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Health Promotion & Disease Prevention – Elevating the Health Status of American Indians and Alaska Natives
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The American Dental Hygienists' Association
3-A-Day of Dairy Nutrition Education Grants
AARP Health Campaigns Program
Abstinence Educators Network
Abstinence Education
ACC/AHA Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction
ACF 93.556 Promoting Safe and Stable Families
ACF 93.557 Education and Prevention to Reduce Sexual Abuse of Runaway, Homeless and Street Youth
ACF 93.591 Family Violence Prevention and Services/Grants to State Domestic Violence Coalition
ACF 93.669 Child Abuse and Neglect State Grants
ACF- 93.569 Community Services Block Grant
ACF- 93.592 Grants for Battered Women's Shelters
ACF- 93.670 Child Abuse and Neglect Discretionary Activities
ACF- 93.671 Grants for Battered Woman's Shelters
ACF: Community and Nutrition Program
Action for Healthy Kids (AHFK)
Active Living by Design (Program by Robert Wood Johnson and UNC School of Public Health in Chapel Hill, NC)
Active Living Leadership
Advocates for Youth
AHRQ and NIH-NCI Practice-Based Research Networks (PBRNs) and the Translation of Research into Practice
America on the Move (AOM)
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD)
American Academy of Pediatrics- The Community Access to Child Health (CATCH) Implementation Funds
American Academy of Pediatrics- The Community Access to Child Health (CATCH) Planning Funds
American College of Cardiology (ACC) Clinical Statements and Guidelines
American Dental Association
American Dental Association (ADA)
American Dental Education Association (ADEA)
American Heart Association (AHA)
American Indian and Alaskan Native Heart Health
American Obesity Association
AOA- 93.047 Indian Programs- Longterm Family Caregivers
Arizona Community Foundation (ACF)
Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation
ASPH job listings
Association for the Advancement in Computing Education
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Boys & Girls Club of America Programs on Sports, Fitness & Recreation
Boys2Men - Teaching Responsible Sexual Behavior
Cardiovascular Healthy People (HP) 2010 Partnership Website
Carol M. White Physical Education Program
CDC - National Center for Health Statistics Fellowship
CDC 93.136 Injury Prevention and Control Research and State and Community Based Programs
CDC Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity (DNPA)
CDC Nutrition & Physical Activity
CDC Oral Health Resources
CDC's School Health Index (SHI) for Nutrition, Physical Activity, Tobacco Free Lifestyle
CDC- 93.185 Immunization Research, Demonstration, Public Information, and Education Training and Clinical Skills Improvement Projects
CDC- 93.268 Immunization Grants
CDC- 93.919 Cooperative Agreements for State-based Comprehensive Breast & Cervical Cancer Early Detection Programs
Challenge Grants
Charles A. and Anne Morrow Lindbergh Foundation
Children Healthy Weight Initiative
Children's Dental Health Project c/o American Academy of Pediatrics
Coachella Valley Association of Governments
Conservation, Food, & Health Foundation
Coordination Program Technology Grants for Migrant Education
Cottonwood Foundation
CSTE Accepting Doctoral Level Candidates for Chronic Disease Position
Daniels Fund
Dental Health Foundation (DHF)
Diabetes Action Research & Education Network
Directory Computer and High Technology Grants
DOE- 84.186 Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities State Grants
Dr. Scholl Foundation
Duke Center for Education and Research on Therapeutics (CERTs).
Edison International
Environmental Grantmakers Association
Environmental Grantmaking Foundations
Focus Adolescent Services
Food Distribution Programs
General Mills Foundation
Grant Writing Resources
Great Lakes Protection Fund
Haskell Indian Nations University (HINU)
Health Policy Guide
Health Promotion Programmer/Educator - University of Vermont Center
HealthierUS.GOV--Physical Fitness
Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
HHS/OPHS- 93.008 Medical Reserve Corps Demonstration Project
HHS/OPHS- 93.995 Adolescent Family Life Demonstration Projects
HHS/PSC- 93.291 Surplus Property Utilization
HRSA- 93.127 Emergency Medical Services for Children
HRSA- 93.129 Technical and Non-Financial Assistance to Health Centers and national Health Service Corps (NHSC) Delivery Sites
HRSA- 93.130 Primary care Services Resource Coordination and Development
HRSA- 93.151 Health Center Grants for Homeless Populations
HRSA- 93.191 Allied Health Special Projects
HRSA- 93.211 Rural Telemedicine Grants
HRSA- 93.212 Chiropractic Demonstartion Project Grants
HRSA- 93.215 Hansen's Disease National Ambulatory Care Program
HRSA- 93.223 Development and Coordination of Rural Health Services
HRSA- 93.224 Community Health Centers
HRSA- 93.246 Health Center Granst for Migrant and Seasonal Farm Workers
HRSA- 93.251 Universal Newborn Hearing Screening
HRSA- 93.252 Community Access Programs
HRSA- 93.257 Grants for Education, Prevention, and Early Detection of Radiogenic Cancers and Diseases
HRSA- 93.259 Rural Access to Emergency Devices Grant
HRSA- 93.301 Small Rural Hospital Improvement Grants
HRSA- 93.302 Healthy Schools Healthy Communities
HRSA- 93.912 Rural Health Outreach and Rural Network Development Program
HRSA- 93.918 Grants to Provide Outpatient Early Intervention Services with Respect to HIV Disease
HRSA- 93.926 Healthy Start Initiative
HRSA- 93.927 Health Centers Grants for Residents of Public Housing
HRSA- 93.932 Native Hawaiian Health Systems
HRSA- 93.952 Improving EMS/Trauma Care in Rural Areas
IHS 93.284 Injury Prevention Programs for American Indians and Alaska Natives-Cooperative Agreement
IHS Native American Cardiology Program Website
IHS Publication: 1999 Oral Health Survey of Native American and Alaska Native Dental Patients: Findings, Regional Differences, and National Comparisons
IHS Publication: Dental Services for American Indians & Alaska Natives, 1990 ? 2000.
