Index of Species Information

SPECIES:  Lupinus caudatus


SPECIES: Lupinus caudatus
AUTHORSHIP AND CITATION : Matthews, Robin F. 1993. Lupinus caudatus. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: [].

ABBREVIATION : LUPCAU SYNONYMS : NO-ENTRY SCS PLANT CODE : LUCA COMMON NAMES : tailcup lupine spurred lupine Kellogg spurred lupine TAXONOMY : The currently accepted scientific name of tailcup lupine is Lupinus caudatus Kellogg [14,15,19,53]. Lupinus is a taxonomically complex genus and there is much confusion regarding nomenclature. Species within the genus are extremely variable and freely intergrade, making morphological characteristics used to separate taxa few and inconsistent. There is much disagreement among authorities concerning recognized subspecies, varieties, and forms [15,19,53]. LIFE FORM : Forb FEDERAL LEGAL STATUS : No special status OTHER STATUS : NO-ENTRY


SPECIES: Lupinus caudatus
GENERAL DISTRIBUTION : Tailcup lupine is distributed from eastern Washington, Oregon, and California east to Montana, southwestern South Dakota, northwestern Nebraska, Colorado, and New Mexico [14,26,42,53]. ECOSYSTEMS :    FRES20  Douglas-fir    FRES21  Ponderosa pine    FRES22  Western white pine    FRES23  Fir - spruce    FRES24  Hemlock - Sitka spruce    FRES25  Larch    FRES26  Lodgepole pine    FRES28  Western hardwoods    FRES29  Sagebrush    FRES30  Desert shrub    FRES33  Southwestern shrubsteppe    FRES34  Chaparral - mountain shrub    FRES35  Pinyon - juniper    FRES36  Mountain grasslands    FRES37  Mountain meadows    FRES38  Plains grasslands    FRES40  Desert grasslands    FRES44  Alpine STATES :      AZ  CA  CO  ID  MT  NE  NV  NM  OR  SD      UT  WA  WY BLM PHYSIOGRAPHIC REGIONS :     4  Sierra Mountains     5  Columbia Plateau     6  Upper Basin and Range     7  Lower Basin and Range     8  Northern Rocky Mountains     9  Middle Rocky Mountains    10  Wyoming Basin    11  Southern Rocky Mountains    12  Colorado Plateau    13  Rocky Mountain Piedmont    14  Great Plains    15  Black Hills Uplift    16  Upper Missouri Basin and Broken Lands KUCHLER PLANT ASSOCIATIONS :    K001  Spruce - cedar - hemlock forest    K003  Silver fir - Douglas-fir forest    K004  Fir - hemlock forest    K005  Mixed conifer forest    K007  Red fir forest    K008  Lodgepole pine - subalpine forest    K010  Ponderosa shrub forest    K011  Western ponderosa forest    K012  Douglas-fir forest    K013  Cedar - hemlock - pine forest    K014  Grand fir - Douglas-fir forest    K015  Western spruce - fir forest    K016  Eastern ponderosa forest    K017  Black Hills pine forest    K018  Pine - Douglas-fir forest    K019  Arizona pine forest    K020  Spruce - fir - Douglas-fir forest    K021  Southwestern spruce - fir forest    K022  Great Basin pine forest    K023  Juniper - pinyon woodland    K024  Juniper steppe woodland    K026  Oregon oakwoods    K027  Mesquite bosque    K031  Oak - juniper woodlands    K032  Transition between K031 and K037    K033  Chaparral    K034  Montane chaparral    K037  Mountain-mahogany - oak scrub    K038  Great Basin sagebrush    K039  Blackbrush    K040  Saltbush - greasewood    K041  Creosotebush    K042  Creosotebush - bursage    K050  Fescue - wheatgrass    K051  Wheatgrass - bluegrass    K052  Alpine meadows and barren    K053  Grama - galleta steppe    K055  Sagebrush steppe    K056  Wheatgrass - needlegrass shrubsteppe    K057  Galleta - three-awn shrubsteppe    K058  Grama - tobosa shrubsteppe    K063  Foothills prairie    K064  Grama - needlegrass - wheatgrass    K065  Grama - buffalograss    K066  Wheatgrass - needlegrass    K067  Wheatgrass - bluestem - needlegrass    K068  Wheatgrass - grama - buffalograss SAF COVER TYPES :    205  Mountain hemlock    206  Engelmann spruce - subalpine fir    207  Red fir    209  Bristlecone pine    210  Interior Douglas-fir    211  White fir    212  Western larch    213  Grand fir    215  Western white pine    216  Blue spruce    217  Aspen    218  Lodgepole pine    219  Limber pine    220  Rocky Mountain juniper    224  Western hemlock    225  Western hemlock - Sitka spruce    227  Western redcedar - western hemlock    228  Western redcedar    230  Douglas-fir - western hemlock    237  Interior ponderosa pine    238  Western juniper    239  Pinyon - juniper    241  Western live oak    242  Mesquite    243  Sierra Nevada mixed conifer    247  Jeffrey pine    248  Knobcone pine    256  California mixed subalpine SRM (RANGELAND) COVER TYPES : NO-ENTRY HABITAT TYPES AND PLANT COMMUNITIES : Tailcup lupine is found in a variety of habitats including grassland, sagebrush, desert and mountain shrub, and coniferous forest [14,26,35,53].  The following publications list tailcup lupine as a herbaceous layer dominant in sagebrush (Artemisia ssp.), singleleaf pinyon (Pinus monophylla), or lodgepole pine (P. contorta) habitats: Vegetation and soils of the Pine and Mathews Canyon watersheds [3] Pinyon-juniper succession after fires on residual soils of the Mesa   Verde, Colorado [11] Classification and ordination of seral communities [37] Plant associations of the central Oregon Pumice Zone [48] Ecological classification of lodgepole pine in the United States [49]  


