Title 42--Public Health



TEXT PDF136.1 Definitions.
TEXT PDF136.2 Purpose of the regulations.
TEXT PDF136.3 Administrative instructions.
TEXT PDF136.11 Services available.
TEXT PDF136.12 Persons to whom services will be provided.
TEXT PDF136.14 Care and treatment of ineligible individuals.
TEXT PDF136.21 Definitions.
TEXT PDF136.22 Establishment of contract health service delivery areas.
TEXT PDF136.23 Persons to whom contract health services will be provided.
TEXT PDF136.24 Authorization for contract health services.
TEXT PDF136.25 Reconsideration and appeals.
TEXT PDF136.41 Definitions.
TEXT PDF136.42 Appointment actions.
TEXT PDF136.43 Application procedure for preference eligibility.
TEXT PDF136.51 Applicability.
TEXT PDF136.52 Definitions.
TEXT PDF136.53 General rule.
TEXT PDF136.54 Life of the mother would be endangered.
TEXT PDF136.55 Drugs and devices and termination of ectopic pregnancies.
TEXT PDF136.56 Recordkeeping requirements.
TEXT PDF136.57 Confidentiality.
TEXT PDF136.61 Payor of last resort.
TEXT PDF136.101 Applicability.
TEXT PDF136.102 Definitions.
TEXT PDF136.103 Eligibility.
TEXT PDF136.104 Application.
TEXT PDF136.105 Project elements.
TEXT PDF136.106 Grant award and evaluation.
TEXT PDF136.107 Use of project funds.
TEXT PDF136.109 Availability of appropriations.
TEXT PDF136.110 Facilities construction.
TEXT PDF136.111 Interest.
TEXT PDF136.112 Additional conditions.
TEXT PDF136.113 Fair and uniform provision of services.
TEXT PDF136.114 Applicability of other Department regulations.
TEXT PDF136.115 Rescission of grants.
TEXT PDF136.116 Reports.
TEXT PDF136.117 Amendment of regulations.
TEXT PDF136.118 Effect on existing rights.
TEXT PDF136.119 Penalties.
TEXT PDF136.120 Use of Indian business concerns.
TEXT PDF136.121 Indian preference in training and employment.
TEXT PDF136.301 Policy and applicability.
TEXT PDF136.302 Definitions.
TEXT PDF136.303 Indians applying for scholarships.
TEXT PDF136.304 Publication of a list of allied health professions.
TEXT PDF136.305 Additional conditions.
TEXT PDF136.310 Health professions recruitment grants.
TEXT PDF136.311 Eligibility.
TEXT PDF136.312 Application.
TEXT PDF136.313 Evaluation and grant awards.
TEXT PDF136.314 Use of funds.
TEXT PDF136.315 Publication of list of grantees and projects.
TEXT PDF136.316 Other HHS regulations that apply.
TEXT PDF136.320 Preparatory scholarship grants.
TEXT PDF136.321 Eligibility.
TEXT PDF136.322 Application and selection.
TEXT PDF136.323 Scholarship and tuition.
TEXT PDF136.324 Availability of list of recipients.
TEXT PDF136.330 Indian health scholarships.
TEXT PDF136.331 Selection.
TEXT PDF136.332 Service obligation.
TEXT PDF136.333 Distribution of scholarships.
TEXT PDF136.334 Publication of a list of recipients.
TEXT PDF136.340 Provision of continuing education allowances.
TEXT PDF136.350 Contracts with Urban Indian organizations.
TEXT PDF136.351 Application and selection.
TEXT PDF136.352 Fair and uniform provision of services.
TEXT PDF136.353 Reports and records.
TEXT PDF136.360 Leases with Indian tribes.
TEXT PDF136.370 Pregraduate scholarship grants.
TEXT PDF136.371 Eligibility.
TEXT PDF136.372 Application and selection.
TEXT PDF136.373 Scholarship and tuition.
TEXT PDF136.374 Availability of list of recipients.
TEXT PDF136.401 Purpose.
TEXT PDF136.402 Policy.
TEXT PDF136.403 Definitions.
TEXT PDF136.404 What does the Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act require of the IHS and Indian Tribes or Tribal organizations receiving funds under the ISDEA?
TEXT PDF136.405 What are the minimum standards of character for individuals placed in, or applying for, a position that involves regular contact with or control over Indian children?
TEXT PDF136.406 Under what circumstances will the minimum standards of character be considered to be met?
TEXT PDF136.407 Under what circumstances should a conviction, or plea of nolo contendere or guilty to, be considered if there has been a pardon, expungement, set aside, or other court order of the conviction or plea?
TEXT PDF136.408 What are other factors, in addition to the minimum standards of character, that may be considered in determining placement of an individual in a position that involves regular contact with or control over Indian children?
TEXT PDF136.409 What positions require a background investigation and determination of eligibility for employment or retention?
TEXT PDF136.410 Who conducts the background investigation and prepares determinations of eligibility for employment?
TEXT PDF136.411 Are the requirements for IHS adjudication different from the requirements for Indian Tribes and Tribal organizations?
TEXT PDF136.412 What questions must the IHS ask as part of the background investigation?
TEXT PDF136.413 What protections must the IHS and Tribes or Tribal organizations provide to individuals undergoing a background investigation?
TEXT PDF136.414 How does the IHS determine eligibility for placement or retention of individuals in positions involving regular contact with Indian children?
TEXT PDF136.415 What rights does an individual have during this process?
TEXT PDF136.416 When should the IHS deny employment or dismiss an employee?
TEXT PDF136.417 May the IHS hire individuals pending completion of a background investigation?
TEXT PDF136.418 What should the IHS do if an individual has been charged with an offense but the charge is pending or no disposition has been made by a court?

