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8.26.2  Fast Track Settlement for Small Business Self Employed (SB/SE) Taxpayers  (10-26-2007)
Authority for SB/SE FTS

  1. A primary objective of the Service is to resolve tax controversies at the lowest level without sacrificing the quality and integrity of those determinations. Alternative Dispute Resolution programs achieve this objective.

  2. The IRS Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998 (RRA 98), P.L.105-206 directed the IRS to implement procedures to allow a broader use of early Appeals programs and to establish procedures that allow for alternative dispute resolution including mediation and arbitration.

  3. Announcement 2006-61, 2006-36 IRB 390 establishes the SB/SE FTS program to expedite case resolution and expand the range of dispute resolution options available to SB/SE taxpayers.

  4. The procedures for SB/SE FTS rely on the provisions of Rev. Proc. 2003-40, which implemented a Large and Mid-Size Business Fast Track Settlement Dispute Resolution Program, and allow the use of Appeals settlement authority in SB/SE cases.  (10-26-2007)
General Provisions of SB/SE FTS

  1. SB/SE FTS is a jointly administered service offered by the IRS for the purpose of enabling SB/SE taxpayers and the IRS to work together in resolving disputed issues while the case is in SB/SE jurisdiction.

  2. SB/SE FTS uses mediation techniques to focus issues and lead SB/SE and the taxpayer to self-determine the outcome of the dispute, but if resolution is not reached through mediation, Appeals proposes a resolution, but such proposal is not imposed on either party.

  3. The process generally involves an Appeals Official trained in mediation, the taxpayer, and an SB/SE Group Manager or their designee.

  4. SB/SE FTS allows the parties to utilize Appeals settlement authority under Delegation Order 66 when needed to effect a settlement based on the hazards of litigation. See IRM 1.2.47, Delegation of Authorities for the Appeals Process, and IRM which details the Judicial Attitude Toward Settlement.  (10-26-2007)
Objectives and Benefits of SB/SE FTS

  1. The objectives and benefits of SB/SE FTS include:

    • resolving issues at the lowest level possible

    • using settlement authority during Exam process

    • reducing overall case cycle time

    • reducing taxpayer burden

    • reducing overall resource needs for the Service

  2. Stringent time frames are established to provide SB/SE taxpayers more timely resolution of tax disputes. The entire process is estimated to be completed within an average of 60 calendar days.  (10-26-2007)
Collaborative Dispute Resolution Process

  1. The FTS session includes the taxpayer and the SB/SE representatives with decision making authority and the information and expertise necessary to assist the parties and the FTS Appeals Official during the settlement process. All participants actively contribute to the resolution of the case.

  2. The Appeals Official has the ability to offer a settlement in both factual and legal issues in the event the parties cannot reach settlement through the use of mediation techniques. Neither party is obligated to accept the settlement proposal offered by the Appeals Official.  (10-26-2007)
Initiating SB/SE FTS

  1. Ideally, SB/SE FTS is initiated prior to issuance of a 30-day letter for Field Exam cases, and at the time the taxpayer requests an Appeals conference for Office Exam cases. In either case, the case is referred as soon as possible, but always prior to the issuance of a 90-day letter. Either the taxpayer or SB/SE initiates FTS; however, both parties must agree to the process.

  2. To initiate the SB/SE FTS process, SB/SE and the taxpayer jointly complete and sign the "Application for Fast Track Settlement" . The application is then sent to Appeals with the Exam Re-engineering Lead Sheets or Summary of Issues.

  3. A brief written statement of the facts is submitted by the taxpayer along with a statement of their position to facilitate an expeditious resolution. In small cases where total tax for any period is less than $25,000, it is strongly recommended, though not required, that the taxpayer submit a written statement. All documents submitted with the "Application for Fast Track Settlement" complete the "SB/SE FTS Package" and are available to all parties present at the SB/SE FTS session.

  4. If the "Application for Fast Track Settlement" is executed by a person pursuant to a Power of Attorney executed by the taxpayer, that Power of Attorney must express the taxpayer's grant of authority to consent to disclose the taxpayer's returns and return information by the Service to third parties. A copy of the Power of Attorney must be attached to the agreement.  (10-26-2007)
Settlement Authority

  1. Announcement 2006-61, 2006-36 IRB 390 constitutes a delegation by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue Service of settlement authority to Grade 14, 13 and 12 Appeals Officers assigned to be Appeals FTS Officials for SB/SE FTS cases.

