Kids Feature

Flip Time

We use a clock to tell time. We can tell time by saying the hour first and then the minutes.

We use two types of clocks: digital and analog.

The front of an analog clock is called the face. The pieces that move around are called the hands.
The shorter hand points to the hour. The longer hand points to the minute.

A digital clock looks different. It shows the time using only numbers.

Write these analog times as they would appear on a digital clock.
  1. The short hand is between 8 and 9 and the long hand is on 6.
  2. The short hand is between 9 and 10 and the long hand is on 3.
  3. The short hand is between 3 and 4 and the long hand is on 1.
  4. The short hand is between 1 and 2 and the long hand is on 2.
  5. The short hand is on 12 and the long hand is on 12.
  6. The short hand is between 4 and 5 and the long hand is on 10.
  7. The short hand is between 8 and 9 and the long hand is on 5.
  8. The short hand is between 9 and 10 and the long hand is on 8.
  9. The short hand is between 7 and 8 and the long hand is on 9.
  10. The short hand is between 6 and 7 and the long hand is on 7.
Draw these digital times on analog clocks.
  1. 12:00
  2. 6:15
  3. 8:30
  4. 4:15
  5. 1:30
  6. 9:20
  7. 10:35
  8. 5:45
  9. 7:50
  10. 2:55

> Check your answers

Did you write the analog times as digital times correctly?
  1. 8:30
  2. 9:15
  3. 3:05
  4. 1:10
  5. 12:00
  6. 4:50
  7. 8:25
  8. 9:40
  9. 7:45
  10. 6:35
Did you draw the digital times as analog clocks correctly?
  1. The short hand is on the 12 and the long hand is on the 12.
  2. The short hand is between 6 and 7 and the long hand is on 3.
  3. The short hand is between 8 and 9 and the long hand is on the 6.
  4. The short hand is between 4 and 5 and the long hand is on the 3.
  5. The short hand is between 1 and 2 and the long hand is on the 6.
  6. The short hand is between 9 and 10 and the long hand is on the 4.
  7. The short hand is between 10 and 11 and the long hand is on the 7.
  8. The short hand is between 5 and 6 and the long hand is on the 9.
  9. The short hand is between 7 and 8 and the long hand is on the 10.
  10. The short hand is between 2 and 3 and the long hand is on the 11.

> Play again
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