Mandatory program elements
The following information about program elements must be included in the Employer Program Report:
  1. Transportation Coordinator
    • Name
    • Location
    • Telephone number
  2. Information distribution
    • At least once a year and at the time of hire
    • Include alternatives to single-occupancy vehicle (SOV) commuting
    • Include summary of program elements
  3. Additional program elements - at least one element of the employer’s choice must be selected form the following list: 
    • Provide preferential parking and/or reduced parking charges for high-occupancy vehicles
    • Institute or increase parking charges for single-occupancy vehicles
    • Provide commuter ride-matching services to facilitate employee ride-sharing
    • Provide subsidies for transit fares, carpools or vanpools
    • Permit the use of employer’s vehicles for carpooling or vanpooling
    • Create flex-time work schedules to encourage employees to use transit, carpool or vanpools
    • Work with transportation providers to create additional regular or express service to the worksite
    • Build special loading and unloading facilities for transit, carpool and vanpool users
    • Provide bicycle parking facilities, lockers, changing areas and showers for employees who bike or walk to work
    • Provide parking incentives such as a rebate for employees who do not use the parking facilities
    • Provide guaranteed ride home programs and emergency taxi service
    • Other innovative elements or technology as approved by the city
Information distribution requirements
The following guidelines have been adopted to assist you with minimum information distribution requirements.
  1. Worksite program summary information to all employees: To satisfy program summary information requirements and satisfy completion of program implementation, an employer must demonstrate that they have distributed:
    • One written piece every year (at least once per year) that summarizes all the approved program elements in your CTR program. This summary must be distributed to all affected employees within 60 days of program approval. In lieu of distribution of a written program, your company could choose to distribute information electronically. Should you decide to use this method, please maintain a printed hard copy of this information as a sample in your files.
    • Information about any new element to all affected employees as it is introduced.
  2. Provide information to employees at the time of hire: New employees must receive the written general program information piece at the time of hire.
  3. Other information on alternatives to SOV commuting: At least once a year, the employer must provide information on alternatives to SOV commuting to employees. This information can be a single program element (i.e. transit subsidy), single mode choice (i.e. carpooling) or general commute information distributed through means other than the general program summary noted above (i.e. transportation event, e-mail).

If you have any questions about these guidelines, please contact your Employer Transportation Representative for assistance.