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Midwives Alliance of North America - MANA

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Other Contact Information

611 Pennsylvania Ave, SE #1700

Washington, DC 20003

888-923-MANA (Voice - Toll-free, (6262))


Founded in 1982, the Midwives Alliance of North America (MANA) is an organization of North American midwives and their advocates. MANA's central mission is to promote midwifery as a quality health care option for North American families. The Alliance's goals are to: expand communication and support among North American midwives; form an indentifiable and cohesive organization representing the profession of midwifery on a regional, national, and international basis; promote guidelines for the education of midwives and to assist in the development of midwifery education programs; promote research in the field of midwifery as a quality health care option; promote and support a woman's right to choose her care provider and place of birth; and promote public education and midwifery advocacy.

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Review Date

Tue Jun 17, 2008