  2. This delegation of settlement authority includes the responsibility for arriving at the final disposition from the Government's perspective, approving the final settlement in accordance with the delegated authority, and executing the appropriate closing documents. This authority may not be re-delegated.  (10-26-2007)
Determining Case Eligibility

  1. The SB/SE Group Managers and the Appeals Team Managers select and manage cases eligible for SB/SE FTS. The ATM is available to assist the parties in making this determination. If the case qualifies for FTS, the SB/SE representative discusses this option with the taxpayer and explains the benefits of the program.

  2. SB/SE FTS may not be the appropriate dispute resolution process for all cases involving SB/SE taxpayers. The SB/SE Group Manager or their designee, and the taxpayer evaluate their individual circumstances to determine if this process meets their needs.  (10-26-2007)
Requirements for Cases to Be Eligible

  1. SB/SE FTS is generally available for all non-docketed SB/SE cases with no regard to dollar amount.

  2. If an issue is determined not to be eligible for SB/SE FTS, all issues in the case are not eligible for SB/SE FTS.

  3. SB/SE FTS is premised on the basis that SB/SE and the taxpayer exhausted available issue resolution strategies, and now want to use an optional strategy to reach resolution.  (10-26-2007)
Cases Excluded from SB/SE FTS

  1. The following cases are generally not eligible for SB/SE FTS:

    1. Collection Due Process, Offer-in-Compromise and Trust Fund Recovery

    2. Collection Appeals Program

    3. Campus Cases

    4. No-Show/No-Response Cases

    5. Non-Filer Cases

    6. Cases involving the failure or refusal to comply with the tax laws because of moral, religious, political, constitutional, conscientious, or similar grounds

    7. Tax Equity & Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA)

    8. Docketed Cases

    9. Competent Authority Cases

    10. Whipsaw Issues

    11. Issues governed by closing agreements, res judicata, or controlling precedent

  2. Cases in which the taxpayer fails to respond to the Service communications or submit documentation for consideration, are not eligible for FTS.

  3. The Appeal Team Manager (ATM) and the SB/SE Group Manager may agree to consider issues or cases otherwise not eligible for SB/SE FTS depending on individual circumstances and the operational needs of the case.

    For example, Offers in Compromise or Trust Fund Recovery Penalty cases where the taxpayer and SB/SE Collection request Fast Track Settlement.  (10-26-2007)
SB/SE's Participation in FTS

  1. SB/SE must be fully involved in the process as an equal participant.

  2. SB/SE participants include the SB/SE Group Manager or his/her designee, the examining agent and/or others who have knowledge and expertise which contributes to issue resolution. All three decision making parties must be present at the FTS session.  (10-26-2007)
Receipt and Control of SB/SE FTS Cases

  1. SB/SE and Appeals management work out local procedures to meet SB/SE FTS time frames and enable effective communication between the functions. Local determinations are made on whether or not the "Application for Fast Track Settlement" and Exam Re-engineering Lead Sheets or Summary of Issues will be faxed to the Appeals point of contact or sent by E-mail via secured messaging.

  2. When Appeals receives an SB/SE FTS case it is important to remember there will be no administrative file, but there will be an "SB/SE FTS Package" which includes the following documents:

    • Application for Fast Track Settlement

    • Re-engineering Lead Sheets or a Summary of Issues

    • Taxpayer's written position/response  (10-26-2007)
Assignment of SB/SE FTS Cases

  1. The Appeal employee who receives the "SB/SE FTS Package" date stamps the "Application for Fast Track Settlement" . The ATM reviews the case for completeness and eligibility.

  2. Upon acceptance of a case for SB/SE FTS, the expectation is that all the issues and claims were raised, all relevant information disclosed, and the case is ready for resolution.

