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D--Alliant Small Business

Solicitation Number: TQ2006MCB0002
Agency: General Services Administration
Office: Federal Acquisition Service (FAS)
Location: Small Business GWAC Center (QTACC)

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Items 1-8 of 8
Label - Typesorted descending Date Postedsorted descending Securesorted descending
Amendment 1 Mod/Amendment Nov 02, 2006 No
Amendment1-SectionB.pdf Amendment 1 - Section B 29.72 Kb
Amendment1-SectionC.pdf Amendment 1 - Section C 46.06 Kb
Amendment1-SectionG.pdf Amendment 1 - Section G 37.24 Kb
Amendment1-SectionH.pdf Amendment 1 - Section H 50.88 Kb
Amendment1-SectionI.pdf Amendment 1 - Section I 106.83 Kb
SBAmendment1-SectionJ2,CostPrice-GovernmentSiteasof11-2-06.xls Amendment 1 - Section J - Attachment 2 217.00 Kb
SBAmendment1-SectionJ3,CostPrice-ContractorSiteasof11-2-06.xls Amendment 1 - Section J - Attachment 3 217.50 Kb
SB-SectionJ-Attachment6,PastPerformanceTables11-2-06.xls Amendment 1 - Section J - Attachment 6 42.50 Kb
AlliantSBSectionK--Unchanged11-2-06.doc Amendment 1 - Section K as Word Document 55.00 Kb
Amendment1-SectionL.pdf Amendment 1 - Section L 130.67 Kb
Amendment1-SectionM.pdf Amendment 1 - Section M 44.79 Kb
SF30.pdf SF30 58.26 Kb
Contpagewithnoextension.pdf SF30 Continuation Page 11.61 Kb
Amendment 2 Mod/Amendment Nov 07, 2006 No
SB-Amendment2-SF30.pdf SF30 - Amendment 2 16.83 Kb
SB-Amendment2-SF30ContinuationPage.pdf SF30 Continuation Page - Amendment 2 14.70 Kb
Amendment 3 Mod/Amendment Nov 09, 2006 No
SF30-Amendment3.pdf SF30 - Amendment 3 58.09 Kb
SF30ContinuationPage-Amendment3.pdf SF30 - Continuation Page 12.25 Kb
Amendment 4 Mod/Amendment Nov 27, 2007 No
AlliantSBAmend4.pdf SF30 - Amendment 4 32.76 Kb
Associated File - Award Synopsis 01 Other (Draft RFPs/RFIs, Responses to Questions, etc..) Feb 12, 2008 No
AlliantSBAwardeesandContractNos.doc Associated File - Award Synopsis 328.00 Kb
Responses to Questions on Alliant Small Business 01 Other (Draft RFPs/RFIs, Responses to Questions, etc..) Nov 02, 2006 No
SBResponses.pdf Responses to Questions on Alliant SB 371.88 Kb
Selection and Small Business Notices 01 Other (Draft RFPs/RFIs, Responses to Questions, etc..) Dec 17, 2007 No
FBOSelectionNotice.pdf Selection and Small Business Notices 43.08 Kb
Solicitation 1 Solicitation Sep 29, 2006 No
AlliantSBIntroduction.pdf Alliant Small Business Introduction 7.46 Kb
AlliantSBSectionA.pdf Section A 41.76 Kb
AlliantSBSectionB.pdf Section B 26.36 Kb
AlliantSBSectionC.pdf Section C 45.50 Kb
AlliantSBSectionD.pdf Section D 9.55 Kb
AlliantSBSectionE.pdf Section E 10.74 Kb
AlliantSBSectionF.pdf Section F 14.96 Kb
AlliantSBSectionG.pdf Section G 35.91 Kb
AlliantSBSectionH.pdf Section H 45.46 Kb
AlliantSBSectionI.pdf Section I 106.89 Kb
AlliantSBSectionJ.pdf Section J 6.07 Kb
SectionJ-Attachment1,Acronyms&Abbreviations.pdf Section J - Attachment 1 - Acronyms and Abbreviations 12.68 Kb
SectionJ-Attachment2,CostPrice-GovernmentSite.xls Section J - Attachment 2 - Cost Price - Government Site 218.00 Kb
SectionJ-Attachment3,CostPrice-ContractorSite.xls Section J - Attachment 3 - Cost Price - Contractor Site 218.00 Kb
SectionJ-Attachment4,LaborCategoryDescriptions.pdf Section J - Attachment 4 - Labor Category Descriptions 55.71 Kb
SectionJ-Attachment5,FederalEnterpriseArchitecture.pdf Section J - Attachment 5 - FEA and DoD EA 27.99 Kb
SectionJ-Attachment6,PastPerformanceTables.xls Section J - Attachment 6 - Past Performance Tables 36.00 Kb
SectionJ-Attachment7,AlliantSBSubReport.xls Section J - Attachment 7 - Subcontracting Report 28.50 Kb
AlliantSBSectionK.pdf Section K 15.44 Kb
AlliantSBSectionL.pdf Section L 102.66 Kb
AlliantSBSectionM.pdf Section M 40.48 Kb
Items 1-8 of 8