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  New Insights, Treatments, and Management Strategies for ADPKD Flash slide/audio
(ASN Clinical Nephrology Conference, November, 2007)
Chapman: What was the design of the CRISP study in ADPKD patients? How was progression measured? What factors are known to be associated with progression? How was cyst size measured? How did the investigators get by without gadolinium? What were factors predicting increase in cyst volume? What was found regarding liver cysts? PKD-1 vs. PKD-2? How is the renin-angiontensin system involved in ADPKD? What was the design of the HALT PKD study? What was the rationale for dual blockade? Is concomitant aldosterone blockade indicated? Calvet: What are the strategies to inhibit cyst formation in ADPKD? What are potential methods of inhibiting cell proliferation? Cyst secretion? How are CFTR and NKCC-1 involved? Is cyclic AMP good or bad for PKD? What about bumetanide? How does intracellular calcium act to affect cell proliferation? What are potential implications regarding calcium channel blockers? What are the data about manipulating B-Raf, MEK, and ERK? Note: The other 2 talks from this CNC are available as audiofiles at this link.



  What You Can Teach Your Team About Chronic Kidney Disease-Related Mineral Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD) Flash slide/video
(ANNA National Symposium, April, 2008)
Dr. Schmidt and Ms. Senft: Part One: What is happening to the prevalence of CKD? What is the incidence by race and ethnicity? What are the associated conditions? How many millions have CKD? Are they aware of it? Who is at greatest risk? What did we find in West Virginia? What can we learn from the case of a young diabetic with CKD? Part Two: What is this young patient's likely outcome? His mortality risk? What is the risk for hospitalization due to congestive heart failure? Expected remaining lifetime? How do serum calcium and serum phosphorus relate to mortality risk? What about the coronary artery calcification score? How can one assess vascular calcification? Part Three: How can we optimize outcome by intervening early in CKD- related mineral bone disorder? How can we achieve optimal bone health and minimize risk for vascular calcification? How do we manage a case with high serum phosphorus and high serum calcium? What about a case with high phosphorus and low serum calcium? When do we combine binders? What are the challenges in managing hyperphosphatemia? What is the calcium balance associated with various calcium baths? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each class of phosphate binders? What are their comparative efficacies? What is sevelamer carbonate and why might it be an improved binder? What can you teach your team about CKD-related bone mineral disorder (CKD-MBD)?

Hypertension, Cardiovascular
LVH mortality by race
ACE prediabetes guidelines
BP in kids with CKD
ENAC in hypertension (review)
Particulate air pollution and ST depression
Sudden cardiac death risk factors (AHA)
Combining statins with niacin
Chronic to acute decompensated heart failure
Systemic calcified atherosclerosis
Hospitalization rates with home hemo
EPO and thrombocytosis
ACP guidelines for low bone density
Superior mesenteric artery ischemia mimics gastroparesis
LMWH for routine dialysis
Acute unplanned PD works
Clinical Nephrology
MMF no good for membranous
Estimated GFR: a laboratory perspective
Extreme polyuria: a cardiac cause
Preemptive transplantation: earlier not better
What's next in drug pipeline for Tx

ASN Renal Week 2007
now in MP3
AUDIOFILE LIST (Renal Week 2007)

(33 talks)

How Do We Treat Patients with Diabetes and CKD in 2007?
Robert G. Nelson, MD

Sulodexide, Antifibrotics, AGE Inhibitors, and PKC Inhibitors
Kumar Sharma, MD

PPAR Gamma and Thiazolidinediones
George L. Bakris, MD, FASN


Lisa M. Guay-Woodford, MD

ADPKD - 1 and 2
York P. Pei, MD, FASN

Tuberous Sclerosis and Von Hippel Lindau
John J. Bissler, MD

What to Advise Patients and Families with PKD
Ronald D. Perrone, MD


Vitamin D and Progression of Renal Disease: What are the Mechanisms?
Kevin J. Martin, MB, BCh, BAO, FACP

Vascular Calcification in Pre-ESRD
Craig B. Langman, MD

The Impact of Declining GFR on Bone Metabolism
Sharon M. Moe, MD, FASN

Do Calcimimetics Have a Role in Early Stage CKD?
Anthony A. Portale, MD


Peripheral Vascular Disease: Assessments and Approaches to Care
James B. Froehlich, MD, MPH

Update on Immunizations
Emily Blumberg, MD

Rheumatology for Nephrologists
Jonathan Kay, MD


Non-Adherence in Hemodialysis: Does it Affect Outcome?
John E. Leggat, MD

Treating the Disruptive Dialysis Patient: A Practical, Medical, and Ethical Approach
Alvin H. Moss, MD

