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Derived divisions of land based on regulatory codes, such as zoning and land use; can be cross-jurisdictional.

See also: Boundaries for jurisdiction and administrative maps.



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Census 2000, Population and jurisdiction changes by drainage basin.

Generalized Comprehensive Plan Land Use

Interim Potential Annexation Areas

King County Comprehensive Plan Land Use 2004

Zoning 2004

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Map: 1990 To 2000 Population Density Change By Basin (47k GIF)
1990 To 2000
Population Density Change By Basin
2.04Mb PDF

Census 2000, Population and jurisdiction changes by drainage basin.

Print Size: 17 X 11 inches each

This suite of four maps uses Census 2000 data to illustrate demographic changes organized and mapped by drainage basins (King County Water and Land Resources Division standard drainage basins). Produced by the Water and Land Resources Division (WLRD) GIS and Visual Communications Unit. Click here to go to the King County Natural Resource Maps page on which these four maps appear.

Map: 1990 To 2000 Population Growth by Drainage Basin (51k GIF)
1990 To 2000
Population Growth By Drainage Basin
1.61Mb PDF

Map: 1990 To 2000 City Growth (50k GIF)
1990 To 2000
City Growth
1.91Mb PDF

Map: Distribution of 2000 Population By Basin (57k GIF)
Distribution Of 2000 Population By Basin
2.03Mb PDF

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Map: Generalized Comprehensive Plan Land Use (45k GIF)

Generalized Comprehensive Plan Land Use

1615k PDF

Print Size: 17 x 11 inches

This countywide map is a generalized depiction of the county's land use plan. It includes the boundaries of the Urban Growth Area, Forest Production District, and Agricultural Production District and six categories of land use designations.Created February 2005 by KC Dept. of Development and Environmental Services.

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Interim Potential Annexation Areas (126k GIF)

Interim Potential Annexation Areas

2436k PDF

Print Size: 11 x 17 inches

This planning policy map includes the Urban Growth Area boundary, urban areas which are within the PAA of two or more cities, urban areas that are not within the PAA of any city, and other information.
Created July 31, 2007, by
KC Dept. of Development and Environmental Services.

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King County Comprehensive Plan Land Use 2004 (121k GIF)

King County Comprehensive Plan Land Use 2004

2394k PDF

Print Size: 44 x 32.2 inches

King County Comprehensive Plan Land Use as of December 2004. This map shows comprehensive plan land use designations as applied to unincorporated areas of King County. The map includes the Urban Growth Area (UGA) boundary, the Forest Production District (FPD) boundary, and Agricultural Production District (APD) boundary. Produced by KC Dept. of Development and Environmental Services.

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Zoning 2004 (103k JPEG)

Zoning 2004

3427k PDF

Print Size: 44 x 32.2 inches

This map shows zoning classifications as applied to unincorporated areas of King County. Produced by KC Dept. of Development and Environmental Services.

Revised August 6, 2007


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