SPECIES: Lupinus caudatus
IMPORTANCE TO LIVESTOCK AND WILDLIFE : Tailcup lupine is readily to moderately available within its range and is consumed to a moderate to high degree by elk, mule deer, whitetail deer, antelope, upland game birds, small nongame birds, and small mammals [8].  On the Columbia Plateau in north-central Oregon, tailcup lupine comprised 70.9 percent of all forb shoots consumed by pocket gophers in June.  Leaves were also heavily utilized [7].   Tailcup lupine is also utilized by sheep, cattle, and horses [8,45]. PALATABILITY : Palatability of tailcup lupine is rated as poor to fair for cattle and horses and fair for sheep [8].  The early vegetative foliage and immature pods are more palatable to sheep than mature vegetation, probably corresponding to a relatively low alkaloid content early in the growing season [30]. NUTRITIONAL VALUE : Nutritional values of stems and leaves of tailcup lupine at different developmental stages have been reported [27]. COVER VALUE : Tailcup lupine provides fair to good cover for small nongame birds and small mammals [8]. VALUE FOR REHABILITATION OF DISTURBED SITES : Tailcup lupine's ability to fix nitrogen allows it to colonize soils of low fertility.  At high-altitude sites in Utah and Montana, it had the highest average acetylene reduction activity per plant compared to other nitrogen-fixing species [17].  In the Boise River Watershed in Idaho, tailcup lupine was not useful in controlling erosion because it does not have a mat-forming root system. The areas dominated by invader species, including tailcup lupine, were those most susceptible to erosion due to high utilization by livestock [36].  Overall, tailcup lupine has been given a medium to low rating for erosion control, and a high to low rating for its use in long-term revegetation in Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana [8].  The lupine genus as a whole has possiblities for use in management, but more information is needed on the response of the genus to withstand disturbance in a wide range of habitats [18].   OTHER USES AND VALUES : A drug has been extracted from tailcup lupine for use in controlling cardiac arrhythmia [41]. OTHER MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS : Tailcup lupine is highly toxic to livestock, especially to sheep [20,32,42,45].  It is less toxic to cattle and horses [20], but causes calf deformities if ingested by cows between 40 to 70 days gestation [16,25,44].  It produces quinolizidine alkaloids which affect the nervous system [25,30].  The alkaloid content of aboveground vegetative parts peaks in mid-June at 0.9 percent and decreases to 0.2 percent in August, during the pod stage.  Alkaloid content of seeds ranges from 2.3 to 9.5 percent, making them highly toxic [30].  Lupines (Lupinus spp.) are responsible for more losses of sheep in Montana, Idaho, and Utah than any other plant genus [20,32].  Tailcup lupine is one of the most poisonous of the lupine species.  In the seed stage it is probably the most toxic member of the genus [16,44].  Plants are toxic from ay least the beginning of spring growth until they dry in late summer [16,28,44]. Dry plants are probably poisonous as well [20].  Sheep are poisoned by ingesting 0.13 to 0.25 pound (0.06-0.11 kg) daily for 3 to 4 days. Cattle usually graze tailcup lupine only when other forage is not available.  Ingestion of 1 to 1.5 pounds of tailcup lupine (0.45-0.68 kg) daily will poison cattle.  The symptoms associated with tailcup lupine poisoning have been described in detail [20,41,44,45].  It is apparently not toxic to wildlife [8,23,45]. Tailcup lupine increases under intensive grazing and is most abundant under poor to fair range conditions [28,47,51].  It often forms nearly pure stands in overgrazed areas [47].  Poisoning of livestock occurs when poor range management has resulted in overgrazing and depletion of preferred rangeland species [25].  Tailcup lupine is unlikely to be dangerous under normal range conditions [20].  Where lupine species are common, rangeland should be utilized when other forage is abundant, and especially when lupines are not in fruit [44,45].  Tailcup lupine has been controlled with the application of various esters of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T [6,16,24,28].  Plants should be sprayed after they are approximately 5 inches (12.7 cm) tall, but before they bloom [16,44]. After spraying, grazing should be deferred to let desirable species occupy the range [28]. Tailcup lupine is common in pine types (Pinus jeffreyi and P. ponderosa) in northeastern California.  Frequency of tailcup lupine on 40-year-old units given various silvicultural methods was as follows [50]:       Silvicultural Method          Frequency (%)      sanitation salvage                  20      moderate selection cut              24      heavy selection cut                 10      clearcut                            <1            Lupines (L. caudatus and L. sericeus) responded with minor changes in canopy cover to different management regimes in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)/pinegrass (Calamagrostis rubescens) habitat types in central Idaho.  Plants decreased slightly in cover, but seedlings established when stands were selectively cut or clearcut followed by mechanical scarification.  There was a slight vegetative increase in stands that were clearcut with no site preparation.  Seedling establishment and increased cover were evident in stands destroyed by wildfire and in stands that were clearcut followed by broadcast burning [39].


