Thesaurus for Graphic Materials II: Genre and Physical Characteristic Terms (TGM II)

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II. Scope and Purpose

In the context of TGM II, genre headings denote distinctive categories of material: an established class of pictorial types (PORTRAITS), a vantage point or method of projection (BIRD'S-EYE VIEWS; PERSPECTIVE PROJECTIONS), or intended purpose (ADVERTISEMENTS; COMPETITION DRAWINGS). Some indicate characteristics of an image's creator (STUDENT WORKS) or a publication status or occasion (CENSORED WORKS; NEW YEAR CARDS). Others imply a subject but also designate a method of representation (ABSTRACT WORKS; LANDSCAPES). Terms denoting artistic movements and styles are not included in this definition of genre. Physical characteristic headings designate graphic materials distinguished by production processes or techniques (ALBUMEN PRINTS), production stages or versions (PROOFS; REPRODUCTIONS), instrument employed (PINHOLE CAMERA PHOTOGRAPHS; AIRBRUSH WORKS), markings (WATERMARKS), shape and size (SCROLLS; MINIATURE WORKS), and other physical aspects of graphic materials.

TGM II terms are:

TGM II terms will:

For example, genre and physical characteristic terms will make it easier for the student of lithography to find examples of lithographs; indeed, the student could narrow the search to lithographic posters printed in Germany between 1900 and 1920. Or, by using these headings, the scholar can rapidly retrieve photographically illustrated books.

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(July 10, 2004)