  3. Within 3 business days of receipt, a case eligibility determination is made. The ATM contacts the SB/SE Group Manager to discuss whether to accept or deny entry into the SB/SE FTS program. If accepted, the ATM assigns the case within 3 business days to an Appeals Official trained in mediation. A photocopy of the application including the name of the Appeals Officer assigned the case is provided to Appeals Processing Services for input into ACDS.  (10-26-2007)
Cases That Do Not Qualify for SB/SE FTS

  1. If Appeals determines the case does not qualify or is otherwise denied for SB/SE FTS, the ATM notifies the SB/SE Group Manager and the taxpayer within 3 business days of receipt and returns the "SB/SE FTS Package" to SB/SE.

  2. Examples of cases that might not qualify for SB/SE FTS include the following:

    1. cases with numerous issues, whether simple or complex, which will require longer than 60 days to resolve;

    2. cases where SB/SE or the taxpayer are unable to met during the 60 day time frame;

    3. high profile, sensitive taxpayers or issues;

    4. taxpayers who have been uncooperative in providing information or records to SB/SE.

  3. A taxpayer is not entitled to a hearing to appeal the rejection of a case into the SB/SE FTS program.  (10-26-2007)
Carding in an SB/SE FTS Case

  1. The "Application for Fast Track Settlement" must be signed by the ATM before the case is input into ACDS.

  2. Carding in a FTS is given priority treatment.

  3. When carding in the SB/SE FTS case, APS follows the general provisions for carding in cases contained in IRM, Appeals Processing Manual, Processing and Establishing New Receipts. However, the following special entries are made on the case inventory screen:

    • Feature Code = LB

    • ASGNDATE = Consistent with normal ACDS procedure

    • REQAPPL = Latter of date FTS Application signed by taxpayer or SB/SE

    • RECDATE = Acceptance Date by ATM

    • CREDATE = Consistent with normal ACDS procedure

  4. Add the following return level information:

    • AIMS Indicator = E

    • STATDATE = Leave Blank


    • PBC= Check AMDISA for the correct code

    • Proposed Tax/Proposed Penalty = Leave blank until the Appeals Official provides the proposed and revised adjustment dollar amounts on the FTS Session Report or the customized Form 5402.  (10-26-2007)
SB/SE FTS Session

  1. Within 5 business days of case assignment, the Appeals Official contacts the taxpayer and SB/SE Group Manager to start the FTS planning process. The Appeals Official identifies, discusses, and determines the number of participants to the FTS session. The Appeals Official shares participant information with all parties. The Appeals Official must ensure all decision-making parties are present during the SB/SE FTS session and encourage the taxpayer's participation.

  2. The Appeals Official schedules the SB/SE FTS session at the servicing Appeals Office or at another neutral site agreeable to the taxpayer and SB/SE.

  3. The Appeals Official has the right to ask either party for additional information if needed to have full understanding of the issues brought forward.  (10-26-2007)
Conducting the SB/SE FTS Session

  1. The Appeals Official uses a"Fast Track Session Report" to assist in planning the SB/SE FTS session and report progress on the issues in dispute. The Session Report is used to obtain agreement from all parties on the issues in dispute, amounts in dispute, conference dates and plan of action to be followed through the FTS process.

  2. The SB/SE FTS session may include joint sessions with all parties and/or separate meetings as appropriate. Appeals uses various methods and mediation techniques to meet the needs and circumstances of each particular case.

  3. The SB/SE FTS session is led by Appeals, but all three parties are active participants with equal voices.

  4. Appeals does not act in a traditional Appeals role, but uses an interest-based approach to facilitate a settlement of the issues between the parties.

  5. Using mediation techniques, Appeals attempts to bring the parties to a mutual resolution of the issues during the FTS session.  (10-26-2007)
New Information Presented During FTS Session

  1. If the taxpayer and/or SB/SE presents new information related to the issues in dispute, the Appeals Official considers postponing or terminating the session until both parties have had adequate time to review and evaluate it. As long as the process will not be delayed beyond 60 days and all parties agree, the SB/SE FTS process will continue.  (10-26-2007)
Appeals Recommendations

  1. The Appeals Official has the ability to offer a settlement in both factual and legal issues when the parties cannot reach settlement through mediation. Neither party is obligated to accept the settlement proposal offered by the Appeals Official.

  2. For issues settled by Appeals, Appeals prepares and executes the appropriate Form 870-AD and Form 906 Closing Agreement, if applicable. A brief Appeals Case Memorandum (ACM) is prepared by the Appeals Official when issues are resolved using hazards of litigation (factual and/or legal).

