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Indianapolis Tour Schedule

October 14, 2007 — Campaign Launch and CFL Giveaway at Indianapolis Zoo

10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.
Indianapolis Zoo

Indianapolis Power & Light Company logoThe Indianapolis Change a Light, Change the World campaign will kick-off with the visit of the national bus tour at the Indianapolis Zoo on the 14th. More than 1,000 compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) will be given away courtesy of local event sponsor Indianapolis Power & Light Company, together with the Indiana Office of Energy and Defense, and the Wabash Valley Power Association. The bus will be set up at the zoo with its traveling Education Center, where Indianapolis residents can walk through to see for themselves why choosing energy-efficient lighting and taking further steps to save energy is so important. Center visitors will also be invited to take the national Change a Light pledge. In addition, the City of Indianapolis Department of Public Works will be on hand to kick-off their new public information campaign around the proper disposal of CFLs. Free hot cider and popcorn will be available!

See how the event went!