working conditions and, possibly, heat stress for Berkeley Lab employees. A mild or moderate heat stress (i.e., office environments) may cause discomfort, but it is rarely harmful to health. However, as the heat stress approaches human tolerance limits (e.g., exterior work on hot days), the risk of heat-related disorders increases. This section is intended to provide guidance to line managers and workers on how to recognize and control heat stress in office environments or while working outdoors.

4.14.2 Recognizing Heat Stress

Employee heat complaints provide good cues for the recognition of heat stress in the workplace. Supervisors are encouraged to obtain feedback from employees on their working conditions during periods of hot weather. Methods for obtaining this input may include visiting assigned spaces, calling employees in areas known to be warm, or questioning employees during safety and group meetings. For additional information and training on heat stress and other outdoor hazards, contact Health Services at ext. 6266.

4.14.3 Heat-Related Disorders

Heat-related disorders can be caused by prolonged periods of heat stress. Listed below are some common heat-related disorders, including their symptoms.
Heat Exhaustion
Heat exhaustion occurs when your body’s ability to regulate body temperature is overwhelmed but not completely broken down.

Immediate Response Actions for Heat Exhaustion:

Heat Stroke
Heat stroke is the most severe of the heat-related disorders. Heat stroke is a life-threatening emergency that requires immediate medical attention. Heat stroke is more likely to occur in outdoor work.

Immediate Response Actions for Heat Stroke:

4.14.4 Control of Heat Stress

Self-awareness is one of the key steps to reducing heat-related disorders. Employees and supervisors should terminate exposure to heat stress at the onset of the first symptoms. Supervisors should consider a worker’s physical condition when determining heat stress conditions. Obesity, lack of conditioning, medical conditions, use of medications, pregnancy, and inadequate rest can increase susceptibility to heat stress even in indoor office environments. Additional industrial hygiene practices and administrative and engineering controls are listed below.

  1. Wear lightweight, light colored, loose clothing that allows free movement of cool dry air over the skin’s surface to allow the removal of heat from the body by evaporation. Evaporation of sweat from the skin is the body’s predominant heat removal system.
  2. Drink plenty of chilled hydrating fluids such as water or commercial hydrating fluids to prevent dehydration. Since thirst is not a sufficient indicator of fluid replacement, workers are encouraged to drink about 1 cup of cool water every 15 to 20 minutes during heat stress conditions.
  3. To increase evaporation and cooling of the skin, use general ventilation or fans for spot cooling.
  4. Work demands should be made lighter by taking frequent breaks in a cooler area, completing them over a longer time period, and setting the work pace with the least heat-tolerant worker in mind.
  5. Heavy workloads should be scheduled during cooler times of the day (i.e., early morning).
  6. Wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) during hot weather can dramatically increase an individual’s heat stress level. Nonbreathable fabrics like Tyvek do not allow for the evaporation of sweat. The use of respirators also adds an additional physiological burden, increasing heat stress levels. Tasks requiring these types of PPE should be postponed when feasible. If the work must be performed, then an effective work-rest cycle must be established. The Industrial Hygiene Group must be contacted prior to beginning this type of work.
  7. A light, cool lunch is recommended during hot days, instead of a heavy meal. Heavy meals can reduce your ability to release heat because your blood flow is redirected to your stomach instead of your skin for cooling.
  8. Employees should report to Health Services if they feel they are suffering from the onset of a heat-related disorder. In emergency situations, contact the Fire Department by calling x7911.

4.14.5 Screening Threshold

The table below is used as a screening tool by health and safety professionals to determine the environmental contribution to heat stress in outdoor environments. The temperatures listed in this table take into consideration air temperature, radiant heat, and humidity (wet bulb globe temperature [WBGT] Index °C). The Industrial Hygiene Group is available to measure WBGT; however, when indoor air temperatures exceed 85° F (29.5°C), supervisors are responsible for exercising their judgment in modifying their employees’ work schedules, work loads, etc.


Acclimatized Worker
(WBGT values in °C)

Unacclimatized Worker
(WBGT values in °C)

Work demand*




Very Heavy




Very Heavy

100% work









75% work; 25% rest









50% work; 50% rest









25% work; 75% rest









*Work demand examples:
Light – Sitting with moderate arm and leg movements.
Moderate – Walking about with moderate lifting or pushing.
Heavy – Heavy assembly work on a noncontinuous basis.
Very heavy – Shoveling wet sand.

When interior temperatures fall outside the recommended guidance range of 65°F to 85°F, division directors, unit heads, and supervisors should use their discretion in modifying employee work assignments, including changes in location, changes in time of beginning or end of workday, sharing duties, etc. Line managers should consider employee medical and physical conditions when applying this temperature range as a guideline.
For employees working outside, modifications to employee work assignments should be considered when the ambient temperature exceeds 85°F. More frequent rest periods may be required in addition to the strategies listed above. Consideration must also be given to the increased heat stress levels caused by wearing certain types of personal protective equipment (PPE).

If temperature extremes effectively prevent an employee from performing his or her work, and alternate assignments and on-site work loctions appropriate to the employee’s job classification are not available, line managers should use their judgment in allowing their affected employees to work at home for the period during which the employee’s work cannot be performed on site. EH&S neither requires nor authorizes changes in employee work assignments under extreme temperature conditions; these decisions rest with line management.

4.14.6 Additional Information

For information about heat stress, contact an EH&S Industrial Hygienist.
For information about temperature extremes in indoor environments, contact the Indoor Air Quality Subject Matter Expert at ext. 2603.

4.15 Procurement

4.15.1 General

The items noted below are included on the Berkeley Lab Procurement Department “Restricted Items” list. These items require notification of EH&S at the time of purchase so that EH&S may review their use with the requestor. Items noted with an asterisk (*) require E&S approval prior to purchase.
EH&S notification and/or approval is handled through the eProcurement process. The Requisition Inputter chooses a category which describes what the material is. It is the responsibility of the Inputter to select the proper category.

4.15.2  Additional Information

For additional information, contact EH&S’s Restricted Items Procurement Coordinator at ext. 5286.

4.16 Standards

LBNL relies upon portions or all of the following external regulatory or peer-consensus standards in the execution of its industrial hygiene program:

4.17 References

The following Berkeley Lab documents provide additional requirements and guidance on specific industrial-hygiene-related areas. Some of these documents can be downloaded as noted in each section of this chapter.

Additional references that provide significant guidance include:



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