SPECIES: Lupinus caudatus
GENERAL BOTANICAL CHARACTERISTICS : Tailcup lupine is a native, perennial, cool-season forb [28,41,51]. Simple or branched stems arise from a woody caudex and are generally 8 to 16 inches (20-40 cm) tall.  Leaves are basal and have 5 to 9 leaflets.  The inflorescence is a terminal raceme and flowers have a conspicuous spur.  Pods contain four to six seeds [14,15,26,53]. Tailcup lupine has a stout, deep taproot [5]. RAUNKIAER LIFE FORM :       Chamaephyte REGENERATION PROCESSES : Tailcup lupine most often reproduces by seed [39,41,47].  The seeds are heavy and are not widely dispersed.  They will germinate in full sun or partial shade.  Tailcup lupine is not rhizomatous but will sprout from the caudex [39]. SITE CHARACTERISTICS : Tailcup lupine is found on dry sites on gentle to steep slopes and in open woods [8,9,26].  It grows best in dry, well-drained gravelly, sandy, sandy-loam, and clayey-loam soils.  It does not grow well in clay or other organic, sodic-saline, or acid soils.  Tailcup lupine has been found to 10,400 feet (3,150 m) elevation in Colorado [8]. Species commonly associated with tailcup lupine in sagebrush or grassland habitats include Gambel oak (Quercus gambelii), mountain snowberry (Symphoricarpos oreophilus), Wood's rose (Rosa woodsii), curlleaf mountain-mahogany (Cercocarpus ledifolius), manzanita (Arctostaphylos spp.), Utah serviceberry (Amelanchier utahensis), rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus spp.), broom snakeweed (Gutierrezia sarothrae), wyethia (Wyethia spp.), arrowleaf balsamroot (Balsamorhiza sagittata), knotweed (Polygonum spp.), buckwheat (Eriogonum spp.), penstemon (Penstemon spp.), phlox (Phlox spp.), bluebunch wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata), Sandberg bluegrass (Poa secunda), needle-and-thread grass (Stipa comata), Idaho fescue (Festuca idahoensis), Indian ricegrass (Oryzopsis hymenoides), buffalograss (Buchloe dactyloides), and cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) [1,3,5,10,43]. SUCCESSIONAL STATUS : Facultative Seral Species Tailcup lupine persists under partial shade, but it's cover increases with more sunlight and less competition [39].  It occurs in seral to climax sagebrush habitats in Nevada and Idaho [3,37], and in seral to climax lodgepole forests in Oregon [49].  It is also a component of climax pinyon-juniper habitats in Colorado [10]. SEASONAL DEVELOPMENT : Tailcup lupine is a cool-season species with maximum growth occurring in the spring [47].  Flowering begins in May in Utah and Colorado, and in June in Wyoming and Montana [8].  Fruits are generally mature by July or August [41].