  3. On Joint Committee Cases, Appeals does not execute an AD type waiver or closing agreement until cleared by Joint Committee. Upon reaching an agreement, a Form 5402 is prepared by the Appeals Official stating the following:

    "This case may not be closed until Joint committee approval is received. Upon receipt of the Joint Committee letter, Appeals will execute a closing agreement and the case may then proceed through SB/SE closing procedures."

  4. If AD type agreement forms or closing agreements are not required for finality, SB/SE secures the appropriate case closing documents from the taxpayer (e.g. Form 4549), and closes the case using standard Examination procedures.

  5. If the settlement proposal is accepted by Exam and the taxpayer, the case is closed agreed by Exam on the basis of the Appeals settlement.

  6. If the SB/SE Group Manager or their designee rejects the settlement proposal, the SB/SE Territory Manager must concur with the rejection in writing.

  7. If the SB/SE Territory Manager concurs with the proposed settlement rejection, and an acceptable alternative settlement is not reached, the Appeals FTS Case is closed and SB/SE closes their case using unagreed case closing procedures.

  8. If the SB/SE Territory Manager agrees with the settlement proposal of the Appeals Official, the case is closed agreed based on that proposal.  (10-26-2007)
Fast Track Session Report

  1. Once the disputed issues are resolved or a decision is made that resolution cannot be reached, the Appeals Official solicits signatures of the taxpayer and SB/SE representative on the "Fast Track Session Report" . The session report lists the issues in dispute as well as the resolution of the issues. Both parties are given a copy of this report and are also notified the settlement is not final until the necessary closing documents or waivers are signed.

  2. The "Fast Track Session Report" is not a waiver of restrictions on assessment; does not terminate consents to extend the statute of limitation; and does not start the running of any statute of limitations. The signature of an IRS Official on the Session Report does not preclude the reopening of the case under Policy Statement P-4-3.  (10-26-2007)
Coordinated Issues in SB/SE FTS

  1. For all issues coordinated as either an Industry Specialty Program (ISP) or Appeals Coordinated Issues (ACI), Appeals follows the procedures in IRM, Review and Concurrence Procedures.

  2. To meet the requirements that all decision-makers attend the FTS Session and that Compliance Coordinated Issues/ACI issues are subject to the review & concurrence of the Appeals Coordinator, the Appeals Coordinator serves as a team member and participates in the FTS Session with the taxpayer and SB/SE. If, for whatever reason, the Appeals Coordinator does not participate in the FTS session, settlement of the ISP/ACI issue remains subject to the review and concurrence of the Appeals Coordinator.  (10-26-2007)
Unresolved Issues in SB/SE FTS

  1. If any issue(s) remain unresolved, the taxpayer retains all of the standard appeal rights and SB/SE closes the case as "Unagreed" .

  2. Any unagreed cases coming to Appeals after an FTS session is assigned to a different Appeals Officer.

  3. Upon concluding any unresolved SB/SE FTS session, any notes created by the Appeals Official are destroyed.  (10-26-2007)
Withdrawal or Termination of the SB/SE FTS

  1. A request for participation in the SB/SE FTS process may be withdrawn or terminated at any time.

  2. A withdrawal must occur prior to the FTS session.

  3. If, during an FTS session, it is apparent no further benefit can be derived from the process, any party to the process may terminate the session. The Appeals Official sends a letter to both the taxpayer and SB/SE identifying who participated in the program, listing any unresolved issues and explaining the taxpayer's right to appeal unresolved issues.  (10-26-2007)
SB/SE FTS Confidentiality

  1. The FTS process is confidential with respect to all parties, pursuant to IRC 6103. Therefore, all information concerning any dispute resolution communication is confidential and may not be disclosed by any party except as provided under 5 U.S.C. Section 574. A dispute resolution communication includes all oral and written communications prepared for the purposes of a dispute resolution proceeding. In executing the "Application for Fast Track Settlement" , the taxpayer consents to the disclosure by the IRS of the taxpayer’s returns and return information incident to the settlement process to any participant or observer for the taxpayer. If the "Application for Fast Track Settlement" is executed by a person pursuant to a Power of Attorney executed by the taxpayer, that Power of Attorney must clearly express the taxpayer’s grant of authority consenting to disclosure of their returns and return information by the IRS to third parties, and a copy of the Power of Attorney must be attached to the "Application for Fast Track Settlement" .  (10-26-2007)
Ex Parte Rules in SB/SE FTS

  1. The prohibition on ex parte communications between Appeals Officials and other Internal Revenue Service employees does not apply to the communications arising in SB/SE FTS. This is because the Appeals Officials are not acting in their traditional settlement role and jurisdiction of the case remains with SB/SE. See Rev. Proc. 2000-43 for guidance on ex parte communications.

