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Great Lakes Water Life Photo Gallery
Brachysira spp.


Profile: Cells growing singly, unattached or growing at the ends of narrow mucilaginous stalks. globe indicates off site linkCalifornia Academy of Sciences, globe indicates off site linkFlorida International University

8 Great Lakes Species (including alternative names and named varieties): B. exilis, B. follis, B. brebissonii, B. serians, B. sphaerophora (Anomoeoneis sphaerophora), B. styriaca, B. vitrea, B. zellensis, B. zellensis fo. difficilis

Brachysira spp.

B. vitrea

globe indicates off site linkCalifornia Academy of Science

Additional Photos
globe icon indicates off site link Florida International University

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Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab, Sea Grant Lakes Network
2205 Commonwealth Blvd
Ann Arbor, MI 48105-2945
Phone: 734-741-2287
Fax: 734-741-2055