SPECIES: Lupinus caudatus
FIRE ECOLOGY OR ADAPTATIONS : Tailcup lupine has a stout, deep taproot and it sprouts from the caudex following disturbance.  Seeds are stored in the soil and germinate on mineral soil in full sun or partial shade.  Stored seeds are usually 100 percent viable [39]. POSTFIRE REGENERATION STRATEGY :    Caudex, growing points in soil    Ground residual colonizer (on-site, initial community)


SPECIES: Lupinus caudatus
IMMEDIATE FIRE EFFECT ON PLANT : Aboveground parts of tailcup lupine are generally consumed by fire [55]. DISCUSSION AND QUALIFICATION OF FIRE EFFECT : NO-ENTRY PLANT RESPONSE TO FIRE : Some lupines are fire survivors and are present in the initial stages of postfire plant succession [18].  Tailcup lupine is favored or relatively unaffected by fire in sagebrush or pinyon-juniper habitats.  It also germinates from buried seed after fire [33,52].  Pechanec [29] stated that top-killed plants may make a ready recovery and rapid increase in vigor, but an increase in plant numbers must await seed production, usually in the second growing season after burning. In sagebrush-grassland habitats of the Upper Snake River Plains, Idaho, intense fire resulted in lower postfire forb production, most likely due to the destruction of buried seeds.  Lupines (Lupinus caudatus and L. leucophyllus), however, were favored by burning.  Biomass production of the two species at postfire year 12 years is as follows [4]:                            lbs/acre               kg/ha            _____________________________________________________            Unburned          2.3                   2.6            Light burn        3.6                   4.1            Moderate burn     5.4                   6.1            Heavy burn       54.4                  61.2 In sagebrush habitats in the Great Basin Rate of Spread Study, done in Nevada, there was a flush of forb growth, including tailcup lupine, following fire.  This growth was attributed to heat breaking seed dormancy, increased available nutrients, and possibly the removal of inhibitory compounds in shrub litter [33].  Following the Red Rock Fire in Nevada, tailcup lupine increased steadily in density in the first 4 postfire years [54]. Tailcup lupine was present 4 years after severe natural fires in pinyon-juniper stands in Colorado, with a postfire frequency of 8 percent.  Its frequency on sites burned 29 years earlier was 2 percent, but it was not present in a 90-year-old burn in the same area [10]. Tailcup lupine was present in all stages of postfire succession in pinyon-juniper habitats in Nevada and California.  Occurrence and cover percentages follow [21]: Successional stage    Years since fire         Occurrence              Cover _____________________________________________________________________________ Early                     0-1                     46.0                 9.0 Early-Mid                 4-8                     20.0                 7.0 Mid                      15-17                    32.0                 0.0 Mid-Late                 22-60                    25.0                13.0 Late                      60+                     19.0                 0.0 Some authors report that tailcup lupine is slightly to moderately damaged by fire [29,31,38]. DISCUSSION AND QUALIFICATION OF PLANT RESPONSE : On ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir communities in the Blue Mountains of northeastern Oregon, tailcup lupine cover and frequency in postfire year 4 were higher on thinned-and-burned sites than on thinned, prescribed burned, or unburned control sites.  Tailcup lupine was determined to be an indicator species for thinned-and-burned sites (P0.05).  For further information on the effects of thinning and burning treatments on tailcup lupine and 48 other species, see the Research Project Summary of Youngblood and others' [56] study. FIRE MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS : NO-ENTRY


SPECIES: Lupinus caudatus
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