MMS United States Department of the Interior
OCS-Related Incidents -- Offshore Energy and Minerals Management

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Pipeline Incident
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    Jason Mathews

    OMM Web Team


  Pipeline Incidents

The MMS investigates pipeline incidents and provides reports describing the circumstances surrounding the incidents with the ultimate goal of prevention through safety alerts. Most incidents involve everyday operations and duties, but an unsafe act or condition may cause a worker to lose his life. By providing brief descriptions of each pipeline incident, MMS is trying to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

Here, we summarized each of the pipeline incidents for years 1995 to present. This report is based on information contained in the MMS Technical Information Management System. However, some data details may not be available because investigations are ongoing.

Click on the yearly breakdown of OCS pipeline incidents below to see general details, including causes for both Gulf of Mexico (GOM) Region and Pacific (PAC) Region incidents and to learn from these incidents.

Pipeline Incidents

  '96 '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06
GOM   7 13   2   7   7 11 8   9 8 6 0
PAC   0   0   0   1   0 0 1   0 0 0 0


  7 13   2   8   7 11 9   9 8 6 0

Federal regulations require offshore operators to notify MMS of incidents associated with operations on a lease (i.e., serious injuries, pipeline and pollution incidents, fires, fatalities, explosions, collisions, losses of well control connected with any activities or operations on their lease(s). The chart keeps MMS and gas and oil Industry apprised of what is happening by identifying incidents accident trends and safety concerns to protect our environment and keep its personnel safe. Click on OCS-Related Incidents.

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Last Updated: 07/15/08, 02:02 PM

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