Transplanting the Non-Adherent Patient: Where Are We Now?
Jeremy Chapman, MBBS, MD, FRCP

The Line in the Sand: Legal Implications for the Treating Physician and Medical Director?
Robert A. Gutman, MD


Aldosterone: Issues in Regulation of Blood Pressure and Sodium Transport
David H. Ellison, MD, FASN

Primary Hyperaldosteronism: Not Such a Rare Cause of Hypertension?
David A. Calhoun, MD

Mechanisms of Aldosterone-Mediated Fibrosis
Gerardo Gamba, MD, PhD

Progression of Renal Disease and Aldosterone Antagonists in Chronic Kidney Disease
Mark E. Rosenberg, MD


Sudden Death Prevention
Anthony J. Bleyer, MD, MS, FASN

Catheter Lock Solutions
Michael Allon, MD

Changing Practices with Nutritional Interventions
Ashwini R. Sehgal, MD

Addressing End-of-Life Issues
Jean L. Holley, MD


Remission of Proteinuria in Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome: What is the Goal and at What Price?
Daniel C. Cattran, MD, FRCPC

Treatment of Frequently Relapsing/Steroid Dependent Minimal Change Disease
Ronald J. Hogg, MD

New Aspects of Membranous Nephropathy
Howard A. Austin, MD

Evaluation and Treatment Approach to Steroid-Resistant Primary FSGS in Adults
Alain Y. Meyrier, MD


When Do We Biopsy? Will the Information Help?
Lorraine C. Racusen, MD, FASN

Therapy for Antibody Mediated Rejection
James M. Gloor

Do We Need Calcineurin-Inhibitors and/or Steroids?
Robert W. Steiner, MD

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HDCN_RSS  Click on RSS for details of each news story.
Updated: October 07, 2008 (O07)
O07 Farnesyl transferase inhibitor (tipifarnib) reverses cardiovascular effects of progeria.
O07 Study illustrates importance of inflammatory macrophages in obesity; insulin resistance reversed by killing these cells.
O07 One mechanism whereby ingestion of fatty foods (but not carbs or protein) can suppress hunger identified : OEA.
O07 Even occasional smoking can impair arterial function for a prolonged period.
O07 Medicare carrier switch causing payment delays and other problems nationwide.
O07 NRAA: Advance copy of ESRD program interpretive guidelines. (pdf)
O07 Gut bacteria may protect mice against type 1 diabetes, other autoimmune disorders.
O07 Complement pathway and the innate immune system implicated in age-related macular degeneration.
O07 Controlling computer games with brain waves: possible new hope for stroke victims?
O06 National Renal Administrators' Association requests that small dialysis organizations be allowed to data batch CPM reporting to Crown Web.
O06 One-dollar-a-month polypill containing ASA, thiazide, ACEI, and statin to undergo clinical testing.
O06 Just one session of exercise improves metabolic health in insulin-resistant obese subjects.
O06 Adipocyte precursor cells identified, opening up a new area of obesity research.
O06 Vitamin D deficiency may increase risk of skin infections in patients with atopic dermatitis.
O06 New studies support use of probiotics in irritable bowel syndrome.
O06 Disinfectant use can increase level of bacterial resistance.
O06 Preliminary results suggest a 20% mortality reduction with Dendreon's prostate cancer vaccine.
O06 Apparent failure to rinse sterilant from dialyzer prior to use may have led to patient death in Michigan.
O06 Nobel prize in medicine goes to Barre-Sinoussi and Montagnier for discovery of the AIDS virus (Gallo left out) and to zu Hausen for the discovery of HPV.
O05 Off-topic weekend fun and games: Falling sand game
General Advances Emphasis
Low molecular weight heparin for hemodialysis
Davenport talks about the problems, the benefits, and the costs of LMWH, which is now used extensively in Europe. In the October issue of Hemodialysis International. (more...)

What's new in the (drug) pipeline for transplantation?
Vincenti and Kirk discuss a whole series of new approaches that may modify the immune response more effectively to permit survival of renal allografts with less adverse impact on renal function; in the Oct issue of the Am J Transplant. (more...)

Adverse renal and metabolic effects associated with oral sodium phosphate bowel preparation.
Although this is now well known, Heher et al review the latest information about this source of potential acute renal failure; especially important given the widespread use of this method of bowel preparation; from the September issue of the Clinical J Am Soc Nephrol (CJASN) (more...)

Sympathetic overactivity - the Cinderella of cardiovascular risk factors in dialysis patients
Vonend, Rump, and Ritz discuss the evidence for SNS overactivity in ESRD and what treatments may best mitigate this; from the July/August issue of Seminars in Dialysis. (more...)

