Table 36

Current Year Over Previous Year Arrest Trends
Totals, 2006-2007
[10,565 agencies; 2007 estimated population 198,239,257; 2006 estimated population 196,944,864]
Offense charged Number of persons arrested
Total all ages Under 15 years of age Under 18 years of age 18 years of age and over
2006 2007
2006 2007 Percent
2006 2007 Percent
2006 2007 Percent
TOTAL1 9,373,116 9,347,086 -0.3 429,255 403,797 -5.9 1,459,469 1,435,817 -1.6 7,913,647 7,911,269 *
Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter 8,187 8,177 -0.1 72 85 +18.1 774 796 +2.8 7,413 7,381 -0.4
Forcible rape 15,915 15,195 -4.5 904 840 -7.1 2,451 2,411 -1.6 13,464 12,784 -5.1
Robbery 78,514 79,480 +1.2 4,807 4,418 -8.1 21,144 20,963 -0.9 57,370 58,517 +2.0
Aggravated assault 291,302 286,542 -1.6 12,492 11,666 -6.6 38,728 37,173 -4.0 252,574 249,369 -1.3
Burglary 201,790 203,280 +0.7 17,575 16,256 -7.5 55,398 54,402 -1.8 146,392 148,878 +1.7
Larceny-theft 727,824 791,831 +8.8 64,140 63,628 -0.8 189,735 204,413 +7.7 538,089 587,418 +9.2
Motor vehicle theft 79,906 69,785 -12.7 4,697 3,820 -18.7 19,912 17,134 -14.0 59,994 52,651 -12.2
Arson 11,085 10,500 -5.3 3,176 2,966 -6.6 5,492 5,037 -8.3 5,593 5,463 -2.3
Violent crime2 393,918 389,394 -1.1 18,275 17,009 -6.9 63,097 61,343 -2.8 330,821 328,051 -0.8
Property crime2 1,020,605 1,075,396 +5.4 89,588 86,670 -3.3 270,537 280,986 +3.9 750,068 794,410 +5.9
Other assaults 857,633 867,481 +1.1 65,105 61,615 -5.4 164,573 159,933 -2.8 693,060 707,548 +2.1
Forgery and counterfeiting 70,985 65,706 -7.4 260 265 +1.9 2,318 2,053 -11.4 68,667 63,653 -7.3
Fraud 196,357 177,389 -9.7 824 783 -5.0 5,237 5,149 -1.7 191,120 172,240 -9.9
Embezzlement 13,996 15,987 +14.2 35 47 +34.3 978 1,226 +25.4 13,018 14,761 +13.4
Stolen property; buying, receiving, possessing 83,112 78,131 -6.0 3,681 3,397 -7.7 14,827 14,177 -4.4 68,285 63,954 -6.3
Vandalism 198,990 195,680 -1.7 32,221 30,603 -5.0 78,352 75,167 -4.1 120,638 120,513 -0.1
Weapons; carrying, possessing, etc. 125,962 118,902 -5.6 10,358 9,000 -13.1 30,169 27,970 -7.3 95,793 90,932 -5.1
Prostitution and commercialized vice 40,109 38,812 -3.2 110 86 -21.8 789 761 -3.5 39,320 38,051 -3.2
Sex offenses (except forcible rape and prostitution) 53,985 51,763 -4.1 4,966 4,765 -4.0 10,432 9,990 -4.2 43,553 41,773 -4.1
Drug abuse violations 1,177,175 1,157,167 -1.7 18,847 18,098 -4.0 123,217 123,590 +0.3 1,053,958 1,033,577 -1.9
Gambling 3,712 3,671 -1.1 90 63 -30.0 471 404 -14.2 3,241 3,267 +0.8
Offenses against the family and children 85,098 83,649 -1.7 1,140 1,201 +5.4 3,628 4,021 +10.8 81,470 79,628 -2.3
Driving under the influence 940,252 947,116 +0.7 381 368 -3.4 12,901 12,113 -6.1 927,351 935,003 +0.8
Liquor laws 425,700 423,246 -0.6 8,693 8,687 -0.1 94,911 95,623 +0.8 330,789 327,623 -1.0
Drunkenness 396,541 422,078 +6.4 1,336 1,319 -1.3 11,848 12,218 +3.1 384,693 409,860 +6.5
Disorderly conduct 472,715 466,953 -1.2 55,368 50,908 -8.1 141,013 133,955 -5.0 331,702 332,998 +0.4
Vagrancy 23,364 20,557 -12.0 1,185 862 -27.3 3,531 2,780 -21.3 19,833 17,777 -10.4
All other offenses (except traffic) 2,629,273 2,590,737 -1.5 67,804 62,371 -8.0 263,006 255,087 -3.0 2,366,267 2,335,650 -1.3
Suspicion 1,457 1,312 -10.0 68 72 +5.9 300 275 -8.3 1,157 1,037 -10.4
Curfew and loitering law violations 91,544 87,226 -4.7 25,454 23,765 -6.6 91,544 87,226 -4.7 - - -
Runaways 72,090 70,045 -2.8 23,534 21,915 -6.9 72,090 70,045 -2.8 - - -

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