Thesaurus for Graphic Materials II: Genre and Physical Characteristic
Terms (TGM II)

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New Postable and Non-Postable Terms and Term Changes
January - March 2004

Postable Terms (4 total)

Lettering (Layout features)
Opaline photographs
Promotional materials

Non-Postable terms (2 total)

Opalines USE Opaline photographs
Ration stamps USE Coupons

Term Changes

Composite photographs

Changed PN: Photographs made through multiple exposure of negatives, sandwiching negatives, or other means of combining negatives. Examples include: a print made by combining cloud and landscape negatives and works by Henry Peach Robinson or Jerry Uelsmann

Added CN: Used in a note under MONTAGES.

Deleted BT: Photographic prints
Added BT: Photographs (changed from Photographic prints)

Deleted RT: Photomontages
Added RT: Montages (changed from Photomontages)


Changed PN: Mixed media constructions in which bits of relatively flat materials, such as newspaper or cloth, or three-dimensional objects, are fixed to a support for symbolic or suggestive effect.

Deleted RT: Photomontages
Added RT: Montages (changed from Photomontages)


Changed PN: Compositions made by juxtaposing or superimposing multiple pictures to create a single image. May be produced by pasting together whole or partial pictures or by recopying multiple images through photography or scanning. Includes photomontages in both the commercial graphic arts and fine art contexts.
New CN: Do not confuse with COMPOSITE PHOTOGRAPHS, which are produced through multiple exposure of negatives or by combining negatives during printing.
New HN: Changed 1/2004. Formerly, MONTAGES may have been indexed as PHOTOMONTAGES

Deleted RT: Photomontages (changed to a non-postable term)
Added RT: Collages
Added RT: Photographs
Added RT: Composite photographs

Added UF: Photomontages
Added UF: Photocollages

Photomontages Deleted as a postable term (changed to a non-postable term)

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