The aggravating mechanisms of aldosterone on kidney fibrosis
Remuzzi and colleagues discuss how aldosterone may promote kidney fibrosis, and the potential benefits of halting this process; in the August 2008 issue of the J Am Soc Nephrol (JASN) (more...)

Pharmacogenetics of immunosuppressants: progress, pitfalls and promises
Cattaneo and colleagues review the data on polymorphisms of the thiopurine-S-methyltransferase and cytochrome P450 3A5 genotypes, but also discuss new research on the genetic variation of the targets of immunosuppresant drugs; in the July 2008 issue of the Am J Transplant. (more...)

Exercise and Dialysis
Johansen reviews the evidence of what the benefits are, what are the best types to recommend, and the new recs from the American College of Sports Medicine and the AHA for older individuals and for those with chronic diseases; from the July issue of Hemodialysis International. (more...)

Treating elderly people with diabetes and stages 3 and 4 chronic kidney disease.
Abaterusso and colleagues discuss the realities and practical approaches of treating CKD in the elderly; from the July issue of the Clinical J Am Soc Nephrol (CJASN) (more...)

When is it appropriate to order an ionized calcium?
Calvi and Bushinsky discuss how ionized calcium measurement may be better than albumin-corrected calcium in a number of intensive care situations, and also in some ambulatory settings; from the July issue of the J Am Soc Nephrol (JASN) (more...)

Lipid abnormalities and cardiovascular risk in renal disease
Ritz and Wanner review the effects of CKD on lipids, the evidence that lipid control may slow progression, and suggest treatment regimens in this population; from the June issue of the J Am Soc Nephrol (JASN) (more...)

Role of remission clinics in the longitudinal treatment of CKD
What is a remission clinic for CKD patients, and what are the results in terms of progression when patients are aggressively monitored and treated in this way? Ruggenenti and colleagues tells us, in the June issue of the J Am Soc Nephrol (JASN) (more...)

