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National Water-Use Data Archive (ASCII files)

From this page you can download water-use data sets from the National Water-Use Data Archive to your computer. This area contains national data files, in "plain ASCII" format (suitable for any computer!). Data files are also available in compressed MSDOS format, or in compressed UNIX format.

To download any of the files listed below, just click on the 'hotlinked' file name.

Water-Use data dictionary Get help on data-file types and data definitions.

(NOTE!! When downloading, be sure to have your browser option set to download to your local disk' and not to the screen!)

Files for  Files for   Approx.                  Description
  1990       1985       size
---------  ---------   ------   ----------------------------------------------------
 us90st     us85st      50 Kb   US by States (53 lines)
 us90co     us85co    2600 Kb   US by counties (3225 lines)
 us90w2     us85w2      22 Kb   US by water-resources regions (21 lines)
 us90w4     us85w4     200 Kb   US by water-resources subregions (221 lines)
 us90w6     ------     340 Kb   US by water-resources cataloging units (378 lines)

USGS Water Use in the United States

Last updated
The URL for this page is http://
Maintainer: wu-web@usgs.gov

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