National Library of Medicine
Historic Medical Sites in the Washington, DC Area

Georgetown University Medical Center
3800 Reservoir Road
Washington, DC 20057
Georgetown Medical School
Georgetown Medical School, ca. 1900

The second oldest medical college in Washington, D.C., Georgetown University Medical School dates from 1851. It first occupied a building at the corner of 12th and F Streets, NW, and moved in 1869 to the building at the corner of 10th and E Streets, which had been home to the Medical Department of Columbia College (now George Washington University Medical School). In the early years, courses were taught at night, and the student body was small. Between 1886 and 1930, the School was located at 910 H Street, NW. The Georgetown University Hospital opened in a 33-bed facility in 1893, staffed by the Sisters of St. Francis, and moved together with the Medical School to its current location on Reservoir Road in 1930. Today, nearly 700 medical students are enrolled in the School of Medicine.

For additional information about the history of the School, please see the articles by Joseph T. Durkin and Walter C. Hess, available at the Georgetown University School of Medicine Web site.

See: #18 on Area Map.

No nearby Metro Station.

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Last updated: 8 September 2006