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Getting to NASA Headquarters

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NASA HQ Mailing and Address Tips

It depends... NASA Headquarters has two different addresses: an official mailing address and a delivery address. Using the correct address can be crucial. Items being express-mailed or hand carried need to include the street address.

Mailing Address
Items mailed through the U.S. Postal Service (including registered or certified) should be addressed as

Office (Division, Branch, Section, Unit)
Office ID
NASA Headquarters
Washington DC 20546-0001

Delivery Address
Items mailed by express mail, commercial delivery, or courier delivery should be addressed as:

Office (Division, Branch, Section, Unit)
Office ID
Attn: Receiving & Inspection
NASA Headquarters
300 E Street SW
Washington DC 20024-3210

Commercial delivery services require a street address. Our street address ZIP code, which is different from our official mailing address ZIP code, comes from the Postal Service's grid system for geographical locations. All deliveries must be taken to Receiving and Inspection which is located in the rear of the building.