  2. On SB/SE FTS cases returned for traditional Appeals consideration, ex parte restrictions are not imposed on intra-Appeals communications, and Appeals management will take appropriate measures to ensure these cases are handled fairly and impartially. Ex-parte restrictionswill apply to communication between Appeals and other IRS functions, including SB/SE.  (10-26-2007)
Closing Procedures for SB/SE FTS Cases

  1. When an SB/SE FTS case is closed (fully or partially resolved, not resolved, terminated), the Appeals Official prepares an "SB/SE FTS Closing Package" which will be routed to the ATM, the Appeals Processing Section (APS) and SB/SE.  (10-26-2007)
Appeals Official Responsibility in Closing

  1. The Appeals Official creates the customized Form 5402 and inputs the Proposed and the Revised FTS Adjustment dollars used by APS.

  2. The Appeals Official forwards the "SB/SE FTS Closing Package" to the SB/SE Group using Form 3210. SB/SE secures appropriate closing documents from the taxpayer and closes the case using standard procedures.  (10-26-2007)
SB/SE FTS Closing Package

  1. The following documents must be included in the "SB/SE FTS Closing Package" :

    • Form 5402 - signed by the FTS Appeals Official

    • Fast Track Session Report (signed by all parties)

    • ACM (if required)

    • Special Appeals Agreement Forms (AD) or Form 906/866 Closing Agreement (if required)

    • All Correspondence – sent to or received from the taxpayer

    • Case Activity Record (CAR)

    • ACDS Case Summary Card

    • Letter 1595, Closing Letter transmitting copy of executed Closing Agreement to the taxpayer.

  2. The following Closing Letter language is suggested:

    "The agreement reached on your SB/SE Fast Track Settlement case has been approved and we will return your file to SB/SE for processing. Enclosed is a copy of the accepted closing agreement for your records. If you have any questions, please contact me at the phone number shown above."  (10-26-2007)
APS Procedures

  1. The general provisions for APS closing procedures are found in IRM 8.20.7, Appeals Processing Manual - Appeals Case Closures.

  2. Closing Codes for SB/SE FTS cases are as follows:

    • 14 - Case fully resolved

    • 15 - Case not resolved

    • 16 - Case partially resolved

    • 20 - Withdrawals

  3. The Proposed and Revised Adjustment dollars are provided by the Appeals Official on the FTS Session Report or the customized Form 5402.

  4. APS creates a closed office file that includes all items in the SB/SE FTS Closing Package.

  5. Although APS is not responsible for sending a copy of the Closing Package to SB/SE, they are responsible for sending copies of the SB/SE FTS Closing Package to AQMS per the instructions below.  (10-26-2007)
Appeals Quality Measurement System (AQMS)

  1. All SB/SE FTS cases identified on ACDS with Feature code LB must be forwarded to AQMS for review. AQMS automatically selects these cases for review and a case routing slip is generated for each case. Please make copies of the entire SB/SE FTS Closing Package as listed above, and forward to:

    Internal Revenue Service Appeals
    Attn: Joe Pelliccio, AQMS Reviewer
    333 E. River Drive
    East Hartford, CT 06108  (10-26-2007)
Customer Satisfaction Survey

  1. At the conclusion of the SB/SE FTS session, the Appeals Official provides a Customer Satisfaction Survey to the taxpayer along with a return envelope. The Appeals Official explains that the survey is voluntary but strongly encourages its completion, so information can be gathered for evaluating and improving the overall SB/SE FTS process. Return the survey to:

    Internal Revenue Service Office of Appeals
    Attn: Nancy Talajkowski
    160 Spear Street, Suite 800
    San Francisco, CA 94105-1542

  2. SB/SE and Appeals participants are also encouraged to take an on-line customer satisfaction survey located at

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