NCI Cancer Bulletin: A Trusted Source for Cancer Research News
NCI Cancer Bulletin: A Trusted Source for Cancer Research News
March 14, 2006 • Volume 3 / Number 11 E-Mail This Document  |  View PDF Version  |  Bulletin Archive/Search  |  Subscribe

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Featured Article
Researchers Discover a Unique Molecular Profile for Lung Cancer

Director's Update
NCI's Tobacco Control Research Yields Results

Young Adults and Flavored Cigarettes: A Bad Combination

Cancer Research Highlights
Thalidomide Effective in Myeloma, But No Survival Advantage

Biomarker Predicts Development of Precancerous Lung Disease

Cigarette Sales See Record Drop

Funding Opportunities

Featured Clinical Trial
Adjuvant Therapy for Stage II Colon Cancer

Hartinger, Other NCI Employees Honored

CCCT Staff Appointed

Tucker Named Director of Human Genetics Program

HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Observed

Cancer Center Profile
Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania

NCI Names New Cancer Center

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Coming Soon
Watch for a Special Issue NCI Cancer Bulletin highlighting the 30th anniversary of NCI's Cancer Information Service (CIS) and its activities, including information dissemination, partnership programs, health communications research, international reach, milestones, and call center activities.
Hartinger, Other NCI Employees Honored
At the March 7 NCI All-Hands meeting, Director Dr. Andrew C. von Eschenbach announced the establishment of the John P. Hartinger Executive Leadership Development Award, a scholarship that will be competitively awarded each year to an NCI employee who demonstrates leadership potential, a commitment to public service, and a desire to further his or her executive development. The award honors John Hartinger, associate director for Budget and Financial Management, who has served NCI for 38 years, mostly in the areas of budget and financial management. In addition to his many technical skills, which are widely known and admired across NIH, he has served as a role model, mentor, and teacher for many NCI staff.

Six NCI employees received NCI Director Gold Star Awards in recognition of special accomplishments. The awardees are: Dr. Christine Berg, Division of Cancer Prevention; Donna Bonner, Publications Support Branch; Christina Bruce, Office of Workforce Development; Dr. Steve Libutti, Center for Cancer Research; Dr. Linda Weiss, Cancer Centers Branch; and Dr. Jonathan Wiest, Center for Cancer Research.

CCCT Staff Appointed
DCTD Director Dr. James Doroshow announced March 13 that key staff positions for the Coordinating Center for Clinical Trials (CCCT) have been filled. Dr. Sheila Prindiville will serve as CCCT director, joining program directors Drs. Deborah Jaffe, LeeAnn Jensen, and Ray Petryshyn. Dr. Doroshow noted that the staff represents a breadth of expertise in areas that will support the diverse CCCT activities.

Dr. Prindiville received her M.D. from Northwestern University and her M.P.H. from Johns Hopkins University. Following her residency training, she joined NCI as a program director in the Community Clinical Oncology Program. In 1996, she joined the faculty of the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. She returned to NCI in 2002 and joined the CCR Genetics Branch where she directed the Clinical Cancer Genetics Program at the National Naval Medical Center Breast Care Center and served as a clinical investigator in NCI's Clinical Genetics Branch.

Prior to coming to NCI, Dr. Jaffe worked at a biotechnology firm directing a clinical evaluations lab where she was involved in getting FDA approval for a DNA-based diagnostic test for HER-2/neu. Dr. Jensen managed extramural clinical trials in bone marrow transplantation for NHLBI for 10 years before coming to NCI in 2003 to oversee the grants and contracts that support the early drug development program. Dr. Petryshyn, a biochemist and molecular biologist, previously served in NCI's Division of Extramural Activities' Resources Training and Review Branch, and was involved in the review of NCI's Cancer Centers.

CCCT will manage the implementation of all Clinical Trials Working Group initiatives. Additional information is available online at

Tucker Named Director of Human Genetics Program
Dr. Margaret Tucker, chief of the Genetic Epidemiology Branch (GEB), was recently appointed director of the Human Genetics Program in the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG).

Dr. Margaret TuckerDr. Tucker received her M.D. from Harvard Medical School and completed her training in internal medicine and medical oncology at Stanford University. Since joining the NCI staff in 1978, she has focused on family and population-based studies of melanoma and other cancers in efforts to identify susceptibility genes and gene-environment interactions. Dr. Tucker was named chief of the Family Studies Section in 1987, became chief of GEB in 1992, and will continue to serve in that capacity. In her new role, she will share responsibility with the division director in managing and strengthening DCEG's intramural and collaborative research programs in cancer genetics.

HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Observed
March 10 marked the first National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, a day to raise awareness of the increasing impact of HIV/AIDS on women and girls in the United States and throughout the world. For information on NCI's research related to HIV/AIDS in women, go to

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Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health