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November/December 2005


On the Road to Environmental Excellence
by Patricia A. Cazenas
FHWA honors the 2005 award-winning transportation projects and the people who protect or enhance natural and community resources.

The Future of Highway Financing
by Jim March
FHWA convened a roundtable of transportation finance and policy experts to discuss highway financing options.

Looking Out for Pedestrians
by Tamara Redmon
FHWA is evaluating new technologies and techniques to determine how well they improve safety.

Weathering the Storm
by Roemer M. Alfelor
Guidance is now available for siting sensor stations that collect data on weather conditions on or near road surfaces.

Learning from Disaster
by Steve Jacobitz
Florida's 2004 hurricane season provides a number of lessons for improving transportation preparations and response.

Working With the Private Sector to Meet Transportation Goals
by Jim March
A panel discussion explored increasing the use of public-private partnerships for highway projects.

Formula for Success
by Jim Sorenson
Asset management equals oversight plus accountability, sound engineering, and economic decisionmaking.

The "TIMED" Is Now
by Dana Newsome and Buddy Porta
Innovative contracting promises to expedite completion of major transportation projects in Louisiana by 2010.

Applying LCCA to Bridges
by Adel Al-Wazeer, Bobby Harris, and Christopher Nutakor
This economic analysis tool can help determine the best option for infrastructure projects by calculating the lowest cost over their life cycles.

November/December 2005 · Vol. 69 · No. 3


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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration