NCI Cancer Bulletin: A Trusted Source for Cancer Research News
NCI Cancer Bulletin: A Trusted Source for Cancer Research News
January 20, 2004 • Volume 1 / Number 3 E-Mail This Document  |  View PDF Version  |  Bulletin Archive/Search  |  Subscribe

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Obesity Associated with Cancer Risk among Veterans

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Human Cells Producing Proteins

Novel Mechanism Allows HTLV-1 to Mask Its Presence

Smoking Reduction Fails to Proportionally Decrease Carcinogen Exposure

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NCI Re-engineering Intramural Research Program

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President's Cancer Panel Focuses on Survivorship

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Rowley Receives Rosalind E. Franklin Award for Women in Cancer Research

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Funding Opportunities Funding Opportunities

The Early Detection Research Network (EDRN): Clinical Epidemiology and Validation Centers

Application Receipt Date: June 14, 2004

NCI seeks U01/U24 applications for new and competing renewals of the Clinical Epidemiology and Validation Centers (CECs) component of EDRN. Supporting collaborative translational research, EDRN is responsible for the development, evaluation, and validation of biomarkers for earlier cancer detection and risk assessment. The CECs serve as resource centers for specimens for use in EDRN and either participate in or develop the validation studies.

For more information see

Inquiries: Dr. Sudhir Srivastava,

Innovative Technologies for Molecular Analysis of Cancer (SBIR/STTR)

Letter of Intent Receipt Dates: Feb. 10, 2004; May 17, 2004; Sept. 17, 2004
Application Receipt Dates: March 10, 2004; June 17, 2004; Oct. 18, 2004

NCI invites applications for projects to develop highly innovative cancer-relevant research technologies, methods, and tools that support molecular analysis in vitro, in situ, or in vivo in discovery processes, as well as in preclinical models and clinical research. The RFA will use the SBIR and STTR mechanisms.

For more information see

Inquiries: Dr. Gregory J. Downing, OTIR;

Application of Emerging Technologies for Cancer Research (SBIR/STTR)

Letter of Intent Receipt Dates: Feb. 10, 2004; May 17, 2004; Sept. 17, 2004
Application Receipt Dates: March 10, 2004; June 17, 2004; Oct. 18, 2004

NCI invites applications for projects to evaluate the use of emerging technologies ready for initial application to clinical or biological questions in cancer research. Applicants should demonstrate that the technology is robust and yields reproducible measurements and should gather preliminary data to support use of the technology in a future project(s) with a clinical or biological focus. The RFA will use SBIR and STTR mechanisms.

For more information see

Inquiries: Dr. Gregory J. Downing, OTIR;

Innovations in Cancer Sample Preparation (SBIR/STTR)

Letter of Intent Receipt Dates: Feb. 10, 2004; May 17, 2004; Sept. 17, 2004
Application Receipt Dates: March 10, 2004; June 17, 2004; Oct. 18, 2004

NCI invites applications for research projects to develop, enhance, or adapt sample preparation methodologies and technologies; develop assays to assess sample quality; and elucidate criteria by which to judge sample quality. The outcome will be products and methods to optimize sample utility. The RFA will use the SBIR and STTR mechanisms.

For more information see

Inquiries: Dr. Gregory J. Downing, OTIR;

NCI Competing Continuation SBIR/ STTR Phase II Grants for Cancer Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment

Letter of Intent Receipt Dates: March 1, 2004; July 1, 2004; Nov. 1, 2004; March 1, 2005;
July 1, 2005; Nov. 1, 2005
Application Receipt Dates: April 1, 2004; Aug. 1, 2004; Dec. 1, 2004; April 1, 2005; Aug. 1, 2005; Dec. 1, 2005

The purpose of this Program Announcement (PA) is to solicit grant applications for the competing continuation of projects from previously funded phase II projects for the process of developing products for commercialization and translation into the clinic. The PA will use the SBIR and STTR Phase II Grants award mechanism.

For more information see

Inquiries: Rosemary Wong,

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A Service of the National Cancer Institute
Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health