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Voyage To Inner Space - Exploring the Seas With NOAA Collect
Catalog of Images

2600 thumbnail picture
Deep Tow, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Chief Scientists Dick Hey and Bob Tyce. Cruise to the propagating rift on the Galapagos Ridge. On R/V THOMAS WASHINGTON.
Equatorial East Pacific Ocean 1982 August
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Deep Tow, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Chief Scientists Dick Hey and Bob Tyce. Cruise to the propagating rift on the Galapagos Ridge. On R/V THOMAS WASHINGTON.
Equatorial East Pacific Ocean 1982 August
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Deep Tow, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Chief Scientists Dick Hey and Bob Tyce. Cruise to the propagating rift on the Galapagos Ridge. On R/V THOMAS WASHINGTON.
Equatorial East Pacific Ocean 1982 August
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Deep Tow, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Chief Scientists Dick Hey and Bob Tyce. Cruise to the propagating rift on the Galapagos Ridge. On R/V THOMAS WASHINGTON.
Equatorial East Pacific Ocean 1982 August
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Deep Tow, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Chief Scientists Dick Hey and Bob Tyce. Cruise to the propagating rift on the Galapagos Ridge. On R/V THOMAS WASHINGTON.
Equatorial East Pacific Ocean 1982 August
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Deep Tow, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Chief Scientists Dick Hey and Bob Tyce. Cruise to the propagating rift on the Galapagos Ridge. On R/V THOMAS WASHINGTON.
Equatorial East Pacific Ocean 1982 August
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Deep Tow, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Chief Scientists Dick Hey and Bob Tyce. Cruise to the propagating rift on the Galapagos Ridge. On R/V THOMAS WASHINGTON.
Equatorial East Pacific Ocean 1982 August
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Deep Tow, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Chief Scientists Dick Hey and Bob Tyce. Cruise to the propagating rift on the Galapagos Ridge. On R/V THOMAS WASHINGTON.
Equatorial East Pacific Ocean 1982 August
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Deep Tow, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Chief Scientists Dick Hey and Bob Tyce. Cruise to the propagating rift on the Galapagos Ridge. On R/V THOMAS WASHINGTON.
Equatorial East Pacific Ocean 1982 August
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Deep Tow, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Chief Scientists Dick Hey and Bob Tyce. Cruise to the propagating rift on the Galapagos Ridge. On R/V THOMAS WASHINGTON.
Equatorial East Pacific Ocean 1982 August
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Deep Tow, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Chief Scientists Dick Hey and Bob Tyce. Cruise to the propagating rift on the Galapagos Ridge. On R/V THOMAS WASHINGTON.
Equatorial East Pacific Ocean 1982 August
2611 thumbnail picture
Deep Tow, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Chief Scientists Dick Hey and Bob Tyce. Cruise to the propagating rift on the Galapagos Ridge. On R/V THOMAS WASHINGTON.
Equatorial East Pacific Ocean 1982 August
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Deep Tow, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Chief Scientists Dick Hey and Bob Tyce. Cruise to the propagating rift on the Galapagos Ridge. On R/V THOMAS WASHINGTON.
Equatorial East Pacific Ocean 1982 August
2613 thumbnail picture
Deep Tow, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Chief Scientists Dick Hey and Bob Tyce. Cruise to the propagating rift on the Galapagos Ridge. On R/V THOMAS WASHINGTON.
Equatorial East Pacific Ocean 1982 August
2614 thumbnail picture
Cover to Volume I of the "Research Voyage of the S.M.S. GAZELLE 1874-1876."
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Baillie's Depth Sounder.
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Figure 2 - Accumulator used on S.M.S. GAZELLE.
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Sounder rigged with accumulator.
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Miller-Casella Deep Sea Thermometer.
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Mercury filled Deep Sea Thermometer descending on left, ascending on right. The temperature observed at the lowest depth is registered and maintained when the orientation of the thermometer is reversed upon ascent.
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Negretti and Zambra Deep Sea Thermometer.
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Meyer water sampling apparatus.
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An inclinometer for measuring the magnetic dip angle.
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African natives selling chickens to the GAZELLE at Cape Mesurado, Liberia.
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A work group at Liberia.
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African native huts in a clearing at Boma along the Congo River.
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The trading post at Ponta Lenha, up the Congo River.
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A monkey bread tree.
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Penguin Island in the Crozet Group in the southern Indian Ocean.
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An albatross in flight.
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Sea elephants at Kerguelen Island in the southern Indian Ocean at 49 20 S Lat., 70 20 E. Long.
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An abandoned observation station in the Kerguelen Islands.
2632 thumbnail picture
St. Paul Island, in the southern Indian Ocean at 37 50 South Lat., 77 35 East Long. This island and New Amsterdam were discovered by Magellan's Navigator on the VICTORIA in 1522 during the first circumnavigation of the globe. Top: north northwest side; middle, St. Paul Crater Bay; bottom, New Amsterdam, south south east side. This is among the few images of the GAZELLE.
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Crater Bay at St. Paul Island in the southern Indian Ocean. The GAZELLE is anchored offshore.
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A warrior from the Island of Timor at the junction of the Pacific and Indian Oceans north of Australia.
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The complete outfitting of a Timor warrior from the island of Timor between the Timor and Savu Seas north of Australia.
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Two temperature profiles taken between New Zealand and the Fiji Islands in 2270 fathoms and 1600 fathoms near the International Dateline.
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Title page of Volume III of "Research Voyage of the S.M.S. GAZELLE 1874-1876."
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Water color of Arctocephalus gazella, the southern fur seal.
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Water color of parrots seen during the voyage of the GAZELLE.
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Water color of cormorants seen during the voyage of the GAZELLE, including an . chick.
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Drawings of fish captured during the GAZELLE expedition.
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Various crustaceans seen during the course of the voyage of the GAZELLE.
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Various isopods and small crustaceans seen during the course of the voyage of the GAZELLE.
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Drawings of starfish captured during the GAZELLE expedition.
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Various coral species observed during the GAZELLE expedition.
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Embossed cover art for "Aus den Tiefen des Weltmeeres" by Carl Chun, 1903. Library Call No. Q115.V15 1903
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The German research vessel VALDIVIA lying at anchor at Aden after the end of its investigations. In: "Aus den Tiefen des Weltmeeres" by Carl Chun, 1903. Library Call No. Q115.V15 1903
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Description not available.
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Petersen's Wharf in Hamburg Harbor, the beginning of the VALDIVIA expedition. In: "Aus den Tiefen des Weltmeeres" by Carl Chun, 1903. Call No. Q115.V15 1903.

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April 23, 2007