IHS Walk The Talk Challenge
IHS- 93.193 Urban Indian Health Services
IHS- 93.228 Indian Health Service Health Management Development Program
IHS- 93.933 Demonstration Projects for Indian Health
IHS- 93.954 Tribal recruitment and retention of Health professionals into Indian Health Programs
Immunization Action Coalition Directory of Immunization Resources
Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan, Inc (ITCMI)
Internet Technology Service, LLC
Jessie B. Cox Charitable Trust
Just Move It (JMI) Program
McCune Charitable Foundation
McKnight Foundation
Move for Life
National Challenge Grants for Technology in Education
National Cholesterol Education Program III Guidelines
National Coalition for Promoting Physical Activity (NCPPA)
National Fish and WildLife Foundation
National Indian Health Board (NIHB) Fitness Initiative
Native American Women's Health Education Resource Center
New Mexico Youth Soccer Association (NMYSA)
New York State Physical Activity Coalition
NIH 93.213 Research and Training
NIH 93.271 Alcohol Research Career Development Awards for Scientists and Clinicians
NIH 93.272 Alcohol National Research Service Awards for Research Training
NIH 93.273 Alcohol Research Programs
NIH and AHRQ Research Partnerships For Improving Functional Outcomes
NIH's Site on Heart & Circulation
NIH-NHLBI's Cardiovascular Risk Calculator
NIH.279 Drug Abuse Research Programs
NIH.281 Mental Health Research Career/Scientist Development Awards
NIH.282 Mental Health National Research Service Awards for Research Training
NIH.891 Alcohol Research Center Grants
NIKE & IHS Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Letter
NIKE Foundation
Nike GO Program
Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust
Northeastern Oklahoma State University, University of Oklahoma, Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Nutrition Assistance Programs
Obesity Leadership: Healthy Weight for Kids
OPHS 93.910 Family and Community Violence Prevention Program
Otto Bremer Foundation
Paul Allen Charitable Foundation
People & Technology Grants & Resources
Physical Activity Programs to combat Childhood Obesity epidemic
Planned ParentHood
President's Challenge
President's Council on Physical Fitness & Sports
Public Welfare Foundation, Inc.
Robert & Patricia Switzer Foundation
Robert Wood Johnson Community Health Leadership Program (CHLP)
Robert Wood Johnson Health & Society Scholars Program
SAMHSA 93.138 Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness
SAMHSA 93.959 Block Grants for Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse
SAMHSA 93.982 Mental Health Disaster Assistance and Emergency Mental Health
SAMSHA- 93.104 Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children with Serious Emotional Disturbances
SAMSHA- 93.150 Project for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness
SAMSHA- 93.958 Block Grants for Community Mental Health Services
SAMSHA-93.243 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Projects of Regional and National Significance
SEVA Foundation: Seva's Native American Community Grants Program
Shaping America's Youth
SPARK- Sports, Play, Active Recreation for Kids
Star Schools Program
Technology Development, Demonstration, and Utilization
Technology Literacy Challenge Fund
The Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc.
The California Endowment
The Center for High Performance Computing (HPC) at University of New Mexico
The Commonwealth Fund
The Department of Commerce- Technology Oppurtunities Program
The Ford Foundation
The Healthy Nations Initiative (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation)
The Hopi Foundation
The Jay and Rose Phillip Family Foundation
The National School Fitness Foundation (NSFF)
The Oregon Community Foundation
The Pfizer Foundation, Inc.
The Public Telecommunications Facilities Program
The Rasmuson Foundation
The Robert Woods Johnson Foundation
The Robert Woods Johnson Foundation
The Robert Woods Johnson Foundation
The Rockefeller Foundation
The Rural Utilities Service Distance Learning Grant Program
The Rural Utilities Service Telecommunications Loan Program
The San Diego Foundation
The San Francisco Foundation
The Santa Barbara Foundation
The Telecommunications and Information Infrastructure Application Program
The USDLA Funding Source Book for Distance Learning and Educational Technology
The William Randolph Hearst Foundations
Turning Point Program
United States Steel Foundation
US Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS)/Office on Disability's (OD)
US Soccer Foundation
USDA Distance Learning and Telemedicine Program
W. K. Kellogg Foundation
Wilburforce Foundation
WINGS of America
World Health Organization- Immunizations, Vaccines, & Biologicals- Access to Technologies


This file last modified: Monday August 18, 2008  12:13 PM