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Craniosynostosis And Positional Plagiocephaly Support, Inc. - CAPPS

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Other Contact Information

6905 Xandu Court
Fredericksburg, VA 22407

540-786-9563 (Voice, Cranio)
845-454-5902 (Voice, Plagio)


The Craniosynostosis And Positional Plagiocephaly Support, Inc. (CAPPS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to offering support and providing information to families who have a child with either Craniosynostosis or Positional Plagiocephaly. CAPPS’ primary goal is to raise awareness through education. Although these two conditions are very different in cause, in many cases they have a similar outward appearance, which causes many mis-diagnoses. CAPPS educates the healthcare community and general public to know the symptoms and signs of both disorders so as to reduce the amount of mis-diagnoses and allow children to get the appropriate treatment for their condition. CAPPS’ secondary goal is to help families that have a child with Craniosynostosis or Positional Plagiocephaly by providing them with information and emotional support. CAPPS offers many ways to support families that have a child with either condition, including (1) two email support groups that have over three hundred members; and (2) a Web site,, that offers information to find support and make informed choices regarding the care and treatment of a child.

Online Resources

Print Resources

The organization publishes handouts for families on Craniosynostosis and Positional Plagiocephaly. In addition, the organization maintains an online Cranio Family Resource Center that compiles information to aid with every aspect of Craniosynostosis, including questions to ask a neurosurgeon and/or plastic surgeon during consultation, preparing for pediatric surgery, and items to take to the hospital.

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