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Topic Index


Legally or otherwise uniquely defined areas, such as jurisdictions, electoral districts, ZIP Codes, etc.

Facilities & Utilities

Geography and infrastructure related to the provision of facility- and utility-based public services.

General Purpose & Miscellaneous

Multiple-use maps, and maps without a specific topic category.

Natural Resources

The identification, study, and management of natural resources, including the effects and mitigation of human impacts on the land and environment.

Physical Geography & Environment

The earth's surface and what's on it, such as land forms, hydrography, topography, and geology. Also natural and environmental processes.


Derived divisions of land based on regulatory codes, such as zoning and land use; can be cross-jurisdictional.

Public Health

Community-oriented health and fitness topics.

Public Safety

Police, fire, emergency management, etc.


Parks, trails, outdoor activities, etc..


Transit and road topics, including infrastructure, planning, routing, public use, and alternate modes.


Facilities & Utilities

General Purpose & Miscellaneous

Natural Resources

Physical Geography  


Public Health

Public Safety



Revised September 16, 2008


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