  SUMMARIES of Recent Slide/Audio Symposia in reverse chronological order

What You Can Teach Your Team About Chronic Kidney Disease-Related Mineral Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD) (Schmidt and Senft)
New Insights, Treatments, and Management Strategies for ADPKD (Chapman and Calvet)
Stabilizing Hemoglobin Levels: What's New in IV Iron and Anemia Management? (Fishbane, VanBuskirk, Larson)
Novel Therapeutics for Fluid and Electrolyte Disorders (Verbalis and Palmer)
Treatment of Frequently Relapsing/Steroid Dependent Minimal Change Disease (Hogg);
Evaluation and Treatment Approach to Steroid-Resistant Primary FSGS in Adults (Meyrier).
Congestive Heart Failure: A Nephrologist's Disease? (Murray)
AKI Therapeutics: From Bench to Commercialisation (Molitoris)
New Perspectives on the Progression of Coronary Artery Calcification and Patient Outcomes in Chronic Kidney Disease (Qunibi, Szczech)
Renal Disease and the Metabolic Syndrome (Muntner and Fried)
Nephrolithiasis (Worcester and Lieske)
The Genetics of FSGS (Hildebrandt and Kaskel)
Primary Care Issues in Nephrology: Peripheral Vascular Disease: Assessments and Approaches to Care (Froehlich); Rheumatology for Nephrologists (Kay).
Achieving Control: Optimizing the Management of CKD-Anemia (Nissenson, Fishbane, Germain, and Provenzano)
Mycophenolate in Lupus and Non-Glomerular Renal Diseases (Shaw and Appel)
  ASDIN Annual Meeting 2008
  RPA Annual Meeting 2008
  Advances in CKD 2008 (RRI 10th Annual International Dialysis Symposium
Management of Hyperphosphatemia in Patients with ESRD: A New Direction for Treatment in 2008 (Qunibi and Nolan)
Aldosterone: New Insights in Kidney Health and Disease (Calhoun and Rosenberg)
Pre-ESRD and Mineral Metabolism (Martin and Moe)
New Insights into Common Problems After Kidney Transplantation (Kasiske and Weisinger)
Challenges and Opportunities in the Treatment of Hyperuricemia and Gout (Terkeltaub, Rich, Feig)
New Treatments for Diabetes Mellitus: Implications for Clinicians (Nelson and Bakris)
The Aging Kidney (Fliser and Aronoff)
Phosphate Binders in CKD: An Update on Treatment Outcomes and Future Directions (London, Langman, Ketteler)
Challenges in Volume Management. Optimizing Care in Patients with Heart Failure and Renal Dysfunction (Burnett, Fowler, Gheorghiade)
Cardiovascular Disease in End Stage Renal Disease Patients (Henrich)
Contrast Media and CKD: What You Should Know About Contrast-Induced Nephropathy and Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (Persson, Knopp, Perazella)
New Developments in Anemia Management in Chronic Kidney Disease (Roy, Besarab, Amerling, Berns)
The Cystic Diseases (Bennett)
Navigating the Erythropoietin Stimulating Agent Landscape in CKD-Related Anemia (Berns, Provenzano, Szczech)
Critical Care Nephrology (Murray)
Chronic Kidney Disease - Mineral Bone Disorder (Arruda, Snavely)
Electrolyte/Acid-Base Emergencies in the ICU (Palmer)
Nocturnal and Frequent Dialysis: Are These the Preferred Therapies for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease?
Updating Practices in an Evolving IV Iron and Anemia Environment: Practical Solutions. A New Anemia Treatment Paradigm in Favor of the Patient (Easom, Juergensen, Amerling)
Sudden Death in Hemodialysis Patients: Epidemiology
Diabetes and Non-insulin Management in CKD
Obesity and Outcomes in Dialysis Patients
Is Obesity a Risk Factor for the Development And Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease?
Standards: The Basis of Care to Manage the Patient with Complications of Chronic Kidney Disease Leading to Cardiovascular Disease (Burrows-Hudson, Headley, Campoy)
Achieving and Maintaining a Phosphate Balance in the Patient With CKD (Mathers)
Cocaine and Chronic Kidney Injury
Proton Pump Inhibitors and the Kidney: Critical Review
Characteristics of the Long-Term Peritoneal Dialysis Patient
Prospects and Challenges for a Staphylococcal Vaccine
Alternatives to Vancomycin in the Treatment of Gram-Positive Cocci
Overview of Catheter Lock Solutions
Are ACE inhibitors and ARBs Essential to Renoprotection? Debate.
Early Anemia Management: Incorporating New Evidence Into Appropriate Treatment Strategies for Chronic Kidney Disease
3rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the ASDIN. April, 2007.
Improving Efficiency in the Nephrologist's Office. RPA Annual Meeting (2007)
RRI Ninth International Conference on Dialysis, January, 2007. Part Four
Bone and Mineral Metabolism in CKD: Medical Crossfire
RRI Ninth International Conference on Dialysis, January, 2007. Part Three
Fluid Dysregulation: Disturbances and Management
RRI Ninth International Conference on Dialysis, January, 2007. Part Two
Inflammation in CKD: Biomarkers, Morbidity and Therapy
Managing CMV Infections in Transplantation
RRI Ninth International Conference on Dialysis, January, 2007. Part One
Disorders of Sodium Metabolism: Case Presentations
The CKD that Follows Renal Transplantation: How to Best Manage these Patients?
Transplant Biopsy
The New KDOQI Guidelines for Anemia; Debate: Should an Upper Hgb Limit be Set and What Should it Be?
Calcimimetics: Monotherapy for Secondary Hyperparathyroidism?
Lupus Nephritis: Defining and Treating Renal Flares
Secondary Hypertension, including Chronic Kidney Disease
New, Tri-Partite Approach to Anemia
Magnesium Balance: Hypomagnesemia and Hypermagnesemia
Pathogenesis and Management of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) in Chronic Kidney Disease
Transplantation: Medical and Immunosuppressive Management
  Using Technology to Improve the Quality of Care (target audience: technicians)

Site Description:
Hypertension, Dialysis, and Clinical Nephrology provides up-to-date, selected information on renal disorders and their treatment (hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis), and about hypertension, dialysis, and clinical nephrology topics.
Hypertension, Dialysis, and Clinical Nephrology is a place for physicians and nurses who treat patients with kidney or renal disease. Here physicians and nurses can find answers to frequently asked hypertension, dialysis, and nephrology questions (FAQ), pointers to recent review articles, and summaries of hot new hypertension, dialysis, and nephrology papers, abstracts, and meeting presentations. Also, information about medical products, devices, services, and drugs pertaining to hypertension, dialysis, and clinical nephrology are provided, as is a list of links to relevant hypertension / dialysis / transplantation organizations, medical provider networks, and databases. Much of the information presented is collected from a distinguished editorial board composed of specialists in the field of kidney or renal disease.

The information at this server is provided with the understanding that the publisher, authors, and advisors are not rendering medical or professional services. Medicine is a rapidly changing area, and efforts have been made to provide information that is medically correct at the time of publication. However, there may be mistakes, both typographical and in content. The material provided should be used only as a general guide and not the ultimate source of information. The material should not be used to form the basis of personal or professional decisions. The authors, advisors, and publisher shall have neither liability not responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information presented in this journal/server.

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