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Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) is a monthly journal of peer-reviewed research and news on the impact of the environment on human health. EHP is published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and its content is free online. Print issues are available by paid subscription.DISCLAIMER
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Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 111, Number 9, July 2003
Environmental Health Perspectives July 2003 On The Cover:New evidence shows that not only do certain environmental chemicals pass from mother to fetus, they do so in greater amounts than previously thought. Further research on the long-term consequences of such exposures is critical.
image credit: PhotoDisc, Joseph Tart/EHP

Purchase This Issue

  • PBDEs: Unintended Fetal Exposures
    A 480, 1175, 1235, & 1249
  • Fostering Global Environmental Expertise
    A 464
  • Afghanistan's Postconflict Environment
    A 470

In This Issue

In the August Issue



  • Environmental Health in Developing Countries: An Overview of the Problems and Capacities
    Hiremagalur N.B. Gopalan
    p. A 446

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  • Herbicide Effects on Embryo Implantation and Litter Size
  • Reported Seasonal Dependence of Herbicide Developmental Toxicity in Mice
  • Asthma and Gulf War Exposures
  • Asthma and Gulf War Exposures: Response
  • Communication in Emergencies
  • Communication in Emergencies: Response
    p. A 450

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  • WHO Names Top 10 Health Risks
  • New Paint: No Harm, No Foul
  • MODIS Operandi for Mapping Haze
  • EHPnet: Development Gateway Foundation
  • The Beat
    p. A 456

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  • Building Self-Reliance in Environmental Science: The ITREOH Experience
  • Headliners: Bisphenol A Linked to Chromosome Damage in Mice
    p. A 460

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  • The Capacity to Change: Building Global Environmental Health Expertise
    p. A 464

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Spheres of Influence

  • Environmental Triage in Afghanistan
    p. A 470

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  • Connecting to a Sustainable Future
    p. A 474

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Science Selections
  • Suspect Inheritance
  • Concentrating on PBDEs
  • Heavy on the Metals
    p. A 480

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  • No Evidence of Dioxin Cancer Threshold
    Mackie et al.
    p. 1145

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  • Assessing Human Exposure to Phthalates Using Monoesters and Their Oxidized Metabolites as Biomarkers
    Barr et al.
    p. 1148

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  • A Climate-Based Model Predicts the Spatial Distribution of the Lyme Disease Vector Ixodes scapularis in the United States
    Brownstein et al.
    p. 1152

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  • Effects of the Isoflavones Genistein and Equol on the Gonadal Development of Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes)
    Kiparissis et al.
    p. 1158

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  • The Relationship between Environmental Exposures to Phthalates and DNA Damage in Human Sperm Using the Neutral Comet Assay
    Duty et al.
    p. 1164

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  • On the Relationship between Time-Series Studies, Dynamic Population Studies, and Estimating Loss of Life Due to Short-Term Exposure to Environmental Risks
    Burnett et al.
    p. 1170

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  • High Body Burdens of 2,2´,4,4´-Tetrabromodiphenyl Ether (BDE-47) in California Women
    Petreas et al.
    p. 1175

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  • Bisphenol A Is Released from Used Polycarbonate Animal Cages into Water at Room Temperature
    Howdeshell et al.
    p. 1180

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  • The Temporal Pattern of Respiratory and Heart Disease Mortality in Response to Air Pollution
    Zanobetti et al.
    p. 1188

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  • Arsenic Groundwater Contamination in Middle Ganga Plain, Bihar, India: A Future Danger?
    Chakraborti et al.
    p. 1194

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  • Skin as a Route of Exposure and Sensitization in Chronic Beryllium Disease
    Tinkle et al.
    p. 1202

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  • Toxicologic and Epidemiologic Clues from the Characterization of the 1952 London Smog Fine Particulate Matter in Archival Autopsy Lung Tissues
    Hunt et al.
    p. 1209

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  • Inhalation Exposure of Rats to Asphalt Fumes Generated at Paving Temperatures Alters Pulmonary Xenobiotic Metabolism Pathways without Lung Injury
    Ma et al.
    p. 1215

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  • Distribution of Methyl Sulfone Metabolites of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and p,p´-DDE in Human Tissues
    Chu et al.
    p. 1222

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  • A Study of Urban Housing Demolitions as Sources of Lead in Ambient Dust: Demolition Practices and Exterior Dust Fall
    Farfel et al.
    p. 1228

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Environmental Medicine


  • Human Prenatal and Postnatal Exposure to Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers, Polychlorinated Biphenyls, Polychlorobiphenylols, and Pentachlorophenol
    Guvenius et al.
    p. 1235

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  • The Work Environment and Workers' Health in Four Large Office Buildings
    Chao et al.
    p. 1242

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Children's Health


  • Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Maternal and Fetal Blood Samples
    Mazdai et al.
    p. 1249

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  • Assessment of Pre- and Postnatal Exposure to Polychlorinated Biphenyls: Lessons from the Inuit Cohort Study
    Ayotte et al.
    p. 1253

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  • Birth Malformations and Other Adverse Perinatal Outcomes in Four U.S. Wheat-Producing States
    p. 1259

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  • Particle Concentrations in Inner-City Homes of Children with Asthma: The Effect of Smoking, Cooking, and Outdoor Pollution
    Wallace et al.
    p. 1265

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  • Corrections
    p. A 453
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  • NIEHS Extramural Update
    p. A 483
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Updated: Tues, 2003 May 27

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