National Library of Medicine
Historic Medical Sites in the Washington, DC Area

George Washington University
School of Medicine

901 23rd Street, NW
Washington, DC 10037
George Washington University
GWU Medical School and Hospital, ca. 1950s

The George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences has the distinction of being the oldest medical school in the District of Columbia. It traces its origin to the Medical Department of the Columbia College, established in 1825. It first occupied a building at the corner of E and 10th Streets, financed by its own faculty. In 1844, Congress granted the school the use of the Washington Infirmary at the Judiciary Square, which then became the first teaching hospital in the city. At the beginning of the Civil War, Washington Infirmary was turned into a military hospital, and the school reopened in 1863 on E Street, between 12th and 13th Streets, NW. In 1868, it moved to a new building at 1335 H Street, NW, donated by the philanthropist W.W. Corcoran. Columbian College became Columbian University in 1873, and it changed its name to George Washington University in 1904. Today, the George Washington University Medical Center is located on a modern campus near the Washington Circle.

For more information on the history of the George Washington University Medical Center, see David Anderson's article, "School of Medicine and Health Sciences."

See: #20 on Downtown Map.

Nearest Metro Station: 'Foggy Bottom' on Blue and Orange Lines.

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Last updated: 13 September 2006