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How to Use the Virtual Map Counter

Maps that have been produced by the various King County departments and divisions are displayed on the pages of the Virtual Map Counter (VMC). You can scan the Topic Index to find maps according to subject area. You can view the map titles in the Title Index and select a map by name. And you can see all of the King County departments, divisions, and sections that have produced the maps that appear in the VMC by viewing the Agency Index.

The links on the three index pages go to bookmarked entries for the maps on individual subject-area pages. Each map entry includes one or more thumbnail images, a text description of the map, and links to versions of the map that can be viewed online.

In most cases an Adobe Acrobat PDF* version of a map is included for printing in addition to online viewing. Depending on the capabilities of your own printer, you may be able to print a satisfactory copy of the map yourself (note page sizes). For large-format maps a commercial copy shop that has access to the Internet should be able to access the PDF files and make prints for you.

If you have questions about the maps use the contact information included in the map entry. If there is no contact information send your question to us...

Adobe Acrobat PDF icon *About Adobe Acrobat and PDF files. go to top of page

Revised January 8, 2003


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