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Dispute Resolution Services (DRS)
What is DRS? DRS Frequently Asked Questions
Time Limit for Filing with CCB
Resolving Contractor Disputes
Pre-Complaint Notice Info
Complaint Processing Fee
DRS Complaint Forms
What is DRS?
CCB Dispute Resolution Services (DRS) assists consumers, contractors and others in resolving their disputes.
The CCB receives several hundred complaints each month. A complaint may be filed by:
  • A property owner alleging breach of contract, negligent or improper work
  • An employee alleging nonpayment of wages
  • A supplier alleging nonpayment for materials
  • One contractor against another, for breach of contract, negligent or improper work, or nonpayment
Each complaint is processed by a dispute analyst. In many cases, an investigation takes place. A field investigator reviews conditions and attempts to help the parties reach a compromise settlement of their dispute. More often than not, the parties agree to a settlement that resolves the complaint.
Sometimes the parties cannot or will not agree to a settlement. In those cases the CCB investigator will observe the alleged defective work items and prepare a report recommending that the item be repaired or that the defect allegation be dismissed. If the CCB recommends repairs, the law requires that the contractor be allowed to repair the defective work.
If the contractor fails to make recommended repairs or to satisfy the settlement agreement, the dispute analyst may require the complainant to obtain repair bids from other licensed contractors. The dispute analyst may issue an order proposing that the contractor pay an amount of money to the complainant or that the complaint be dismissed.
If either party objects to the order, either may request a hearing. Then, and in certain other situations, the case moves to the state Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH), where it is decided by an administrative law judge. If the claimant wins, the OAH will issue a cash award payable by the contractor. If the contractor does not pay the award, it may be paid from the contractor’s bond.

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Time Limit for Filing with CCB
The laws giving the CCB jurisdiction to process complaints also limit the time to file a complaint. Unfortunately, the law does not allow the CCB to process a complaint that is not timely. There are no exceptions to this law. This applies even if you notified the contractor of the problem within the required time or you were not aware of the problem. If we do not receive your complaint in our office within the required time, we cannot process your complaint or help you resolve the problem.
The CCB publication Resolving Disputes with Your Contractor offers specific information about the time limit for filing each type of complaint. Click here  to download and print this publication.

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Resolving Contractor Disputes
The CCB publication Resolving Disputes with Your Contractor offers information about the DRS process. Click here  to download and print this publication.

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Pre-Complaint Notice Info
Before you file a complaint you must send a written notice to the contractor that the complaint will be filed against. The following is important information to know about the notice.
  • Must be sent by certified mail 30 or more calendar days before filing the complaint
  • Only needs to state the complainant intends to file a complaint with the CCB
  • Must be sent to the contractor at the address listed in the CCB’s records. Check the CCB web site or call the CCB office for this address.
  • If the notice is mailed less than 45 calendar days before the time limit for filing a complaint runs out, the time limit is extended 60 calendar days from the date the notice was mailed.
When the complaint is filed, copies of the notice and the mailing receipt must be attached to the Statement of Complaint. If you mail the pre-complaint notice to the address of record and it is returned as undeliverable or refused, it is still considered delivered. Please keep the returned document as proof of delivery.
There are time limits for filing a complaint. If the pre-complaint notice is given less than 45 calendar days before the time limit for filing the complaint runs out, the time limit is extended to a date 60 calendar days after the notice is mailed. Complainants are advised not to file a complaint too close to the expiration of the time limit.  
To use the CCB sample pre-complaint notice, click here.

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Complaint Processing Fee
Depending on the type of complaint you file and whether the CCB has jurisdiction over the complaint, you may need to pay a processing fee of $50. A dispute analyst will review your complaint. If you are required to pay a processing fee, the dispute analyst will request it from you.
If the complaint is not in our jurisdiction or if you file the complaint using the commercial complaint procedure, you do not usually need to pay any fee.
  • No fee is due when the complaint is filed. The Oregon Construction Contractors Board (CCB) will only request the fee after it reviews the filing and determines it has jurisdiction
  • After the CCB determines that it has jurisdiction over the complaint, the CCB will request the complainant pay a fee of $50.00
  • The complainant will also have to pay the fee if the CCB issues an order dismissing the complaint and the claimant requests a hearing to dispute that order
  • If the CCB awards the complainant money damages at the end of the DRS process and the complainant paid a fee, the CCB will include the fee in the award.
  • No fee is charged for complaints involving commercial structures that must be filed in court under the procedure for large commercial claims in ORS 701.146  

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DRS Complaint Forms
Before filing a complaint
The CCB recommends reviewing the CCB publication Resolving Disputes with Your Contractor. This publication gives necessary information about the DRS process. 
You may download and save the following complaint forms to your computer. When you open the form, you will be able to fill it in, print it and mail the completed form to the CCB. To open, click on the appropriate form.

Complaint/Claim Forms
Resolving Disputes with Your Contractor
Homeowner Complaint Form
Prime Contractor Complaint Form
Subcontractor Complaint Form
Material Supplier Complaint Form
Employee Complaint Form

Pre-Complaint Notice
You may generate a printable pre-complaint notice that you can mail to your contractor.  This notice provides the minimum notice required by the statute.  You may want to prepare your own notice if you want to include additional information, such as a list of defects alleged by you.  
Sample Pre-complaint Notice

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DRS Frequently Asked Questions
Click here for answers to frequently asked questions about filing a DRS complaint.

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